Chapter 290 You guys are out

The surrounding time seemed to stand still for a moment, and then, Qiao Ye's body spun continuously, forming a black smoke column, rushing into the sky!

The black smoke seemed to come from the nether world. When it was surging, there were continuous sounds of devil weeping all around, like the roar of evil spirits crawling out of hell, surging past the ground, revealing a strong evil feeling.

next moment...


Qiao Ye stepped out of black smoke, her body was wrapped in a pitch-black armor, and the surrounding black smoke shot up into the sky, which was extremely evil.

Qiao Ye's legs were slightly bent, and he suddenly rushed forward.

Terribly fast!

Qiao Ye kept moving forward, forcing his way through the crowd. Someone wanted to stop him, but just as he raised his hand, Qiao Ye rushed past the other party.

In the blink of an eye, Qiao Ye came to Li Limu, and raised the black halberd in his hand again!

"The person I want to kill!" Qiao Ye shouted in a low voice, "No one can be protected!"


The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand fell, Li Limu didn't even have a chance to scream, and his head flew straight up.

On Li Limu's neck, there was a "hiss, hiss" sound, and red blood spurted out continuously.

"You defeated a martial artist of the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13000 points."

After decapitating with one blow, Qiao Ye turned around and looked at the other seven people.

"It seems that you have decided to join this duel." Qiao Ye grinned and said, "In that case, it shouldn't matter if you kill you!"


Some people drink lightly and want to enter the martial soul state, but...


That person just shouted two words, a black streamer suddenly appeared, a black halberd suddenly appeared, directly pierced the opponent's throat, took the person three or four meters away, and smashed to the ground .

"You defeated a martial artist of the third level of the Spiritual Ancestor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12,500 points."

After killing another person with one blow, Qiao Ye jumped up, landed next to the corpse, and pulled out the black halberd.

"Martial soul, the breath of a thousand years!"

"Martial spirit, flying valley rain!"


The remaining six people entered the martial spirit state one after another, but at this moment...

"Destroy me!"

Qiao Ye let out a low snort, raised her hand and pressed forward.

Almost instantly, the surrounding black smoke fluttered, frantically passing towards the front, and those martial spirits continued to explode before they even appeared.

Poof, poof...

The six people felt a tightness in their chests at the same time, and opened their mouths to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Wuhun strong pressure!

Qiao Ye suppressed it directly with the martial soul, and the six people couldn't even display the martial soul, or in other words, the martial soul had just manifested, and was forcibly killed by Qiao Ye with one blow!

Ji Wuyuan shouted: "Carry them all away, Qiao Ye, carry them all away!"

Qiao Ye grinned, held the black halberd upside down, and took a step forward.

That step is a distance of ten meters!

Qiao Ye's figure flowed forward along with the black smoke, and suddenly disappeared without a trace. When she reappeared, she came from one side of the street to the other, and passed directly between the six people.


One after another blood splashed from the bodies of the six people one after another, and the clothes on their bodies were torn, revealing wounds one after another.

Blood is dripping all over the place!

"You defeated a martial artist of the second level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the fourth level of the Spiritual Ancestor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 15,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the third level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12800 points."


One blow, kill six people!

Qiao Ye waved his hand, and the black smoke around him dissipated.

Qiao Ye came back with the black halberd on his back, and when he passed by Yan Beixing, he looked at Yan Beixing and said, "Congratulations, you Shenwei Dojo is out!"

Yan Beixing gritted his teeth, his teeth itching with hatred, and wanted to slap Qiao Ye to death.

However, he still didn't dare to move, and the white ghost was standing behind him. Yan Beixing knew that he was not at the same level as the teacher of this Guixie Academy just by his breath, and that killing him was like killing a chicken.

"Beautiful job!" Ji Wuyuan smiled at Qiao Ye, "Let's go!"

Ji Wuyuan stood up with a smile, and took the lead to walk forward.

The white ghost disappeared again, quietly, and returned to the team.

Yan Beixing clenched his fists tightly, looked at the backs of everyone, and finally had no choice but to let go. Apart from that, he really couldn't do anything else.

After walking along the street for a while, a voice suddenly sounded in front of him: "Qiao Ye!"

With a big belly, Jin Baocai stood on the other side of the street and waved at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Why bother the shopkeeper Jin to come in person?"

"Working on business." Jin Baocai said: "Isn't it busy recently? I have to keep an eye on everything. I received your spiritual paper not far ahead, so I followed the spiritual paper directly. These people are all going to participate Friends of Wudou?"

Qiao Ye nodded, and said, "These four are professors of the University."

Jin Baocai hurriedly said: "Long-awaited, long-awaited!"

Jin Baocai dare not neglect the teaching of the four major academies. As the place where the martial arts is passed down, there is no simple person who can become a teacher. Jin Baocai believes that any one of these four is among the dojos in the world. The strength of a hundred dojo masters.

Qiao Ye said directly: "Is the inn full recently? We want to find a place to live."

"Small things." Jin Baocai immediately said boldly: "Just live in Tianwu Pavilion, I will arrange a good room for you, if you need anything else, just let me know, and you will be satisfied."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble Manager Jin."

Jin Baocai smiled and said, "I've talked about small things. Look at the people around you. It's all because of your Jianmen land that it's so lively. How can I not entertain you well?"

Qiao Ye nodded with a smile. The final winner of this grand event is probably not the team that can participate in the Lingwu Festival, but the land of Jianmen, and the Tianwu Pavilion. The amount of betting these days is already an astronomical figure.

Ji Wuyuan suddenly interjected: "How many teams have been confirmed so far?"

Jin Baocai said: "You have one from the Alliance of Four Courts, one from each of the twelve countries in the Martial Domain, and in terms of the Dojos of the World, among the top ten Dojos, three do not participate, leaving seven. Background, Luofeng Dojo has the background of Yunmeng Kingdom, they have the support of big countries, or in other words, those big countries have double insurance, and each has a team, and finally there are some dojos that are second only to the top ten dojos. Six teams have been selected, so at present, twenty-eight teams have been confirmed."

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