Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 243 Is This Really Difficult?

Chapter 243 Is This Really Difficult?

After Qiao Ye walked around with Lin Ziyi, he returned to his residence.

The structure of Moye City is generally quite simple, because there are no so-called residents here, and there are only three kinds of people living here.

The first type is the official boundary guards like Xuanyuan Beimu. They are responsible for teaching the apprentices of the boundary guards here, and at the same time patrolling the entire void fault to ensure that no abnormalities occur. Most of them are night-level, and there are a few day-level ones. exist.

The second type is still an official boundary guard, but it can only be regarded as a reserve of the boundary guard. There is no so-called grade. people lead.

The third type, like Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi, are still apprentices of boundary defenders, but they are already qualified to become reserve soldiers and are in the stage of teaching and final assessment.

Therefore, the entire Moye City is mainly a residence, and secondly, some necessary places for practice, such as alchemy rooms, blacksmith shops, etc. There are no so-called ordinary people, and there are no places for entertainment.

This is a...

lonely city!

Qiao Ye is very satisfied with this. Those who can become a strong person must first learn to be lonely. People who spend their days drinking and going out with friends are not qualified to become a strong person, because to do these things, the time for training will inevitably be reduced. Less, this is a very simple truth.

Learn to be alone, and then enjoy loneliness, this is something that must be experienced on the road to the strong.

After returning to the room, Qiao Ye sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate until dawn the next day.

To be honest, Qiao Ye was really afraid that Xuanyuan Beimu would forget him. Fortunately, Xuanyuan Beimu hadn't forgotten to such an extent. At Chen Shi, Xuanyuan Beimu pushed open the door of Qiao Ye's room.

"Don't sleep..." Xuanyuan Beimu glanced at Qiao Ye who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, and couldn't help but pause and said, "You are diligent enough to meditate all night?"

Qiao Ye opened his eyes and said, "Because I can't find a reason to slack off."

Xuanyuan Beimu smiled, quite satisfied with this answer, who can become an apprentice of a boundary guard, which one is not a genius? Arrogant, haughty, and lazy, Xuanyuan Beimu has seen them all, but there are really not many who can consistently practice penance.

If Qiao Ye knew Xuanyuan Beimu's thoughts, he would definitely scoff. Qiao Ye knew very well that he was not a genius, he just had an extra jade card, an extra opportunity, and then Qiao Ye firmly held the opportunity in his hands, Never let go easily, let alone let yourself slack off because of this.

"Let's go!" Xuanyuan Beimu said, "Come with me!"

Xuanyuan Beimu brought Qiao Ye to the martial arts arena in Night Demon City.

"You just came here, so I'll show you the way." Xuanyuan Beimu said, "Starting tomorrow, Chenshi will come here by himself."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Understood!"

There were already people waiting at the edge of the martial arts arena, Lin Ziyi and Gao Jie were there, besides that, there were two other people wearing cloaks with their heads lowered, they looked like students from Guixie Academy at first glance. Almost all the people in the evil academy are dressed like this.

Qiao Ye said: "Is there only so few people?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "No, each boundary guard will bring a few, a total of forty or so people, because the things taught are different, so each boundary guard will bring a ten-day life, and then will change the boundary guard people."

After Xuanyuan Beimu finished speaking, he directly jumped onto the martial arts stage.

Lin Ziyi moved closer to Qiao Ye and smiled, "You just came here, so you can ask me if you don't understand."

Qiao Ye nodded casually.

Xuanyuan Beimu stood on the martial arts stage and said: "Today, what I teach you is still the use of spirit, energy, and spirit. As we all know, after the Wuzong state, you will be able to join the Tao. In order to be able to better join the Tao, you need to carry out the cultivation and training of spirit, energy, and spirit in advance." , Of course, I know that some of you are already in the Martial Ancestor Realm, but you can't be negligent because of this, the Martial Ancestor Realm also needs to conceive and exercise your energy."

Xuanyuan Beimu told Qiao Ye specifically, except for Qiao Ye, everyone else was expressionless, obviously they already knew about it.

As Xuanyuan Beimu spoke, he took out a cloth bag treasure, and flicked it with his fingers, clusters of black light balls flew out of the cloth bag.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "This is something that has been manifested by using a special method. It needs to be compressed with mental power to destroy it. Now you come up one by one to crush these light clusters. See how many can be destroyed at most."

"I'll come first!"

Gao Jie raised his hand first, then jumped onto the ring, stretched out his hand to grab a ball of light, and then began to exert force continuously.

It wasn't pure power. Qiao Ye saw that Gao Jie was just holding the ball of light in his hand, and didn't exert any force, but the ball of light was gradually shrinking, and finally completely shattered, turning into a halo and dissipating.

One, two, three...

After Gao Jie crushed five balls of light, the sixth one was only shrunk to half, so Gao Jie had no choice but to give up.

His forehead is covered with sweat at the moment. Although he didn't use any physical strength at all, he is obviously exhausted mentally. It can be seen from Gao Jie's face that this guy's face has suddenly become haggard. , as if it was drained last night.

However, five balls of light seemed to be a very good result. Gao Jie's face was obviously happy, and he did not forget to give Qiao Ye a provocative look.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Qiao Ye, why don't you give it a try? You have just arrived, as long as you can crush two of them, you are qualified."

"Yes!" Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It doesn't look difficult."

"Isn't it difficult?" Gao Jie snorted coldly and said, "Ignorance, do you really think it was pinched by hand? I didn't know the heights of heaven and earth when I just came here. I don't think you even know how to manipulate mental power, let alone two. Alright, one is enough!"

Gao Jie held his head proudly, disdainful of Qiao Ye's words.

He is the best performer in mental training, he is only at the ninth level of the Martial Madness Realm, and he can crush five of them, and the two students from Guixie Academy have even reached the Martial Ancestor Realm Crush three.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the boy, I will see how you cry later!"

Gao Jie couldn't help muttering something in his heart.

On the other side, Qiao Ye had already jumped onto the ring, grabbed a ball of light casually, and clasped his hands together.


After a crisp sound, the ball of light in Qiao Ye's hand disappeared.

Gao Jie just compressed the light ball bit by bit before, but the light ball in Qiao Ye's hand just exploded.

Including Xuanyuan Beimu, they were all stunned, wondering if their eyes were dazzled.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye took the second ball of light, clasped his hands together again, and there was another "pop", and the second ball of light exploded without leaving a halo.

Qiao Ye looked at Gao Jie and said, "Is this really difficult?"


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