Chapter 281 Dragon Cave

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Beimu's amnesia was intermittent, so he quickly remembered what he was here for, and casually took out a black iron sign from his sleeve and threw it to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye took the iron plate, a little excitement flashed in his eyes and said, "This is..."

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "The official name tag of the guardian is not the name tag used by the apprentice of the guardian. Of course, there is no logo on it, that is, the name tag without grades. In the words of the outside world, it is the name tag of the guardian. Human reserve."

In fact, there is no such thing as a reserve among the defenders. With this badge, you are an official defender, but there is no rank, and it is not up to the level of night duty.

Qiao Ye looked at Xuanyuan Beimu and said, "Will I be on a mission? Or..."

Xuanyuan Beimu smiled and said, "Doing chores?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "You have solved the Void Gate, and you will only be allowed to do odd jobs unless your head is broken. Besides, didn't you ask Lin Ziyi to help you submit the spiritual materials you harvested when the devil night came? Congratulations, although The Devil's Night Comes to an end early, but your number of hunts is the first in Wuyu, even if there is no such thing as the Void Sect, it is impossible to classify you as a logistics player with such a record."

Qiao Ye said: "Then, where will I be sent?"

Now that he has become an official boundary guard, he will definitely be sent to a certain void fault. Of course, it is also possible to continue to stay in Moye City.

"This has not been arranged yet." Xuanyuan Beimu pointed to the identity badge in Qiao Ye's hand and said, "Because this identity badge will not take effect until two months later."

Qiao Ye wondered, "Why?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Because, you have to fight!"

The doubt on Qiao Ye's face became more intense, and he asked in puzzlement, "Fight?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "You turn around and ask Ji Wuyuan, Mo Ye City is temporarily not used for the apprentice training of boundary guards, you will all be sent back first, and the entrance and exit of Mo Ye City will be temporarily closed, so you first Go back to Xuehai Academy, and Ji Wuyuan will tell you about it."

Qiao Ye nodded, and then said, "Is there any clue?"

Speaking of this matter, Xuanyuan Beimu pinched the bridge of his nose, showing some headaches.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "We have investigated all the apprentices of the Guardians, including the members of the reserve team of the Guardians. The same is true for the Lingyu side. We really caught two people from the Shadow Department. Now we are in the stage of wrangling. There is no evidence to prove that it was instigated by the guardians of the spiritual domain, but why did they sneak into the Night City so easily? There must be some problems with the spiritual domain, but the other party stopped us from intervening on the grounds that it was their spiritual domain. In addition, what is the origin of that Jiang Liuxue? It is also a headache."

Xuanyuan Beimu couldn't help sighing, then waved his hand at Qiao Ye again.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Although you have done a good job this time, it is not something you can intervene at the moment." Xuanyuan Beimu said, "Let's talk about your matter."

"My business?" Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, then sat up straight and said, "My parents?"

Xuanyuan Beimu nodded and said: "This is what Elder Lin asked me to tell you. After all, you are now an official defender, and I can indeed tell you some things. Your parents suddenly left Xuanning City because they Mission received."

Qiao Ye nodded and listened very carefully.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "You are also a boundary guard now, you should know that as a boundary guard, you have been in the void fault for a long time, but your parents can live in Xuanning country for a long time, do you know why?"

Qiao Ye shook his head honestly. Qiao Ye had doubts about this for a long time. Although in his memory, his parents didn't stay in Xuanning Country and never went out, but judging from the defenders that Qiao Ye knew, his parents were obviously too free. They can all be called idle clouds and wild cranes.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Because your parents are both at the level of guarding the world!"

Qiao Ye was stunned.

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "The guardians of the boundary level will not wait for a long time in a certain void fault, and the general task of the boundary guardians is not suitable for them, so the boundary guardians of the boundary level are actually very free. , you can only do it when you need them to do it, so, they have been living in Xuanning City, your parents have left one after another, it is not because your mother was found out that your mother is from the Lingyu, that is the case with rumors, and the more they spread, the more they go. It's getting farther and farther from the truth."

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "What is the truth?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Your mother didn't leave because of identity discovery, and your father didn't come back for a long time because he went to find your mother. The theory of treason is just gossip..."

When Xuanyuan Beimu said this, disdain appeared on his face.

"Treason?" Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Your parents could directly destroy the Xuanning Kingdom with a flip of their hands. If so, do you need treason?"

Qiao Ye wondered: "No one knows that my parents have such strength."

Qiao Ye had always thought that her father's cultivation was about the same as that of the current emperor of the Xuanning Kingdom, Qiao Yuanyi. In other words, if someone really knew that her parents were so strong, who would dare to spread rumors?

Xuanyuan Beimu spread his hands and said: "The guardian of the boundary is not an identity that can be easily spoken to outsiders. With the national strength of your Xuanning country, even your king is not qualified to know the existence of the guardian of the boundary. For a martial artist at the Wuling Realm, the Martial King Realm, the Martial Emperor Realm, and the Martial Emperor Realm are all very strong to him, but he can only know that they are very strong. Can he tell which one is stronger? Anyway, a slap is all it takes Shoot to death."

Qiao Ye said, "Then why did my parents leave?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "They received the mission, went to the Dragon Cave, and then never returned, life and death are hard to know."

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Dragon Cave?"

Xuanyuan Beimu said: "Mr. Lin asked me to tell you that when you become a night-level boundary guard, you can look up the content about the Dragon Cave."

Qiao Ye said: "So, if I want to know what happened back then, I need to become a night duty class first?"

"Yes!" Xuanyuan Beimu said: "You can understand it this way, Mr. Lin asked me to tell you this, not to solve your doubts, but to give you a promise!"

As long as you become a night duty class, you can know all the promises!

Furthermore, at least Qiao Ye knew what her parents were doing, so would Qiao Ye not want to go to the Dragon Cave?

This was obviously another promise that Lin Jiexu had made to Qiao Ye. Night duty was the minimum standard for Qiao Ye to be able to discuss this matter with Lin Jiexu.

Qiao Ye nodded seriously: "I understand!"

"En!" Xuanyuan Beimu nodded and said, "Pack up your things, the flying boat will take you away this evening, and Moye City will be completely sealed off."


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