Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 227 Heaven Sees Dragon Tooth

Chapter 227

As soon as Bai Yulu said that, he jumped up, his feet lightly tapped in the air, and his body floated forward, quite gracefully.

In mid-air, Bai Yulu took a special look at Qiao Ye, obviously showing off.

Qiao Ye grinned. Among the three forms of Tianwu, the road to the sky is indeed quite elegant, especially the Nine Palaces Flying Star, which can walk through the air and is extremely agile.

However, isn't it just the road to heaven, isn't it the flying star in the nine palaces, and it's not like I don't know how to do it!

Qiao Yeqiao laughed, and also jumped up, stepped lightly on the ceiling of a booth next to her, and her whole body flew into the air, her feet connected in the air, and her body moved in the direction of a flying star in the nine palaces. Floating forward, even surpassing Bai Yulu easily.

"It's impossible!" Bai Yulu watched Qiao Ye float past him, almost staring out of his eyes, and said, "Why did you climb the road to heaven?"

Bai Yulu didn't get any response, because when he asked this question, Qiao Ye had already moved ten meters away from him.

Qiao Ye not only knows how to ascend to the sky and Jiugong Feixing, but even uses it better than Bai Yulu.

This made Bai Yulu feel dazed for a moment, did he go to a fake Tianwu Academy? A student from Blood Sea Academy can ascend to the sky, even better than the real Tianwu Academy student like himself?

After finally regaining consciousness, Bai Yulu immediately chased after him with all his strength, trying to catch up with Qiao Ye!


The distance is getting farther and farther!

Suddenly, when Bai Yulu came to the central ring in the market, Qiao Ye was already waiting there.

Bai Yulu's face turned red, he looked at Qiao Ye viciously and said, "You secretly learned the three moves of Tianwu."

"Hey!" Qiao Ye said with a smile: "If you say this, do you believe it yourself?"

Bai Yulu is also speechless. These words are indeed a bit ridiculous. Although every student of Tianwu Academy learns the three styles of Tianwu, the key points need to rely on teaching to help. The classics of the three styles of Tianwu that can be read at will are incomplete. Qiao Even if Ye could learn it secretly, at most he could only learn a prototype, at least he would definitely not be able to practice the complete Jiugong Feixing footwork.

Bai Yulu said: "Then how can you, a student of Blood Sea Academy, know the three forms of Tianwu?"

Qiao Ye tilted her head and thought for a while, "Because Tianwu Academy is so hospitable?"

Bai Yulu said angrily, "Are you kidding me?"

Qiao Ye spread her hands casually.

At the same time, the martial arts in the land of Jianmen is indeed prevalent. When they see someone going up to the ring, the people around them immediately gather around. There are even quite a few street vendors who don’t even do business, and they all gather around the ring. I want to watch the battle.

Bai Yulu gritted his teeth and pointed at Qiao Ye, "If I win, you have to post a message on the bulletin board in the city, be arrogant, admit that you were wrong, and tell me why you went to heaven."

"Yes!" Qiao Ye hooked his fingers and said, "If you lose, I will take what belongs to you!"

"Only by you?"

Bai Yulu didn't talk nonsense, just kicked his legs, and rushed towards Qiao Ye.

The fan in Bai Yulu's hand is not for looking good, but a treasure and also Bai Yulu's weapon.

Arriving in front of Qiao Ye, Bai Yulu unfolded the fan with a bang, and small blades popped out from the upper end of the fan bone. With a flash of cold light, they swept towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand casually, the thunder ring on his wrist trembled, and a large electric arc rolled forward. When it collided with Bai Yulu's fan, Bai Yulu felt that the attack was blocked, and immediately turned around, twisted his body violently, and waved the fan. A gust of wind was rolled out, blowing away the thunder arc.

next moment...

Bai Yulu stood firm, and immediately threw a palm at Qiao Ye.

"Break the Heavenly Palm!"

A big hand shot out, and the huge palm directly grabbed Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye chuckled and slapped the same palm.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm, Mahamudra!

Invisible handprints appeared with Qiao Ye's palm, and hit Bai Yulu's handprints, and then there was a loud noise, the ring under his feet was shattered, and the two big handprints disappeared without a trace.

Bai Yulu fell into astonishment again and said, "Are you a student of Tianwu Academy or Xuehai Academy? You know how to break the sky palm?"

Qiao Ye curled her lips and did not answer the question, but directly raised her hand and slapped it forward. A new big handprint appeared and slammed down in the direction of Bai Yulu.

Bai Yulu's figure was erratic, quickly moving across the ring, flashing past the handprints falling in the air, but at this moment...

Hundred battle blood techniques, three punctures!

Bai Yulu suddenly felt a strange sound coming from under his feet. On the ring, countless stone chips were trembling constantly, and they immediately jumped back.

Just at this very moment...


The bricks on the arena suddenly shattered, and countless bloody spikes emerged from the ground, like long and narrow crystals!

It's a pity that it didn't hit!

Qiao Ye pursed her lips. When fighting alone, the Hundred Battles Blood Technique is almost meaningless, but there is no perfect martial skill in the world. The Hundred Battles Blood Technique is not suitable for singles, but when there are many people, you have more blood. The power will become very terrifying.

Therefore, Qiao Ye didn't care if he missed a hit. With a flash of his figure, he stepped on the Nine Palace Flying Star and quickly got closer to Bai Yulu.

Bai Yulu let out a low cry, and threw out the folding fan in his hand. The folding fan whirled in the air, bringing out streaks of silver light through the air, and hit Qiao Ye directly in front of him.

Qiao Ye let out a low cry, and the moment the folding fan came in front of her, she stomped her feet forward, crushing the ring, sending countless gravel flying up and colliding with the folding fan.

At the moment when the folding fan kept chopping up the gravel, Qiao Ye suddenly rushed out from behind the gravel, raised his arms to wave away the flying gravel on both sides, and came straight to Bai Yulu.


Qiao Ye flew up and kicked Bai Yulu's chest, sending Bai Yulu flying seven or eight meters away!

Bai Yulu fell to the ground, with one side of his head spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The people around watching the battle also became excited and booed loudly.

Qiao Ye looked at Bai Yulu and said, "Do you want to continue fighting?"

Bai Yulu said angrily, "The martial spirit is still unused, so how can we tell the winner?"


Bai Yulu slapped the ring with his palm, then jumped up and stretched his arms.

"Wu Hun!" Bai Yulu shouted in a low voice, "Heaven sees Longya!"

An eighth-rank metamorphic Martial Soul of the Imperial Dao Level, the dragon tooth is seen in the sky!

Accompanied by Bai Yulu's low shout, white light suddenly appeared in the sky, like a piece of white mist, constantly surging there.

White dragon teeth with a length of five or six meters were transformed into one after another, continuously falling into the ring from the air.

Boom, boom, boom...

Those dragon teeth kept surrounding Qiao Ye, forming a circle, trapping Qiao Ye in it!


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