Chapter 306 Win

When the spiritual power of the ghost lamp merged into Qiao Ye's body.

The sky demon phantom opened its mouth, exposed its fangs, roared ferociously and silently, and then bit by bit pushed back the sword intent Changhong.

at the same time……

"Found Absorbable Items: Sword Intent (Wudi Realm)"

"Is it absorbed?"

Qiao Ye's expression froze for a moment, the sword intent of Martial Emperor Realm?

Can he absorb the sword intent in that city wall?

It was not the first time for Qiao Ye to come to the land of Jianmen. The last time he came, he realized the sword intent in front of the city wall, but it didn't have the slightest effect. He just could feel the existence of the sword intent. Can it be absorbed?

Suddenly, Qiao Ye thought of something.

That void door!

Before Qiao Ye absorbed the Void Gate in Mo Ye City, it was not that he had never seen the Void Crack, and he had never heard of the Void Crack that could absorb the Void Gate. Afterwards, Qiao Ye also thought about it, and concluded that the Void Crack was just void. The crack, the void gate is a void gate, so the void crack cannot be absorbed, but the void gate can, otherwise I should have been able to absorb it as early as when I was patrolling the Ningbei snowfield.

But thinking about it carefully, when the void crack in Moye City turned into a void gate, I tried to suppress it forcibly, but there was no reminder that it could absorb the void gate, until...

The Ghost Yin Lamp appeared and lent his spiritual power to himself!

And now...

It was the second time for me to come to the land of Jianmen. After fighting in this urn for so long, there was no hint of being able to absorb the sword intent, until I borrowed spiritual power from the ghost lamp.

So, the answer is ready to come out!

It's a ghost lamp!

It may be the existence of the ghost lamp itself, or it may be that the ghost lamp lent Qiao Ye's huge spiritual power, which allowed Qiao Ye to absorb the Void Gate and also the sword intent!

Qiao Ye looked at the ghost lamp floating above his head. This seemed to be a question worth exploring. This ghost lamp seemed to be more mysterious and useful than he imagined.

However, even if you want to explore this issue, it is definitely not now.

The battle is still going on!

Since it can be absorbed, then of course...


"You have absorbed the Broken Sword Intent (Martial Emperor Realm), and obtained the Martial Soul Value: 8,000,000."

"You have absorbed the Broken Sword Intent (Emperor Martial Realm), completed the visualization, and comprehended the skill: the best sword."

The dojo master who founded the Jianmen Kingdom is a strong man at the peak of Emperor Wu. The power of that sword is self-evident. The sword intent in the city wall must have been weakened. After all, that sword intent is no longer complete, it only belongs to the broken sword intent.

But after all, it is something left by a strong person at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm. Not to mention the eight million martial soul value, the concept that Qiao Ye has always wanted...



After the sword intent was absorbed by Qiao Ye, Qin Jianchuan's face suddenly changed, becoming extremely ugly and frightened.

The power of the Sword of the Great Way is constantly weakening, and the power of the Abyss Sword Domain is also constantly weakening, and even the scope of the domain is shrinking crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Since that sword intent was absorbed by Qiao Ye, then, of course, Qin Jianchuan could not borrow it, and there was nowhere to borrow it, because that sword intent no longer existed!


Just at this very moment...

Tianmo Xuxiang slowly straightened his body, grasped the sword intent Changhong, and squeezed it hard!

The long rainbow formed by the sword light, as if it had substance, continued to crack until it was completely broken and turned into countless brilliance, falling from the sky.


Qin Jianchuan opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, stepped back several steps, and knelt on the ground on one knee.

"You defeated a spirit cultivator of the fourth level of the Wuzong Realm, absorbed the power of the Wuhun, and obtained the Wuhun value: 18,000 points."

The surrounding phantom swords continued to dissipate, and the Abyss Sword Domain was also lifted.

Qiao Ye walked up and down, came to Qin Jianchuan and said, "You lost!"

Qin Jianchuan clenched his sword tightly, showing obvious unwillingness, but finally lowered his head and said: "I lost!"

Although Lin Xiangnan was still there, with Qin Jianchuan admitting defeat, the competition could come to an end, and the opponent was no longer strong enough to fight.

After a while, there were cheers on the city wall. Of course, there were also endless insults. Every time a fight ends, some people are happy and some are angry, some are just watching the battle, and some are betting heavily. Lose, there are joy and anger.

Qiao Ye returned to Lin Ziyi's side, and Lin Ziyi smiled and extended his hand to Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye raised her hand and gave Lin Ziyi a light high-five. At this moment, the cheers reached their peak.

Lin Xiangnan released Wuhun, and the others were naturally fine, and the five walked towards the passage at the same time.

The next stop is Lingyu.

Lingwu Festival!

"Beautiful job!" Back in the tunnel, Ji Wuyuan patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder and said, "Don't go to Tianwu Pavilion, just go back to the flying boat to rest."

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and said, "Backup plan?"

Ji Wuyuan shook his head and said: "The Four Great Academies are not demons, they take pleasure in killing. Since you have won, why bother to warn the other party by killing, but..."

Ji Wuyuan's expression became a little ferocious, full of disdain and contempt.

"The warnings that should be given are still used, and they won't be so radical. Everyone has to bear the consequences of their own choices and should pay the price for it." Ji Wuyuan said: "You guys have to deal with this matter." Don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with you, go to the flying boat to rest, and go straight back to Blood Sea Academy."

Qiao Ye nodded, walked out of the passage, and went straight back to the flying boat.

The four instructors became one. After returning to the flying boat, Instructor Hu Die of Linglan Academy took five of them to leave the land of Jianmen. As for the three of Ji Wuyuan, they stayed temporarily. There is a banquet that both the Twelve Kingdoms of Wuyu and Tianxia Dojo will send people to attend.

If Qiao Ye's guess is right, then the subsidiary countries of the Twelve Kingdoms of the Martial Arts Territory and the backup plan to challenge the various Daoist temples will not be needed, but at the banquet, Ji Wuyuan will probably take the lead in making a big fuss, Let me give some warning to those who want to count the four major academies.

Qiao Ye stood at the bow of the boat, looked at Hu Die and said, "It should be all right?"

Hu Die smiled and said, "Of course, and Ji Wuyuan is familiar with troubles like this, so don't worry about him."

Lin Ziyi said on the other side: "Should we go to Lingyu next?"

Others also pricked up their ears, which was naturally the most important thing to be concerned about next.

"No hurry!" Hu Die smiled and said, "After all, we are traveling across domains. Even if our side is settled, we still need to communicate with the Lingyu side."


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