Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 234: Jiang Liuxue Appears

Chapter 234 Jiang Liuxue Appears

The black halberd swept forward, bringing out a half-moon arc.

Yan Shizheng instinctively raised his arm, trying to block the black halberd again, but...


There was a muffled sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, and a cut was made on Yan Shizheng's arm, and blood splashed out immediately.

Yan Shizheng's face changed abruptly, and he kept stepping back while clutching his wound, bright red blood kept flowing from his fingers.

Yan Shizheng's defense was broken!

Qiao Ye grinned, flicked her wrist, and made a halberd flower, then stepped forward, and rushed towards Yan Shizheng again.

Yan Shizheng immediately switched the Liuru charm, and the light of the "defense" character spell became dimmed, while the "speed" character spell lit up at this moment.

Yan Shizheng's speed soared suddenly, like a ghost, he kept moving on the ring.

But at this moment...

"Can you go faster?" Qiao Ye's voice sounded faintly from Yan Shizheng's side: "I can still keep up!"

Yan Shizheng looked sideways, his pupils narrowed sharply, Qiao Ye unexpectedly kept up with his speed, and even seemed to be able to do a job with ease, just clinging to his side, following his constant movement.

"Look at your expression..." Qiao Ye lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "You shouldn't be able to go any faster!"

The black halberd was slowly raised, and at that moment, Yan Shizheng felt as if he had seen a hallucination, like a beast, suddenly opened its mouth wide open towards him.

The feeling of death is approaching rapidly, Yan Shizheng has no doubt that he...

really die!

"Do you know who my parents are?" Yan Shizheng yelled, "They are Emperor Wu, even if I lose a hair..."


The black halberd swung forward, Yan Shizheng's head flew up, rolled continuously in the air, and fell directly outside the ring, the headless corpse fell forward with a plop.

"You defeated a martial artist of the first level of the Martial Ancestry Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 12,000 points."

Qiao Ye looked at the corpse indifferently and said, "When you sign the life-and-death contract and plan to kill me, one of us must fall down. Even if the king of heaven comes, he won't be able to stop him!"

The end of the battle was unusually abrupt, and because of this, the people watching the battle were even more shocked. Yan Shizheng was obviously still running fast.


just lost...


Qiao Ye stopped slowly. On the black halberd, blood dripped from the tip of the halberd.

Qiao Ye turned her face to the side and looked at Yan Beixing who was dumbfounded on the viewing platform.

Yan Shizheng lost!

Yan Shizheng actually lost!

Yan Beixing couldn't accept such a result at all, even Yan Shizheng couldn't kill Qiao Ye, so, who else on the Fengchu list could kill Qiao Ye?


Qiao Ye said, "What are you waiting for?"

Qiao Ye's voice brought everyone around to their senses, and the noisy voice soon rang out.

Some people were amazed that Qiao Ye survived!

Someone was angry because Yan Shizheng died!

Some people are extremely resentful because they have lost money!

Some people are so happy because they won money!

All kinds of beings are vividly displayed at this moment!

At the same time, Jin Baocai stood up and said, "Qiao Ye won this battle!"

Yan Beixing was extremely ugly, he gritted his teeth, but in the end he didn't make a move, because he didn't dare!

If Yan Beixing dares to attack, Ji Wuyuan will kill him!

The style of Xuehai Academy is famous all over the world!

After Jin Baocai finished speaking, he looked at the four landlords with a smile, and said loudly: "Then the next thing everyone has been waiting for for a long time..."

"It's so lively!"

Jin Baocai hadn't finished speaking when someone interrupted him. Everyone couldn't help but looked around and suddenly found that there was an extra person on the ring.

Qiao Ye was standing on the ring, and naturally heard the voice. Looking towards the center of the ring, Qiao Ye's face showed a look of astonishment.

Suddenly there was another person on the ring.

that man is...

Jiang Liuxue!

Jiang Liuxue turned around, looked at the audience around the ring, and slowly raised the corners of her mouth.

"What a massacre day!"

The moment Jiang Liuxue spoke, she suddenly reached out and snapped her fingers.

Accompanied by the snap of fingers, a black halo suddenly appeared in the air.

After the halo appeared, it spun rapidly, gradually turning into a huge black sphere, and then a crack was suddenly torn out in the center of the black light sphere.

A thick arm suddenly protruded from behind the crack, holding a huge crimson ax in that arm, and then the second arm gradually protruded, pulling at the black crack, constantly Twisted, followed by legs and body.

"Monster, there are monsters!"

I don't know who it was, who yelled out first, and then the surroundings were in chaos, and the crowd around the ring began to riot.

What appeared was a giant, about three and a half meters tall, with the upper body no different from a human, but with fiery red skin, naked, with long fiery red hair like a lion.

However, what was strange was that the other party's lower body turned out to be the legs of two beasts, without soles, but a pair of hooves, just like the person shouted before, this is a half-human, half-animal monster.

"Burn everything!"

The monster looked at the people around him, greedy eyes suddenly appeared in his eyes, as if he was looking at delicious food, and then he raised his ax and shouted loudly.

Almost instantly, a large piece of red light burst out from the red axe, and then, a raging flame began to burn!

"Go!" Qiao Ye was the first to come back to his senses, and shouted towards the surroundings of the ring: "Get out of here!"


As soon as Qiao Ye's words fell, the sound of flames bursting suddenly sounded, and the ax erupted with terrifying red flames, and pushed it wildly towards the surroundings.


Some people at the edge of the ring suddenly screamed. Even if their bodies were contaminated with a trace of sparks, their bodies began to burn wildly. They screamed and rushed around, causing the flames to spread even faster.

Qiao Ye rushed forward quickly, swung his halberd directly, and the black smoke around him rushed forward, colliding with the flames, blocking the flames.

Qiao Ye looked at Jiang Liuxue and said, "Jiang Liuxue, do you still remember me?"

Jiang Liuxue glanced at Qiao Ye, but didn't pay attention to Qiao Ye, but slowly retreated towards the back, her body seemed to be transparent, gradually disappearing.

"Balrog, let your people burn the earth, these are sacrifices to the Vulcan!"

After Jiang Liuxue left a word, she completely disappeared without a trace, her appearance was extraordinarily abrupt, and her departure was extraordinarily straightforward.

The monster that suddenly appeared was the Balrog that Jiang Liuxue was talking about. After hearing Jiang Liuxue's words, he immediately became more excited.


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