Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 341 Seeing Jiang Liuxue Again

Chapter 341 Seeing Jiang Liuxue Again

Lin Ziyi thought for a while and said, "Then be careful."

Qiao Ye nodded. After sleeping for two days, her back was sore and her back ached. She didn't go back to the back hall, and went straight out of Ruyi Restaurant.

Magic domain...

Qiao Ye walked on the street and looked around the street.

The city of Moyu is not much different from that of Wuyu. The streets and houses are roughly the same. However, the buildings of Moyu are quite distinctive. The buildings here are mainly in dark colors, black, gray, and dark purple. These three colors are the most beautiful. It is more common, and it is relatively dark. Moreover, the buildings in the Demon Realm seem to like to carve or decorate with animal bones and teeth.

For example, there is a shop called "Wanbaozhai" not far from Qiao Ye. It seems that it is mainly engaged in spiritual materials. On both sides of the black roof, there are two rows of giant animal teeth with a length of three to four meters. The decoration looks quite different, and at the same time has a wild and fierce feeling.

Qiao Ye's goal is the tea house.

There is no place more suitable for inquiring news than a teahouse. There are people from all over the world gathered in that place, and there are always storytellers in the teahouse. What Dang Lezi listened to was useful information for Qiao Ye.

After spending some effort, Qiao Ye also got what he wanted.

Demon Realm, Industry City!

There are many cities in the Demon Realm, but there are not many countries. Now the Central Plains is unified by the Dagan Dynasty, but there are hidden dangers in both the north and the south. The Baiyue clan in the southern mountains is the enemy of the dynasty, and the night demons in the northern grasslands often attack.

And Yecheng is a small city located on the northern border.

Yecheng is very remote. It is located on the border line, but it is not an important military town. Therefore, it does not mean that it is too high or low, but there are many merchants welcoming and sending them there. Considering a small border town, it is still prosperous.

These are all useful information for Qiao Ye, and they are the general situation of the Demon Realm. Of course, the focus of Qiao Ye's inquiries is not on these.


Boundary break, void fault!

Whether there is a broken boundary in the Demon Realm, whether it is connected to other regions in the Nine Realms, and whether there are boundary guards who guard the void fault are the most important things.

It's a pity that these things obviously can't be known just by chatting casually in a teahouse.

Besides, Qiao Ye also inquired about Long Yuxuan by the way.

That restaurant is the property of the magic hall, and the magic hall is the biggest force in Yecheng.

The magic hall was actually established by the Dagan Dynasty. It recruits warriors from all over the country, cultivates on weekdays, and serves the dynasty when needed. It sounds similar to a dojo, but it is not the case. The magic hall does not recruit young demons. , but they all have a certain combat power. Their main role is to be used by the city lords of the dynasty to supervise each city.

However, the national strength of the Dagan Dynasty is now weak, especially in places like Yecheng where the emperor is far away. The demons in the demon hall are basically moths one by one, living on the fish and meat of the common people.

Long Yuxuan aimed at Ruyi Restaurant, rather than Magic Hall targeting Ruyi Restaurant, because Ye Xuan's craftsmanship is actually very famous in Yecheng. The Magic Hall once wanted Ye Xuan to be Long Yuxuan's chef, but was rejected by Ye Xuan. He was rejected, which made the other party very dissatisfied, thinking that Ye Xuan didn't know how to flatter, so they formed a problem.

Therefore, the wishful small restaurant can't actually have much impact on Long Yuxuan's business. It is purely Ye Xuan's refusal, which makes Bai Kaixin, the current head of the magic hall, very unhappy. No one can refuse the magic hall, otherwise everyone will pay the price, and the price that Bai Kaixin wants Ye Xuan to pay is to obediently close the Ruyi restaurant and go to Long Yuxuan to work.

This is actually to establish prestige, Bai Kaixin wants to let everyone in Yecheng understand that no one can reject the magic hall.

This is a bit troublesome. If you want to help Ye Xuan, you have to deal with the Demon Hall, instead of finding a way to help the business of Ruyi Restaurant get better again. Impossible to get better.

To put it bluntly, because of the magic hall, no diners dared to eat at Ruyi Restaurant.

Qiao Ye lightly tapped his forehead with his fingers, feeling a little headache. It seemed that he had to inquire about the situation of the Demon Hall, but at this moment...

The peripheral vision from the corner of Qiao Ye's eyes swept across the street outside the teahouse, causing Qiao Ye to be taken aback suddenly, and then Qiao Ye's pupils continued to dilate, and he stretched out his hand to rub his eyes in disbelief, and then made sure that he was not mistaken.

Qiao Ye actually saw an acquaintance in the Demon Realm!

That acquaintance's name is...

Jiang Liuxue!

The fifth Jiang Liuxue!

Of course, there might still be the third or fourth Jiang Liuxue.

Because, the first Jiang Liuxue died, the second was imprisoned in Tianwu Academy, the third ran away after making wind and rain in the Jianmen land, and the fourth didn't die after opening the Void Gate in Moye City. It can be retained, so this may be a new Jiang Liuxue, or it may be someone Qiao Ye has seen before.

Qiao Ye didn't know what to say for a while, is this guy haunted? How can I see it everywhere, and...

Here is the Demon Realm!

Qiao Ye's heart trembled, does this guy really have the ability to travel through different domains?

Qiao Ye frowned, then got up quickly.

Jiang Liuxue's origin is a mystery, and his plans are also a mystery, but at least one thing is certain, wherever Jiang Liuxue appears, so far nothing good has happened.

This guy appeared in Moyu, because it has nothing to do with Wuyu, so don't worry about it?

Qiao Ye thinks that this is also an opportunity to find out what this guy wants to do in Moyu, and what this guy wants to do in Wuyu. The answer may be the same!

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye leaned against the window of the teahouse, turned over and fell from the teahouse. When she came to the street, she quickly followed Jiang Liuxue.

This scene seemed familiar. Qiao Ye followed Jiang Liuxue in the same way when he was in the Jianmen Kingdom. As a result, this guy somehow entered the Chengdong Market, but in Qiao Ye's eyes, it turned into entering the Tianwu Pavilion.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening again, Qiao Ye followed him much more closely this time, and he didn't intend to just follow up. As long as he entered a place where there were no people, Qiao Ye was ready to take action directly and give Jiang Liuxue a direct blow. Take it down, instead of following this guy and figuring out his movements, it is better to arrest him and interrogate him directly.

But at this moment...

A palm suddenly pressed on Qiao Ye's shoulder.

"Boy, I was about to find you, but I didn't expect that the road to Enemies is narrow!"


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