Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 304 That Sword Intent

Chapter 304 That Sword Intent

The terrifying thing about the domain ability is that it can turn an entire area into its own world.

How to win in someone else's world!

And now...

This is not only Qin Jianchuan's world, but also Qiao Ye's world.

Qin Jianchuan's face sank slightly, and the countless swords flew up again, forming a river in the air, stabbing down in the direction of Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye drank in a low voice, and leaped into the air. The halberd in his hand moved forward without hesitation, colliding with the falling sword river until it was completely torn apart.

The next moment, black smoke drifted, and Qiao Ye appeared in front of Qin Jianchuan as if teleporting, waving the big halberd in his hand towards the front.


There was a crisp chirping sound, and Qin Jianchuan took Qiao Ye's halberd, but in the next second, Qiao Ye suddenly disappeared and reappeared, but came directly behind Qin Jianchuan, and the black halberd swept across again.


Qin Jianchuan was hit on the back with a halberd, and he staggered forward. Before he could stand still, Qin Jianchuan found a figure covering him. When he looked up, Qiao Ye appeared in front of him again.

Is that black smoke...

Qin Jianchuan immediately discovered the secret. As long as it is an area covered by black smoke, Qiao Ye can move freely. That speed has completely exceeded the limit of "fast speed". It is not the speed that the body can keep up with, but breaks through the void And go!


Qiao Ye raised his halberd again and slammed it heavily on the sword of the avenue. With a huge force, Qin Jianchuan was blown away.

Rolling on the ground, Qin Jianchuan supported the ground with one hand, and raised his sword directly to the air.

"The stars are shining!" Qin Jianchuan shouted in a low voice: "The stars are falling!"

Those phantom swords hanging upside down in the air burst out countless sword lights, like rain, constantly stabbing downwards, but the target was not Qiao Ye, but kept falling in all directions, and then...

The black smoke was continuously cut by the sword light, turning into pieces, completely separated.

"Do you think this is enough?" Qiao Ye said with a smile, "It's useless!"

Qiao Ye took a step forward!

One step later, Qiao Ye came directly in front of Qin Jianchuan. Qin Jianchuan felt his eyes go blurry, and Qiao Ye stood in front of him again.

This time, it's pure speed!

Qiao Ye's martial soul is exceptionally powerful. The reason for its strength is not just its unfathomable rarity and rank. Qiao Ye's martial soul also includes three known types of martial souls: summoning, possessing, and transforming.

The unheard-of polymorphic martial soul is also the horror of Tianma Dazzling.

Under the Nether Demon Realm, Qiao Ye's physical body and spirit will be greatly improved, so even without the help of the black smoke to move, Qiao Ye's current speed is terrifyingly fast.

However, Qin Jianchuan's phantom sword was always just a phantom sword, and could not make Qin Jianchuan's physical body stronger.


Before Qin Jianchuan made a move, Qiao Ye kicked Qin Jianchuan across the abdomen, and sent Qin Jianchuan flying again.

next moment...

Qiao Ye didn't wait for Qin Jianchuan to land at all, so he rushed forward again, unexpectedly caught up with Qin Jianchuan who flew out, and swept the black halberd in his hand towards Qin Jianchuan again.


At the critical moment, Qin Jianchuan raised the sword of the Great Dao in mid-air, and fought hard against the black halberd.

After one blow, Qin Jianchuan's body flew towards the rear again, but because of the sword of the great way, he finally avoided the fatal injury, pierced the sword of the great way into the ground, and Qin Jianchuan forcibly stabilized his body.

"Qiao Ye?" Panting, Qin Jianchuan stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "As the places where martial arts is passed down, the Four Great Academies are truly well-deserved for being able to teach a guy like you, but this is a game that has long been doomed. fighting."

While talking, Qin Jianchuan slowly straightened his body.

"In the Shenwu Great Arena, in this urn..." Qin Jianchuan looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I can't lose!"

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth and said, "In addition to domain abilities, you also have..."

Qiao Ye's voice stopped abruptly, her pupils narrowed sharply and she looked forward.

Sword intent!

very scary...

Sword intent!

Hundreds of years ago, the land of Jianmen was not a country. At first it was a dojo, and then it gradually became the land of Jianmen, a city, and a country.

And within the city walls of Jianmen's land, there is the sword intent left by the dojo master!

This is the sword intent left behind by a strong man who was once the best in the world!

Qiao Ye looked at Qin Jianchuan, the sword intent in that city wall was unimaginable.

It is not a secret to visualize thoughts. Everyone knows that meditation is much stronger than ordinary exercises, and the will left by the former strongest is definitely the best thing to use for visualization.

However, for countless years, countless people came to the land of Jianmen, stood in front of that city wall, tried to visualize, and wanted to comprehend something from that sword intent.

Among them are astonishingly talented up-and-comers.

Among them are the most powerful men in the current world.

But in front of that city wall, what they saw was only the city wall.

Therefore, everyone came to the conclusion that there was indeed a sword intent in that city wall, but the dojo master did not intend to leave his sword intent for future generations to use, so even if everyone knew that The city wall contains a powerful sword intent, and no one can use that sword intent to visualize.

"Yes, that's true!" Qin Jianchuan looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I can't either, but the ability of the Abyss Sword Domain is not just a phantom sword. What I use also includes sword intent!"

Qin Jianchuan raised his right hand while talking!

The sword intent penetrating from the city wall became more and more intense, almost overflowing from the city wall.

Although Qin Jianchuan couldn't visualize the sword intent and comprehend its true meaning, but...

He can borrow that sword intent!

Beside Qin Jianchuan, the endless phantom sword rose again, continuously flew into the air, and then turned into sword light.

Under the blessing of that sword intent, the sword light skyrocketed crazily, becoming bigger and sharper than before, showing its sharpness, and finally turned into a shocking rainbow, hanging in the air.

Qin Jianchuan held the sword of Dao in his hand, and slowly moved forward.

One step, one sword!

As Qin Jianchuan continued to step forward, after each step, there would be another sword rainbow hanging in the sky, covering the entire sky in the blink of an eye, and the bright sword light made everything around him stand out. Very sad.

"Admit defeat!" Qin Jianchuan looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You can't take this sword!"


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