Chapter 219 Strange

Qiao Ye went out and decided to go to Tianwu Pavilion after leaving the inn.

Qiao Ye couldn't find the fourteen people who ranked ahead of him on the Fengchu list. He didn't have such connections and contacts, especially if some of these people might be in the Jianmen land, and some might not be in the Jianmen land.

But Qiao Ye believes that Tianwu Pavilion will definitely be able to find those people, and Tianwu Pavilion will definitely be willing to accept his proposal. People watch the battle.

If you watch the battle, you have a bet. If you fight by yourself, Tianwu Pavilion will make a lot of money, which is definitely more than usual. Why not agree?

Leaving the inn, headed all the way to the east city, after crossing the overpass...

Qiao Ye was suddenly dumbfounded.

When Qiao Ye found Tianwu Pavilion, there was no manor-like mansion in front of her eyes. What appeared in front of Qiao Ye was a free market with densely packed stalls. There are various spiritual materials and elixirs for sale, and there are also some stalls specializing in the sale of treasures.

Qiao Ye rubbed her eyes, then looked around to make sure that she was right, it was the location of Tianwu Pavilion.

However, how did Tianwu Pavilion become a free market?

Qiao Ye looked confused, and suddenly saw a figure, and immediately said, "Hey, who is that over there? Wait a minute!"

A young man in green clothes stopped in his tracks, and then said with a smile: "Isn't this Mr. Qiao? Congratulations, you won a big victory yesterday, and today the restaurants and teahouses are all talking about yesterday's battle against the king."

"Don't talk about that yet." Qiao Ye said, "Why are you here?"

The boy in Tsing Yi said: "The ingredients in the kitchen are not enough, I was sent out to buy them."

The young man in Tsing Yi pointed to the two carts behind him, which were pulled by two strong men, and various vegetables, fruits and fish were placed on them.

Qiao Ye said: "Where was the Martial Pavilion that day? It was gone overnight?"

The young boy in Tsing Yi asked with a questioning face: "Why is the Tianwu Pavilion gone?"

Qiao Ye pointed to the market on one side, and said, "Where's Tianwu Pavilion?"

The boy in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "This is Dongcheng Market, what's the problem with Tianwu Pavilion?"

Qiao Ye said: "Where is Tianwu Pavilion?"

The boy in Tsing Yi had a strange expression on his face, as if he was wondering if Qiao Ye had broken his mind during the fight yesterday?

Qiao Ye didn't know how to explain it, so she said directly, "Take me to Tianwu Pavilion, right now."

The little servant in Tsing Yi came in without knowing, but still nodded and said: "Then Mr. Qiao, please follow me."

The young man in Tsing Yi commanded two strong men to pull the cart, and then accompanied Qiao Ye to the end of the street. After turning around the Tianqiao Street, there were many tall buildings everywhere. People's consumption areas are all very high-end restaurants, tea shops and goulan.


Qiao Ye saw that Tianwu Pavilion was located in it. The outside appearance was no different from the Tianwu Pavilion he saw yesterday. It was a huge manor with many mansions and pavilions. The business was as good as ever. In and out of the main entrance.

"Young Master Qiao, don't you think the Tianwu Pavilion is here?" The young man in Tsing Yi said with a smile, "Did you remember the wrong way?"

Remember the wrong way? How could I remember the wrong way!

Qiao Ye looked at the boy in Tsing Yi and said, "I'll go in and have a stroll, okay?"

The boy in Tsing Yi smiled and said: "Of course, you are very welcome!"

Qiao Ye nodded, then entered the Tianwu Pavilion, walked all the way, looking at the surrounding buildings, it was exactly the same as what he saw yesterday.




These thoughts kept running through Qiao Ye's head, and finally he got rid of the idea of ​​illusion. The other party couldn't use illusion, because everything was real. The young man in Tsing Yi knew him, and he did participate in the Fighting King yesterday. Moreover, his ranking on the phoenix list has indeed improved.

Since what I experienced yesterday was real, it couldn't be an illusion, so, the first two?

What the hell is going on?

Qiao Ye was confused at the moment, and his heart was full of doubts, the three Jiang Liuxue, and what happened yesterday? If Jiang Liuxue did it, does it mean that he has found himself?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, she turned her head suddenly, because footsteps sounded suddenly behind her, and Qiao Ye felt that someone was approaching her.

It was a middle-aged man dressed as a guard with a beard. Seeing Qiao Ye turn around, he said directly, "You are Qiao Ye, right?"

Qiao Ye said, "Who are you?"

"Who I am, you don't have to worry about it." The guard said: "My son invites you to go there."

As the guard spoke, he stretched out his hand. There was a gazebo not far from the side. In the gazebo sat a young man in white, and two servant girls stood beside him, carefully peeling the grapes and putting them into the young man's mouth. .

Qiao Ye said: "I'm not free, let's try another day."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he planned to continue walking forward, but at this moment, the guard stretched out his hand suddenly, blocking Qiao Ye's way.

The guard sneered and said, "My young master invites you to come over. I used the word "please" in a polite way, and directly said that I want you to go over. I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery."

Qiao Ye laughed and said, "It's broad daylight, why don't I want to go there?"

"Yes, no." The guard said: "Either you obediently follow me to see my young master, or I will beat you up and drag you over, you choose."

"Okay, I've changed my mind." Qiao Ye folded his arms around his chest and said, "I'm interested in meeting your young master now."

"You're smart." The guard said with a smile on his face, "Come with me."

Qiao Ye stood still, looked at the guard and said, "I mean, let your son come and see me by himself!"

The guard suddenly changed his face, his eyes gradually darkened, he looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Do you know who my young master is? How dare you say such a thing!"

"I don't care who he is?" Qiao Ye said, "Since you want to see me, then come here by yourself."

The guard said coldly: "It seems that you are going to choose to let me beat you, and then drag you over."

Qiao Ye said with his hands behind his back: "You can try it."

"You think you are invincible in the same realm because you got a little limelight in the Battle of Kings?" The guard sneered and said, "You little brat, I can knock out three of you with one punch!"

The guard was at the eighth level of the Martial Madness Realm. His cultivation was not inferior to Qiao Ye's opponent in the Battle of the Kings, but he was not stronger than the person Qiao Ye had fought in the Battle of the Kings. It's just...

The point is age!

The guard looked like he was in his thirties, maybe he was almost forty!

Wu Kuangjing, who is almost forty years old, is really not something to show off, which means that the other party's talent is quite poor.

However, this also means that the opponent has been immersed in the Martial Madness Realm for a long time, and even if they cannot break through, they will have a very solid foundation in the Martial Madness Realm. If they fight in the same realm, they will naturally have a great advantage.


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