Chapter 230

The land of Jianmen has become very lively recently.

Because, the Tianwu Pavilion has released the news that the main actor Wu will start.

Although the people in Jianmen Land complain every year that Lou Zhuanwu is nothing to look at, it's just a fake fight, but when it comes to Louzhuan Wu, they can't help but go and watch it. It doesn't look real, but it's also beautiful.

Even watching the battle of King Wu as a master of Wu Zongjing, it is not certain that he may be able to comprehend something from it and help his cultivation.

In particular, there is good news this year. In the two shows starring Wu Zhong, Nangong Wenyuan on the first floor will appear. You know, Nangong Wenyuan hasn't made a move for two years, which makes many people look forward to it.

Secondly, Qiao Ye and Yan Shizheng proposed to fight!


Fight to the death, make a contract, never die!

Naturally, Yan Shizheng needless to say, the talented and glamorous generation, in the eyes of many people, Yan Shizheng is likely to dominate the Phoenix Young Ranking for another two years, and by then, Yan Shizheng will be twenty-five years old, and he may become the first one to dominate the Phoenix Young The four-year-old person.

Moreover, Yan Shizheng may also become the first person in history to step into the realm of a master in the Fengchu list.

And Qiao Ye is also highly anticipated.

A Battle of the Kings, which takes place every January, is fought every day in the land of Jianmen, where there are duels happening all the time, and the attention is actually not that high.

However, Qiao Ye abruptly turned a battle of kings into a talking point for everyone after dinner.

Because, this is the first time in history that the Battle of the Kings ended with a massacre. Qiao Ye alone killed all the people who participated in the Battle of the Kings, and then killed the top of the Fengchu list Xian Yuran, who ranked tenth, defeated Bai Yulu, who was ranked fifth, with an unimaginable strength.

Moreover, the Martial Arts Union warmed up for this battle, and even dug up Qiao Ye's past.

In the battle of Yanyang Mountain, one person fought against the other three major academies!

In the Nine Realms Battlefield, the Kamikaze Squad of the Spirit Clan of the Spiritual Tribe, and even the secret stone of the Sea of ​​Blood, the fact that Qiao Ye completely wiped out the wind, thunder, rain and snow was concealed and never made public, but the Martial Arts Union did not know What kind of method was used to dig it out, and the four famous teams of wind, thunder, rain and snow were actually killed by Qiao Ye alone!

All of these made the people in Jianmen Kingdom very excited.

This is also a young genius with amazing talent, and he is also a killer who has been on the Nine Realms battlefield and licked his blood!

So, Qiao Ye vs. Yan Shizheng, who can win?

who can……

Get out of the ring alive!

The days go by like this day by day. Jin Baocai is indeed a genius in business. After a battle for several days, he uses different methods every day to reveal Qiao Ye's information bit by bit. interest.

The result in exchange is that more and more people go to Tianwu Pavilion to bet every day, and the number of bets has reached the point where Jin Baocai would wake up laughing while sleeping. Anyway, Qiao Ye and Yan Shizheng will live and die, and the biggest The winner is definitely Tianwu Pavilion.

In terms of odds, Yan Shizheng is still slightly higher. After all, although Yan Shizheng is not from the land of Jianmen, he grew up in the land of Jianmen, and everyone is more familiar with it. Qiao Ye is a foreign monk. Even if he can recite scriptures, he is a foreigner after all. .

On the other hand, Qiao Ye completely turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window, and practiced penance in closed doors at the inn.


There was a knock on that door!

"Young Master Qiao, the arena is ready, just waiting for you!"

Qiao Ye quietly opened his eyes, then got up, and opened the door of the inn, there was a young boy in blue standing at the door.

Qiao Ye simply said: "Let's go!"

Leaving the inn, all the way forward.

In the old Chengdong market, the stalls on both sides and the scaffolding have been dismantled, looking up at the vast sea of ​​people.

Qiao Ye sneered in his heart. Although the main actor in the building was really lively, Yan Beixing was behind the scenes to gather so many people.

Because, before Lou starred in martial arts, it was the life-and-death struggle between Qiao Ye and Yan Shizheng!

The crowd was not completely united. People from Tianwu Pavilion maintained order and left a path for Qiao Ye to walk all the way to the ring.

The arena is not the dilapidated one it used to be, but a rebuilt one. It is quite huge, a circle larger than ordinary arenas. It is built with seventh-grade spiritual materials, dragon pattern rock and steel, so it is not easy to be destroyed.

In a corner of the arena, a viewing arena was set up, and the people sitting on it were naturally big figures from the Jianmen land, including the four hosts who would participate in the main hall performance, and the well-known dojo masters from the Jianmen land.

Qiao Ye naturally saw Yan Beixing in it!

Yan Beixing was also looking at Qiao Ye with a gloomy face at this moment, with the corners of his mouth curled up in a ferocious look.

If there was anyone on the Fengchu list who could kill Qiao Ye, it must be Yan Shizheng. This time, Qiao Ye had no choice but to die.

And on that ring, Yan Shizheng had already been waiting.

Yan Shizheng's appearance has obvious characteristics of the Western Regions, with a high nose bridge, slightly curly hair, and thick lips, because his parents were born in the desert, but he is well-dressed. He is dressed in a moon-white military uniform. Wearing a green shirt, he stood on the ring with his hands behind his back.

With a light leap, Qiao Ye jumped onto the ring.

"You are Qiao Ye?" Yan Shizheng raised his eyelids and said, "Although I have no grievances or enmity with you, but someone promised a pretty good baby, and asked me to exchange your life, so I can only wrong you. Give me your life and let me use it."

Yan Shizheng walked towards Qiao Ye while talking.

"Admit defeat." Yan Shizheng looked at Qiao Ye, and said in a natural tone: "You admit defeat now, and I can promise to give you a whole body, so that it will look better when you bury it."

"I have no grievances with you." Qiao Ye said: "But since you want to force someone to stand out and sign a life-and-death contract, then I have no choice but to take your life. Only in this way can I get out of the ring."

"Do you really think you can beat me?" Yan Shizheng laughed and said, "You know? Many people liked to challenge me in the past, but gradually, those people are getting less and less. Do you know why? Because, those people were given to me Killed!"

Qiao Ye said: "Don't worry, no one will challenge you in the future, because there is no way to declare war on a dead person."

The smile on Yan Shizheng's face gradually narrowed, his expression became ferocious and he said: "It seems that you don't understand it after talking. The best way to deal with such self-important trash like you is indeed fists!"

Yan Shizheng hit as soon as he said, and directly punched Qiao Ye with a straight punch.

The fist wind howled, and when the blow was blasted, the sound of howling wolves appeared all around!


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