Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 247 You should be lucky

Chapter 247 You Should Be Lucky

The tail behind Yue Chengling hit Qiao Ye's armor like raindrops.

The more Yue Chengling didn't believe in evil, the faster he attacked, the more shocked he was.

At this moment, Qiao Ye was like a statue, standing there upright, just not moving at all, looking at Yue Chengling so coldly with gritted teeth!


Qiao Ye stretched out his hand fiercely, and grabbed the illusionary tail behind Yue Chengling.

"You should have played enough, right?" Qiao Ye looked at Yue Chengling and said, "Then, is it my turn?"


Qiao Ye seemed to be asking, but he didn't mean to get an answer from Yue Chengling's mouth at all. He suddenly raised the black halberd in his hand, and then chopped it down forcefully. After a muffled sound, the tail was given by Qiao Ye. Chopped down.

Without the blood, the tail was originally an illusion, but after the tail was cut off, it turned into a halo and dissipated.

Qiao Ye tiptoed, and quickly came to Yue Chengling, sweeping the black halberd in his hand.


Yue Chengling reacted quickly, got up from the ground, and returned to a standing posture, with his arms facing forward to block the black halberd.

In terms of strength, Yue Chengling is indeed quite terrifying in the state of ecstasy, and Zhu Jian is worthy of the name of infinite power. Qiao Ye enters the state of demon blood, not only has the defense of the armor, but also has speed, strength, and so on. Mental power will skyrocket.

Even so, Yue Chengling held on!

"But..." Qiao Ye sneered, "How long can you last?"

Qiao Ye's left hand shook towards the side void, and the black halberd suddenly reached Qiao Ye's left hand, and swept forward again.


The halberd slammed on Yue Chengling's body fiercely, causing Yue Chengling to stagger. Before Yue Chengling could stand still, Qiao Ye jumped forward, and then...

The moment Yue Chengling put on a defensive posture, Qiao Ye suddenly shifted his footsteps.

The three forms of Tianwu, the road to heaven, and the flying stars in the nine palaces!

Qiao Ye's body was like a ghost, and she lightly twisted against Yue Chengling's body, and then came directly behind Yue Chengling, swung the black halberd in her hand, and slashed fiercely on Yue Chengling's back.


Suffering heavy blows in succession, Yue Chengling finally couldn't hold on anymore, he flew forward and hit the ground hard.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the first level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."

Yue Chengling fell to the ground with a distorted expression, circles of halos appeared on his body, and he escaped from the state of being possessed by the bullocks.

Yue Chengling twisted his body and wanted to get up, but at this moment...


Qiao Ye came to Yue Chengling, chopped off the black halberd in his hand, rubbed Yue Chengling's cheek and pierced into the ground, the crescent-shaped halberd almost stuck to Yue Chengling's neck.

"You should be thankful that you are now an apprentice of the Guardian, and this is the Magic Night City!" Qiao Ye said ferociously: "If there is a chance, if we meet on the battlefield of the Nine Realms, I will take your head off with my own hands!"

Qiao Ye slowly got up and pulled out the black halberd.

"Get lost!" Qiao Ye said, "Do you still want me to see you off?"

Yue Chengling looked at Qiao Ye with resentment, but finally gritted his teeth, got up from the ground without saying a word, and walked towards the outside of the martial arts arena.

The ability to emanate spirits is the same as martial souls. After being forcibly destroyed, they cannot be used for a short time, which means that they are unable to fight anymore.

Yue Chengling has already lost, completely.

The only thing a loser can do is to leave without saying a word.

Qiao Ye seemed to have done something insignificant, withdrew her martial soul, and found a clean place to continue meditating and practicing, as if nothing had happened here.

Gao Jie and the three were sweating coldly at the moment, they looked at each other with the same meaning in their eyes.

Fortunately, I didn't continue to be entangled yesterday, so I decided to follow my heart!

Qiao Ye is very strong in itself, but what is even more frightening is Wuhun. Although Wuyu and Lingyu don't fight each other, they are next to each other after all, and they still know each other. Although Yue Chengling is not the best in Lingyu, but They are also very talented, considered to be above average, but they are not opponents at all. If the three of them used their martial souls yesterday and wanted to have a real fight with Qiao Ye, then the result...


The three couldn't help swallowing, as if they had foreseen their end.

"Why is it like this here?"

At this time, Xuanyuan Beimu walked into the martial arts arena and looked around in surprise.

Lin Ziyi smiled and said: "Teacher, the people in the Lingyu are making trouble."


Xuanyuan Beimu didn't seem to be surprised. Even in Moye City, Wuyu and Lingyu were not hostile because of their role as guards, but the years of war in the Nine Domains Battlefield had already engraved many things into their bones. Therefore, The Mo Ye City was not always peaceful, and it was normal for Xiao Mo to rub.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Beimu took a look at the crowd and found that none of them lacked arms or legs, then the Lingyu was at a disadvantage. If so, then it's fine.

Of course, it is Xuanyuan Beimu. This is the style of Xuehai Academy. If you are beaten up, you will be scolded because it is useless and shameful, but it will be fine if you beat someone up. Guardians, you still have to ask more or less.

"The practice in the afternoon is cancelled." Xuanyuan Beimu directly revealed the matter, waved his hand and said, "Now go back and prepare food and water, and then meditate to adjust your state!"

Gao Jie couldn't help but said, "Food and water? Are you leaving the city?"

This is a matter of course. If you are in Moye City, of course you don't need to deliberately prepare these things. Only when you go to the wild, or even for more than a day or two, do you need to prepare fresh water and food in advance.

Xuanyuan Beimu nodded and said: "The news just passed back is that the magic night is coming."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then showed surprise.

Only Qiao Ye asked with a confused face: "What does the night of the devil mean?"

"I forgot you just came, I don't know." Xuanyuan Beimu patted his forehead and said, "I still have to make some preparations, I don't have time right now, Lin Ziyi, explain to him what the coming of the devil night means."

Lin Ziyi smiled and agreed, "Okay."

After Xuanyuan Beimu finished speaking, he just waved his hand and let people go away, and then left the martial arts arena with big strides, coming and going in a hurry, looking very busy.

As soon as Xuanyuan Beimu left, the others naturally dispersed as well. Everyone had excited expressions on their faces, and when they left the martial arts arena, they walked a lot faster.

Lin Ziyi smiled and said to Qiao Ye: "Let's go together, let me tell you about the coming of the magic night."

Qiao Ye nodded.


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