Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 310 The King of Beasts

Chapter 310 The King of Beasts

Gao Yu's pounce was really pounced, his hands and feet spread out, and he was like a wild beast, and he directly came towards Qiao Ye's body.

Qiao Ye waved his hand casually, and everyone dispersed to avoid Gao Yu's blow.

The next moment, Gao Yu landed on the ground, and his whole body fell on the ground, his back bowed like a fierce tiger.

"The posture of a hundred beasts!" Gao Yu shouted coldly, "Tiger bites!"

The moment Gao Yuyan fell, he rushed forward, like a wild beast, running with his hands on the ground, and more importantly, there was no sense of disobedience in that posture.

You know, even if a normal person imitates the running movement of a wild beast, their posture will be very awkward, they will not be able to run fast at all, and they may even fall down directly, because human beings are human beings, and their body structure is different from that of wild beasts.

However, Gao Yu was not affected at all, and even ran faster than ordinary beasts!

In the blink of an eye, he came to Qiao Ye and pounced on Qiao Ye again. After being dodged by Qiao Ye, Gao Yu lay down on the ground and grabbed Qiao Ye with both hands.

Qiao Ye used the Nine Palaces Flying Star technique on the road to heaven, constantly dodging and frowning at the same time.

Gao Yu's attack made Qiao Ye very uncomfortable. It's not impossible to dodge the three lanes, but to attack the three lanes, you usually use your legs or weapons, but Gao Yu just lay down on the ground and attacked with both hands, making Qiao Ye He was not used to it, and his body was naturally lowered when lying on the ground, making it difficult for Qiao Ye to fight back.

While attacking, Gao Yu sneered and said, "Aside from hiding, do you know anything else?"

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "Besides lying on the ground and being a dog, do you know anything else?"

Qiao Ye's words seemed to touch Gao Yu's sore spot. I have to say that Gao Yu's attack method is very novel and powerful. It was difficult to parry at first sight because he was not used to it, but it was indeed too ugly. Qiao Ye was obviously not The first to say that.

An angry look appeared on Gao Yu's face, and he jumped up from the ground suddenly.

"The posture of a hundred beasts!" Gao Yu shouted, "Xiong Gang!"

Gao Yu straightened his body, but it was still not a human attacking posture, like a bear, waving a pair of fleshy palms forward continuously, and slapped Qiao Ye down.


Qiao Ye punched Gao Yu hard, and then backed away.

Very heavy power!

Gao Yu's speed is obviously not as fast as before, but his strength has obviously skyrocketed.

After receiving Gao Yu's slap, Qiao Ye slid towards the back, watched Gao Yu charge again, and directly slapped forward.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

An almost invisible handprint was blasted out by Qiao Ye, and Gao Yu fought hard. The big handprint was shattered by the shock, but Gao Yu also retreated continuously.

Qiao Ye quickly leaned forward, wiped the jade badge on her waist with her fingertips, and held the green umbrella in her hand.


With the sword out of its sheath, it's cold!

Qiao Ye pulled out the rapier from the handle of the umbrella, and pointed at Gao Yu.

Qiao Ye's sword looked unremarkable, but the outsider watched the excitement, while the insider watched the way.

Qin Jianchuan was shocked for a moment and said: "The sword is hidden in the sword, so he didn't use the halberd, but practiced the sword?"

Qin Jianchuan couldn't help looking at the others. In terms of swordsmanship, Qin Jianchuan is definitely a leader among the younger generation, otherwise he would not be listed as the successor of the next owner of Zixiao Jianzhuang. Even so, Qin Jianchuan has not cultivated sword intent .

Sword intent has nothing to do with cultivation or martial soul. It lies in the understanding of swordsmanship. Compared with talent, it takes more time to soak up.

How old is Qiao Ye to have sword intent?

The others also looked at each other in blank dismay, did Qiao Ye use a sword? They have only seen the Thousand Spirit Sword!

On the other side, Qiao Ye handed out a sword. Although it had its own sword intent, it was useless, because it was just a sword. The Fu Er sword would only take effect with sword skills, but with an extra weapon, Gao Yu couldn't use it anymore. Get close to Qiao Ye easily.


"The posture of a hundred beasts!" Gao Yu shouted again: "Golden snake!"

Gao Yu directly met the rapier in Qiao Ye's hand, and stretched out his arm, as if boneless, like a rope, directly wrapped around Qiao Ye's rapier, his whole arm twisted, and then He grabbed Qiao Ye's shoulder.

Gao Yu shouted in a low voice, "Kneel down!"

Gao Yu exerted his strength suddenly, trying to push Qiao Ye down.


Don't move!

Qiao Ye sneered and said, "Is it useful to be so fancy? If you really want to kill someone, one blow is enough!"

The moment Qiao Yeyan fell, he suddenly raised his leg and swept across Gao Yu's lower abdomen with one kick. Accompanied by the force, Gao Yu let out a muffled grunt, and flew backwards, hitting the ground, rolling continuously .

After finally stabilizing his figure, Gao Yu had just stood up when Qiao Ye was in front of Gao Yu again, raised his foot and kicked Gao Yu's face again, sending Gao Yu flying away.

"It seems that you can't let me crawl to participate in the Lingwu Festival." Qiao Ye lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "Or, you can crawl back to the spirit realm?"

"Qiao Ye!" Gao Yu shouted angrily, "Chu Ling, the king of beasts!"

The spirit pattern on Gao Yu's forehead continued to bloom with brilliance, and then, that brilliance enveloped Gao Yu's body, gradually transforming into his body!

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Gao Yu raised his head and roared angrily. In the radiant package, Gao Yu's body gradually elongated and became huge. On both sides of his forehead, two horns suddenly grew out, fluff appeared on his chest, and his legs were extremely thick. It gradually turned into a pair of leopard legs, and the arms became thicker and thicker, revealing brown-red hair, and turned into a pair of bear arms. A colorful tiger tail suddenly appeared from behind Gao Yu's waist, and fell to the ground, throwing The ground cracked.

Gao Yu grinned at Qiao Ye with a ferocious face, a bunch of snake teeth grew from the corner of his mouth, and then with a "poof", a pair of huge eagle wings suddenly opened from Gao Yu's back!

This is……

Gao Yu's King of Beasts!

Spiritual ability is actually similar to Wuhun, so Qiao Ye can easily feel Gao Yu's breath.

This guy's spiritual ability is indeed very strong!

Because it's just the same, not exactly the same, Qiao Ye can't fully judge what level the other party's spiritual ability is, but if it's a martial soul, it's very likely that it has reached the Tianxuan level, and even if it can't reach it, it is at least The earth-sounding level, moreover, must be the peak level of the earth-singing level. As for the rank, it should not be below the seventh rank, and it is likely to be the sixth rank.

As the son of the third general of the Tianlu Department, such strength is indeed terrifying.

"However..." Qiao Ye took a step, covered in black smoke, stretched out his hand, took out a black halberd from the black smoke, and said, "This is not the reason why you can act wildly in the Hedong Camp, because, I don't promise!"


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