Chapter 339


Qiao Ye sat up from the ground, and pushed away the table and chairs that were pressing on her body.

Liao Huang had a ferocious face, and said with a slight sarcasm: "Boy, if you want to beg for mercy, I will give you a trick."

Liao Huang lifted his foot and stepped on a chair.

"Come on!" Liao Huang pointed to his crotch and said, "Get through, I might consider letting you live!"

Qiao Ye got up from the ground, looked at Liao Huang coldly, stretched out his palm, and hooked his fingers at Liao Huang.

Many times, actions are more useful than words.

"Since you don't know how to praise!" Liao Huang shouted in a low voice, "Then I'll send you to see the King of Hades!"

Liao Huang let out a low cry, and leaped forward again. With one stroke of the sword in his hand, he slashed towards Qiao Ye. But at this moment, Qiao Ye not only closed his eyes, but even turned his body to the side. Don't look in Liao Huang's direction.

In this way, the blood light will no longer work, right?

Liao Huang snorted coldly in his heart, the brilliance of the magic pupil cannot be covered by anything, but if you don't look at it, as long as you don't meet the eyes of the magic pupil, you won't be dazzled by the brilliance and cause temporary blindness, but if you don't look , which means that you can't see the attack, you can't see the attack, and how to defend or avoid it.

Therefore, in Liao Huang's mind, Qiao Ye's action can be said to be an incomparable idiot. Even if he is not blind, if he can't see, isn't it the same as being blind?


While thinking, Liao Huang came to Qiao Ye, raised his sword and slashed at Qiao Ye, and then...

Suddenly, black smoke rose from Qiao Ye's feet. Qiao Ye reached out and grabbed a black halberd in the black smoke.

Qiao Ye listened to the sound to identify the position, and at the moment Liao Huang slashed a sword, he accurately identified the direction of Liao Huang's attack based on the sound of the strong wind coming from his side. Hitomi swords collided.


The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded, followed by the sound of "rustling".

Liao Huang raised his arms in a daze, and finally screamed after being stunned for half a second.

Qiao Ye's halberd cut directly cut off one of his arms, and the sword and arm fell to the ground just like that.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 20,500 points."

Liao Huang's face was pale, and he kept stepping back while clutching his wound, his face could not hide the horror.

Qiao Ye quietly opened her eyes, then twisted her ankle, and slashed at Jiao Yu with a halberd.

Jiao Yu was shocked, and opened his arms to the sides suddenly: "Yan Mozhiyan!"

On Jiao Yu's body, Yan Mo's armor seemed to be burning. Black flames surrounded Jiao Yu's whole body. If there was any substance, it was not used for offense, but for defense!

Qiao Ye looked disdainful, and the next moment, the black halberd came to Jiao Yu. Under Jiao Yu's astonished gaze, the burning Yan Mo's flame was useless at all. The moment the black arc appeared, the Yan Mo The flame was cut to pieces.


Qiao Ye slashed Jiao Yu with a halberd, and at the same time smashed the armor of Yan Mo, and swept Jiao Yu away with a halberd.

With a bang, Jiao Yu fell to the ground, and when he tilted his head, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 20,000 points."

Qiao Ye looked at the two of them with even more contempt on his face. Although these two guys have the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, which is equivalent to the seventh level of the Wu Zong Realm, they are just empty.

The level of the demonization of the two is not high, not even higher than the eighth rank, and the rarity is also very low. In Qiao Ye's view, if the strength of the demonizers in the Demon Realm is not weak as a whole, the demonization ability of the two is very low. It may not even meet the standard of the Emperor's Dao level.

Qiao Ye took a step forward and approached the two with the black halberd on his back.

Liao Huang lost an arm, his face was as white as snow, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted: "Don't act recklessly, dare to touch the two of us, the magic hall will not let you go!"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "If I'm afraid, do you think I'll make a move?"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he raised the black halberd.

Seeing that Qiao Ye didn't hesitate at all, Jiao Yu was the first to confess, "Don't, don't, don't, it's our fault, we shouldn't make trouble, you don't remember villains, let us go!"

Jiao Yu was really able to bend and stretch, as soon as his legs gave way, he fell to his knees.

"I kowtow to you." Jiao Yu bumped his head to the ground as he spoke, "Leave us alone."

"Forget it, don't embarrass them." Ye Xuan stepped forward to stop Qiao Ye and said, "Let them go!"

Qiao Ye glanced at Ye Xuan, this guy is really a good guy as Lin Ziyi said.

Qiao Ye waved at Jiao Yu and Liao Huang and said, "Get lost!"

As if they were pardoned, the two hurriedly got up and were about to go out, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly raised her leg and stepped on the chair, blocking their way.

Qiao Ye said: "Is there no money for eating? Is there no money for breaking things?"

Jiao Yu and Liao Huang looked at each other, and quickly took out two money bags from his arms. Liao Huang laughed and said, "All the money is here."

Qiao Ye moved his legs away, and the two rushed out of Ruyi Restaurant.

On the street, Liao Huang and Jiao Yu became arrogant again, and shouted at Ruyi Restaurant: "Little bastard, just wait for me, this matter is endless!"

As soon as the two finished shouting, a black arc of light came out of the window, slashed on the street, and directly cut a two-three-meter-long crack in the street, scaring the two of them. escape.

Qiao Ye handed the money pouch to Ye Xuandao: "Here."

Ye Xuan hesitated for a moment, took the money bag and said, "Thank you, but I don't want to drag you down. If you recover from your injury, you can leave quickly."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Just because of those two guys just now?"

"They just obey orders, and people..." Ye Xuan shook his head, unwilling to continue, and sighed: "In short, you should leave quickly, so as not to get into trouble."

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he tidied up silently, helped up the tables and chairs, and then cleaned up the food on the floor.

Qiao Ye rubbed his chin, and he could tell that there must be troubles in Ruyi Restaurant. Jiao Yu and Liao Huang were at best two thugs who came to Ruyi Restaurant on purpose to find trouble.

Because the food made by Ye Xuan is really not unpalatable. Although the fish that Qiao Ye ate fell on the ground and was mixed with some sand, other than that, the taste is actually quite good. The fish is tender and cooked properly. The most important thing is to taste, steamed fish is difficult to taste, it is easy to be salty, and it is easy to be bland, but Ye Xuan's fish is cooked properly, so Jiao Yu and Liao Huang are obviously picking on the thorns on purpose.

And the dishes are delicious, which naturally explains the problem even more.

Because it is impossible for a restaurant with delicious food to be so deserted and empty.


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