Chapter 232 Six Talismans

Wu Zongjing, also known as the realm of masters, the key lies in harmony!

The so-called harmony means that the spirit, spirit and body are completely in harmony, so as to achieve a higher level of cultivation in martial arts.

Right now, Qiao Ye is joining forces!

The originally noisy crowd quieted down instantly, Yan Shizheng's eyes widened, showing an incredulous expression, even Yan Beixing, the Martial King, was dumbfounded in an instant.

There is only one thought in everyone's head, and that is...

Can it still be like this?

Breaking through this kind of thing is not something you can break through if you want to break through. Except for the two initial stages of body training and bone refining, which can be broken through when the physical body reaches a certain level, the breakthroughs in each subsequent stage must pay attention to an opportunity.

The so-called opportunity is erratic, it may break through at any time, or it may be stuck and unable to break through.

All in all, the breakthrough of the big realm cannot be controlled by manpower. To put it bluntly, I don't know when I will be able to break through.


Qiao Ye said to break through...

He broke through...

Is that human being?

In a short time, all the terrifying energy was restrained and entered Qiao Ye's body, and the surrounding wind and fluctuations gradually dissipated.

"The first level of Wu Zongjing, I feel pretty good." Qiao Ye looked at Yan Shizheng and said, "Go on!"

Yan Shizheng gritted his teeth, looked at Qiao Ye coldly and said, "You think you can win me by doing this? Daydreaming!"

Yan Shizheng curled his legs, and jumped towards Qiao Ye again.


Meeting Yan Shizheng, Qiao Ye punched forward.

This time, Qiao Ye resisted!

The fists of the two collided in the air, but Qiao Ye was not pushed out by Yan Shizheng again. There was a wave of air between the fists, which shattered the surrounding ring. Qiao Ye directly took Yan Shizheng's fist hard down.

Yan Shi had a ferocious face, let out a low growl, and punched out quickly.

It was the fist that was like a storm again, Yan Shizheng kept rushing to attack, punching continuously, when the fist blasted out, only the shadow of the fist could be seen floating away, the speed was terrifying.

But this time, Qiao Ye could see it!

Among the dense fist shadows, every time Yan Shizheng punched, Qiao Ye could clearly see it in his eyes.


Qiao Ye punched fiercely and grabbed Yan Shizheng's gap. The fist passed through the shadow of the fist and hit Yan Shizheng's face fiercely.


Yan Shizheng let out a muffled snort, then held his nose and kept backing away.

Qiao Ye chuckled lightly and said, "It seems that you don't have much ability, but you just want to bully people who are weaker than you."

"Bastard!" Yan Shizheng clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles cracked, and he growled at Qiao Ye: "Boy, you are dead, I will peel your skin, cram your tendons, a little bit!" Kill you in one go!"

At the end of Yan Shizheng's speech, he almost screamed, and then he raised his leg and kicked the ground violently.

"Wuhun!" Yan Shizheng roared, "Six Talismans!"

Six as a spell?

Qiao Yemeng's pupils shrank. He knew this kind of martial spirit, because it was recorded in the textbooks of Xuehai Academy, and being included in the Xuehai Academy had already proved the power of this kind of martial spirit.

In fact, it is true.


Heavenly chosen eighth-rank possessed martial soul, six like spells!

It's not unreasonable for Yan Shizheng to be able to hold the top spot on the Phoenix Chu list for two years without being squeezed out. This guy's Martial Soul is actually at the Chosen level!

Possessing a Martial Soul of the Heavenly Chosen level is almost certain, as long as it can grow up, it is a character who can control the entire Martial Domain.

"Boy!" Yan Shizheng shouted hysterically, "wait for me to die!"

Almost instantly, six pieces of talisman paper with different colors and about one meter in height appeared around the arena at the same time, on which were written: bullet, strength, speed, defense, blood, and fineness!

As a possessed martial soul, it must be used to strengthen the physical body, and those six characters also represent six aspects of strengthening, namely bounce, strength, speed, defense, vitality and spiritual power!

If it's just that, the Liuru Talisman is certainly not worthy of the evaluation of the Tianxuan level. It is indeed rare to have an all-round enhanced martial soul, but it is not impossible, but Qiao Ye knows that it is not that simple.

Usually, a possessed martial soul, even if it is improved in an all-round way, will have a focus, either strength or speed. Simply put, a possessed martial soul can improve the abilities of all aspects by 30%, but a certain On the other hand, it can reach 50%!

The scary thing about the Liuru spell is that there is no focus. In other words, as long as Yan Shizheng is willing, he can arbitrarily improve any of the six abilities, and improve different aspects according to different spells.

In this way, there is no shortcoming at all, because you can constantly switch the aspects that you need to improve according to different situations.


Yan Shizheng let out a low growl, and the "bomb" character flashed light first, and then, Yan Shizheng leaped vigorously, and his whole body seemed to fly towards Qiao Ye's direction.

With just one leap, Yan Shizheng actually crossed half of the ring and came directly in front of Qiao Ye.

The next moment, Yan Shizheng raised his fist!

Among the six floating spells, the "bomb" character spell quickly dimmed, on the contrary, the "strength" character spell flickered at this moment.


At the same time, Yan Shizheng's fist blasted out, and the strong wind that punched was as terrifying as a typhoon passing through. The roaring sound made people feel a sting in the ears, and the stone slab on the ring burst into pieces abruptly.

Qiao Ye quickly crossed his arms and received a hard punch. It was unstoppable at all, and his whole body was blown back by the punch.

However, at the moment of retreating, Qiao Ye quickly reached out and slapped forward.

Breaking the Heavenly Palm, Mahamudra!

A huge handprint appeared on top of Yan Shizheng's head, and it fell straight towards Yan Shizheng.

But also at this moment...

The "Strength" charm suddenly became dim, while the "Speed" charm suddenly lit up at this moment.

Yan Shizheng suddenly grinned ferociously, his figure swayed from side to side, and then disappeared suddenly. When he reappeared, Yan Shizheng appeared behind Qiao Ye, kicked up and swept Qiao Ye's back, feeling a huge force coming, Qiao Ye Immediately, he staggered and barely took Yan Shizheng's blow.

"So what if you broke through to the Martial Ancestor Realm!" Yan Shizheng gritted his teeth and laughed wildly, "I'll kill you anyway!"

While talking, Yan Shizheng took another step forward, almost like teleporting, and suddenly appeared in front of Qiao Ye.

But also at this moment...

Around Qiao Ye, a large cloud of black smoke suddenly floated up, lingering in all directions!


The demons are dazzled!


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