Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 274 How Long Can I Kill You All?

Chapter 274 How Long Can I Kill You All?

Qiao Ye walked up to the top of the mountain.


The atmosphere suddenly froze at this moment!

Jiang Liuxue looked at Qiao Ye, and Qiao Ye also saw Jiang Liuxue, and the people in the surrounding Lingyu looked at Qiao Ye with serious expressions on their faces.

Qiao Ye was also a little dazed. Looking at Jiang Liuxue's familiar face, thoughts were spinning in his head. Qiao Ye didn't know what words to use to describe his current mood. In summary, there was only one sentence: Why is this guy again? ?

To be honest, when Lin Ziyi talked about the illusion of disguise, Qiao Ye really thought of Jiang Liuxue.

There can't be three identical people in this world, even if they are triplets, there are still subtle differences, not to mention that Jiang Liuxue is obviously the only child.

Therefore, Qiao Ye thought of the illusion of disguise, but quickly rejected the idea.

Because, there was a Jiang Liuxue who had been killed by Qiao Ye. After death, the illusion of disguise would be released naturally, but the fact is that it did not. People in Tianwu Academy would not be so idiotic as not to do this kind of inspection. As for the missing of the third Jiang Liuxue, there is nothing to say.

But two of them are enough to explain the problem, and those two Jiang Liuxue are not disguised by illusion.

Therefore, why there are three identical Jiang Liuxues is still an unsolved mystery, and Qiao Ye has never thought about it, this time it is still related to Jiang Liuxue.


Jiang Liuxue proves that she is everywhere with her strength!

Raising the black halberd horizontally, Qiao Ye said forward: "It seems that we are really destined to meet again."

Jiang Liuxue looked at Qiao Ye and smiled, "Do we know each other?"


Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, Jiang Liuxue in front of her didn't recognize herself?

Is it really because it's not the same person, or is it just an act?

However, it doesn't matter whether you recognize it or not.

Qiao Ye looked at Jiang Liuxue and said, "You can't open the void door."

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said, "Because of you?"

Qiao Ye said, "Yes, because I'm here!"

Jiang Liuxue looked at Xu Jue, who waved his hand and said directly, "Kill him!"

The people in the surrounding Lingyu directly surrounded Qiao Ye. Those who were carrying weapons pulled out their weapons one after another, with sneering smiles on their faces. They were just alone, and wanted to stop them?

Qiao Ye didn't waste any extra nonsense, the villain died because he talked too much, not because he was a villain, but because he talked too much.

With a sweep of the black euphorbia, a black smoke spread around the tree leaves.

Jiang Liuxue looked at Xu Jue and said, "Throw the remaining two creatures of different colors into the void."

Xu Jue nodded, and waved for the two to carry the corpse.

Qiao Ye said: "I said, do I agree with you?"

The scattered black smoke suddenly rose up like a wave, and fell towards the two spiritual realm people who were walking towards the corpse of the strange-colored creature.

The two immediately shot, trying to block the oncoming black smoke, but at this moment, Qiao Ye's figure flashed and disappeared directly into the black smoke.

The moment Qiao Ye stepped out of the black smoke, he was already in front of the two of them, and also in front of the corpses of the two strange-colored creatures. With a vigorous wave of the black halberd in his hand, the surrounding black smoke quickly gathered and surrounded him. Around Qiao Ye's body, a vortex of smoke formed.

Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!

The moment Qiao Ye stepped out of the swirling smoke, he had already covered with armor. With a sweep of the halberd in his hand, a strong wind swept away the dust, and directly pushed the two people from the spiritual realm out.

Qiao Ye was directly blocked in front of the corpses of the two strange-colored creatures.

Jiang Liuxue looked at Xu Jue and said, "Time is running out."

Xu Jue nodded, and said again: "Kill him, immediately!"

"Out of spirit..."

"Out of spirit..."

The people in the surrounding spiritual realm kept shouting and entered the state of being out of the spirit, and a piece of brilliant light flickered, illuminating the dark night sky brightly.

Qiao Ye looked around, raised the corners of her mouth and said, "That's fine, I didn't intend to delay too long."

Summoning a large number of night crows is a huge drain on Qiao Ye's martial soul. The longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it is for Qiao Ye. Therefore, Qiao Ye needs to make a quick decision!

"Then..." Qiao Ye said coldly, "Just see how long it takes me to kill you all."

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, raised the black halberd, and slammed it down on the ground.

Almost instantly, black smoke spread towards the surroundings, covering a space, and then one after another, phantoms of mountains appeared and slowly took shape.

Domain ability!

The ground under the feet is full of human bones, and black iron chains like giant pythons are hung all over the stone mountain. The white skulls strung on the iron chains exude a deep and sinister feeling.

If the world does not allow me, I will fall into the devil!

On the top of the highest stone mountain, ten bright red characters were written like blood, revealing a strange feeling.

Nether Demon Realm: Introduce the power of heavenly demons from the void, and turn an area into a part of Nether Demon Realm. Within the scope of Nether Demon Realm, your own body and spirit will be improved at the same time. Using any treasure will temporarily increase the rank of one rank. There is no limit to the number of targets, both the body and the spirit are reduced at the same time, and the level of any treasure is temporarily reduced by one level, and within the coverage of the Netherworld, the position of the smoke can be used to shatter the void and move arbitrarily.

The Nether Demon Territory consumes a lot of martial souls, so this trick needs to be used with caution.

Similarly, when Qiao Ye used Nether Demon Realm to form a domain, it meant that Qiao Ye planned to fight seriously.

The effect of Netherworld is very simple. As long as it is within the scope of the domain, Qiao Ye's body and spirit will be improved, while the enemy's body and spirit will be reduced. There is no limit to the number of people.

Therefore, the moment the Nether Demon Realm appeared, the people in the surrounding Lingyu felt a sense of emptiness in their bodies, as if a part of their strength had been drawn, showing a bit of fatigue, whether it was physically or mentally exhausted. spiritual.

next moment...

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, pointing his index finger forward.


In the night sky, thunder suddenly appeared, a purple thunder pierced the sky, and then fell downwards, directly exploding among the crowd!

This is the effect of the thunder ring, and at the same time, it is also another effect of the Nether Demon Realm.

All the treasures used by the enemy will be unconditionally reduced by one level within the domain of the Nether Demon Realm, while the treasures used by Qiao Ye will be unconditionally increased by one level!

The thunder ring is only a seventh-rank treasure, and it does not possess such terrifying power. However, it is a different matter if it becomes a sixth-rank after being promoted to a first-rank, especially the seventh-rank and sixth-rank, which are the qualitative changes of treasures. Levels below the sixth rank can only be regarded as low-grade treasures, while those starting from the sixth rank are middle-grade treasures. The power of the two is completely incomparable.


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