Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 337 Do You Want To Try It?

Chapter 337 Do You Want To Try It?

However, although Qiao Ye was a little disappointed by the aura, Qiao Ye felt his scalp go numb when he saw the situation below.

Feng Yun Vientiane is the ability of Wanfa Lingtu to upgrade from the eighth rank to the seventh rank, and the meaning is actually easy to understand, that is...

Manipulate the sky!

Wind, thunder, rain and snow...

Qiao Ye can control all the celestial phenomena these days!

What is this concept?

Take martial spirits as an example, among the earth-singing-level martial spirits, there are four well-known martial spirits, namely Liuyun Ruoxue, Fengjuanyunyun, Tianleikongpo and Fengyuhuiming, corresponding to the four types of wind, thunder, rain and snow. The celestial phenomena, known as the Four Elephant Martial Spirits, are very powerful.

My good fellow, now that the Wanfa Lingtu is in full swing, all four kinds of celestial phenomena are complete?

This is too scary.


After the Wanfa Lingtu was promoted from the seventh rank to the sixth rank, the ability that appeared was the myriad phenomena of the earth.

Landslides, tsunamis, avalanches, and earthquakes all belong to the phenomenon of the earth, and the phenomena of the earth can be regarded as the strengthening of the phenomena of the situation, or in other words, it is an effect produced by the linkage of the two abilities.

For example, giving Qiao Ye a piece of sea and using Vientiane Wind and Cloud to manipulate the two phenomena of wind and rain can create a tsunami.

Of course, Qiao Ye could also change the landscape without relying on the situation, but the power would be less powerful.

All in all, it's still pretty scary!

Qiao Ye felt a little cold sweat on his forehead. As a spiritual ability, the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart was unbelievably strong. Thinking of the reason why he got the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart, it was mainly because he had absorbed the Spiritual Charm from the Spirit God Statue...

"This ten thousand dharma spiritual diagram..." Qiao Ye murmured, "It can't be the spiritual power of the spirit god?"

In fact, there are many spirit gods. In countless years, there is not only one spiritual monk who has reached the realm of spirit gods, but now there is no one. That is the spirit god who was the first to confer the gods in the ancient times. He can be said to be the originator of the line of spiritual monks.

In contrast, the same is true for Valkyrie.

As for the strength of the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart, Qiao Ye could only think of it as the spiritual power of the spirit god. Even, the Ten Thousand Magic Spirit Chart might be the origin of many spiritual powers.

This time it seems...

Earn a lot?

However, Wuhun is hard enough to upgrade. Look at the Myriad Art Spirit Diagram, it costs 6.5 million to upgrade the sixth-rank Ten Thousand Art Spirit Diagram to fifth-rank...

Compared with Tianmo Dazzling's promotion to the fifth rank in the past, just looking at it makes the liver tremble.

But Qiao Ye didn't think Dazzling Heavenly Demon would lose to Wanfa Lingtu. Wanfa Lingtu, as the spiritual ability of the spirit realm, had obvious characteristics of the spirit realm. Consumption comes from mental power.

In comparison, Tianmo Dazzling's particularity is the key to its strength, and this particularity is the changeable martial soul!

Physical and mental strength!

Transformation, possession, summoning...

Tianmo Dazzling can take care of everything!

But no matter what, being able to use spiritual power is always a good thing, even with my own cultivation...

Qiao Ye originally thought that at the Martial King Realm, he would be able to sustain a fifth-grade martial spirit, but now he has a sixth-grade spiritual ability...

It seems that the cultivation base of the Martial King Realm is not enough.

Qiao Ye pondered, it seemed that he still had to continue to improve his cultivation, after all, cultivation was the foundation of everything.

But at this moment...

Suddenly there was a loud noise at the door, and then, it seemed that the sound of pots and bowls falling to the ground suddenly interrupted Qiao Ye's thoughts.

Qiao Ye came back to her senses, and after a moment of stupefaction, she got up and opened the door and walked out.

The room where Qiao Ye slept was the back hall of Ruyi Restaurant, which was a place to rest. After walking through a short corridor, there was the front hall, where Ruyi Restaurant served guests for dinner.

After Qiao Ye came to the front hall, she found that the business of this Ruyi restaurant might not be very good. It would be considered a face-saving to describe it as a little deserted, because there were only one table of guests.

But right now, Lin Ziyi is standing in front of the guests at the table, and beside him is a tall man who looks very strong, but his body is slightly curled up, and he looks a bit submissive, with a naive expression on his face, belonging to The type that looks a little honest at first glance.

This should be Ye Xuan, the owner of Ruyi Restaurant?

Just when Qiao Ye was thinking...

Among the guests at that table, a man with light red hair suddenly stood up, pressed a plate of fish directly on Ye Xuan's chest, and cursed: "This is what you made, can you eat it?"

Lin Ziyi had an angry look on her face, but was held back by Ye Xuan, and then Ye Xuan bent over and smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll redo it for you two now."

"Redo? Such an unpalatable thing, you want us to eat it again?" The other party sneered, "Are you playing with me?"

Ye Xuan bowed his head and said: "That's because I didn't entertain well. I will pay you two for today's consumption. What do you think?"

"Hey!" The two guests at that table glanced at each other, then sneered and said, "We didn't ask you to pay for it, it's your face, and it's free? Do you think we will pay?"

Ye Xuan said cautiously: "Then I don't know what to do with the two of you?"

The light red-haired man pointed to the food that had been smashed on the ground and said, "You kneel down and eat it clean, then forget about it."

Ye Xuan showed a look of embarrassment.

Lin Ziyi whispered beside Ye Xuan: "Boss, let me handle it."

Ye Xuan shook his head, although there was still hesitation on his face, he still planned to squat down towards the ground, but at this moment...

An arm grabbed ahead of Ye Xuan, dug a piece of fish meat from the steamed fish that was thrown on the ground, and picked it up.

Qiao Ye opened his mouth and blew the dust on the fish, then threw the fish into his mouth, bit a few times and said, "I think it's delicious, do you want to try it again?"

The red-haired man looked at Qiao Ye coldly and said, "Who the hell are you?"

Qiao Ye chuckled lightly, and reached out to pat the red-haired man's shoulder. On the red-haired man's shoulder, the red-haired man felt a huge force coming, and when he recovered, he sat down again. on the chair.

Qiao Ye bent down and moved her face closer to the red-haired man, and said with a smile, "Try it again, it tastes really good."

The red-haired man said angrily: "Taste your mother..."

Before the red-haired man finished speaking, Qiao Ye's palm was already on the back of his head, and then the red-haired man's face suddenly changed, and his body was pushed forward by Qiao Ye little by little. Go out, get closer to the table, and...


Qiao Ye pushed the rather handsome face of the red-haired man into a plate of stir-fried beef tripe.

The red-haired man immediately struggled and danced with his hands and feet, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't raise his head halfway, and Qiao Ye just pressed his head firmly into the plate.

Qiao Ye raised her head, looked at the other person and said, "Do you want to try it again?"


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