Chapter 221 Battle

Xian Yuran's palm quickly pressed Qiao Ye's shoulder.

Qiao Ye looked sideways, then raised her shoulders violently, and a burst of dark force shook Xian Yuran's palm away.

Xian Yuran looked at Qiao Ye coldly, gritted his teeth, and said, "Qiao Ye, I've already given you a lot of face, don't be ignorant."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "It's okay, you don't have to give me face."

"Bastard!" Xian Yuran's rather handsome face suddenly became distorted, pointing at Qiao Ye and said, "No one has ever dared to talk to me like that, do you know that you are playing with fire?"

"And then?" Qiao Ye said, "Are you going to fight me? The ones that don't need me to release water!"

Xian Yuran said angrily: "Do you really think that killing a group of miscellaneous fish in the Douwang battle is a big deal? Let me teach you, what will happen if you don't listen to me!"

While talking, Xian Yuran reached out and took out a colorful feather from his bosom, "Get up!"

The colorful feather radiated light, suddenly turned into a sharp sword, and flew towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye raised his hand violently, stretched out his hand, and clamped the colorful feather to his fingertips. However, the strength of the colorful feather was greater than Qiao Ye's imagination. Advance forward.

Qiao Ye immediately turned his head, and the colorful feather brushed Qiao Ye's cheek and flew towards the rear, just hitting the gazebo where Xian Yuran was before, blowing up the stone table in the gazebo to pieces.

After one blow, Xian Yuran didn't stay there, tapped his fingertips on an aromatherapy ball hanging on his waist, and a small bronze mirror the size of a palm appeared in Xian Yuran's hand.

"Skylight Mirror!"

Xian Yuran raised the Skylight Mirror over the top, and the sunlight fell from the sky. After falling on the mirror, it turned into a golden light reflection and blasted towards Qiao Ye.


A violent explosion sounded, and the golden light fell to the ground, and a piece of the ground was immediately blown to pieces.

Xian Yuran shouted: "Come again!"

When the light mirror turned that day, the direction of sunlight reflected changed, and it came towards Qiao Ye. The golden light brushed Qiao Ye's body and flew to the rear, bombarding a rockery into pieces.

Xian Yuran laughed loudly and said, "Qiao Ye, come on, can't you fight?"

Qiao Ye disdainfully said: "Just how many treasures do you have in your hand?"

"So what?" Xian Yuran said coldly: "I am the prince of Loulan Kingdom, and I even have the opportunity to become the crown prince. My mother is also of noble birth. I was born with a gold spoon in my mouth. I can get whatever I want. It's useless, in this world, power and money are everything, a country turtle like you can't envy you!"

While talking, Xian Yuran reached out to take another treasure from his bosom, but it turned out to be a swallow dart, and threw it in the direction of Qiao Ye.

The swallow dart was only the size of two fingers at the beginning, but the moment it flew out, the golden glow skyrocketed, directly becoming half a person's height, and the swallow wings on both sides were blades, which looked extremely sharp.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pushed forward, wanting to block the swallow dart, but in an instant, the swallow dart suddenly shrunk again, passing in front of Qiao Ye's body, and instantly cut the lapel of Qiao Ye's chest. Open a hole.

Xian Yuran laughed loudly, pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Just because of you, you want to fight with me?"

As Xian Yuran was talking, the sky light in his hand was illuminated again, and the refracted sunlight turned into a golden beam, heading straight for Qiao Ye, but at this very moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly stretched out his hand, and the gorefiend wrench on his thumb stuck to the side of his index finger. With a light flick, the golden spike on the gorefiend wrench split Qiao Ye's finger.

Bright red blood dripped down, and the next moment, Qiao Ye swung forward with a fierce palm.

The blood essence in the blood demon's finger was drawn, and as Qiao Ye swung his palm forward, with a bang, a large cloud of blood mist surged forward, and then "Kach, click" sounded like ice and clean in an instant sounded.

A slanted, blood-colored crystal more than ten meters high appeared in front of Qiao Ye out of thin air, and collided with the golden light.


The earth trembled, and amidst the roar, when the golden light beam hit the blood-colored crystal, it was shattered by the shock.

at the same time……


Xian Yuran only felt the scorching heat in his palm, and hurriedly threw the skylight out. That day when the light fell on the ground, the mirror surface was completely shattered, and a seventh-rank treasure was smashed to pieces by Qiao Ye. up.

The power of the Blood Demon Wrench is even more terrifying than imagined. Even if it is a sixth-grade treasure, it should not be able to damage a seventh-grade treasure so easily. Of course, the Blood Demon Wrench is a one-shot deal. It can't be used anymore, because of this shortcoming, it makes the power of the Gorefiend's fingers quite terrifying.

After one blow, Qiao Ye paced forward.

"Treasures, I have them too." Qiao Ye stomped, black smoke rose from his feet, looked at Xian Yuran and said, "But after all, it's just an external force, don't you even have the dignity to fight with your own abilities?"

"Hmph!" Xian Yuran snorted coldly and said, "Qiao Ye, you're getting complacent too early, do you really think I'll be afraid of you?"

Xian Yuran took a deep breath, and suddenly raised her foot and stepped on the ground.

The ground was not crushed by Xian Yuran's foot, but rather strangely, the ground under Xian Yuran's feet arched up and turned into a small dirt bag.

"I just like to use the simplest method to get the results I want. The pursuit of the world is nothing more than money, power, and women. I have a lot of these things. If they want it, I will give it to them. It is so easy to get what they want. The desired result, why fight and kill like those ordinary people, but..." Xian Yuran pointed to Qiao Ye and said, "You are different from those people. They understand respect and respect, but you are very ignorant !"

Xian Yuran stretched out his hand abruptly, reaching out towards Qiao Ye.

"Spiritual Wave Spinning Technique!"

Xian Yuran let out a cold snort, while Qiao Ye suddenly raised his eyebrows. At the moment when Xian Yuran made a move, Qiao Ye felt a sense of danger approaching. Location.

At the moment when Qiao Ye dodged, the place where Qiao Ye had stood before exploded instantly. Countless stones flew into the air as if pulled by a huge force, and then were crushed to pieces. There was an extra large hole on the ground, and a piece was dug out abruptly.

"Do you really think that the promise of benefits makes you lose because I can't beat you?" Xian Yuran said with a smirk, "I'm just too lazy to fight. Besides, what are you? What is your identity? Are you qualified to let me fight seriously?"

While speaking, Xian Yuran moved forward, and at the same time spread his hands to the sides again.

Almost instantly, the ground on both sides trembled again.


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