Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 370 One Punch Is Enough

Chapter 370 One Punch Is Enough


Qiao Ye's fist hit the ghost wall.

Meat fists are not the key to breaking through the ghost wall, but the mental power that explodes at the moment of that punch is the key!


Almost instantly, the ghost wall trembled crazily, a crack appeared on the ghost wall, and with the sound of cracking, the ghost wall collapsed like shattered glass.

Zhou Ziyang was stunned, looking at the broken ghost wall with an expression of disbelief.

"What's the use of a bunch of bells and whistles?" Qiao Ye looked at Zhou Ziyang and said, "Things that can be done with one punch are so complicated."

Zhou Ziyang came back to his senses, his face was ugly, Yuan Wenying and Su Fei were not much better, they really didn't expect that Qiao Ye really blasted the ghost wall away with one punch, without any skills, irritable and brutal , Reckless, the three of them have a bunch of contemptuous words to describe this punch.

But it also means...

Qiao Ye's innate mental strength is much stronger than theirs.


One punch is enough!

But at this moment...

The green ghost shouted: "Stand back, don't move rashly!"

Qiao Ye looked at the green ghost. The ghost wall was broken, so he could move forward. Do you still need to be so nervous?

The green ghost said: "We have cleaned the outer area, but not the inner area. The ghost wall is broken, which means that those troublesome things are about to come out."

The moment the green ghost's voice fell, there were subtle noises from all around, and the mud and rocks on the ground slowly rolled, and then...


A crack suddenly appeared on the ground, and in the next instant, one by one, white bones protruded out of the ground.

Those were skeletons one by one, as if there was a huge tomb in front of them, and countless corpses were buried there. After those skeletons drilled out of the ground, they were densely packed and directly filled the passage behind, shaking their bodies , coming towards the crowd.

Zhou Ziyang didn't have time to trouble Qiao Ye right now, so he took a step forward and stood with Qing Gui. The two of them were the most powerful, so they naturally wanted to be at the front at this time.

The green ghost said: "You deal with the scattered ones, and leave the rest to us."

The moment the green ghost spoke, he took a step forward.

After one step, the green ghost's body turned into a blue shadow, and flew forward.

Bang, bang, bang!

The blue shadow imagined by the green ghost moved forward and collided with those skeletons. Whenever it was swept by the blue shadow, those skeletons were constantly knocked away, and their bodies became torn apart and completely fell apart.

Zhou Ziyang pulled out the saber from his waist and swept it forward. A silver-white blade appeared like a crescent moon. It kept moving forward, cutting through the bodies of the skeletons, chopping them into pieces, and then Stepping forward, following the green ghost, the two entered the cave one after the other.

Qinggui and Zhou Ziyang showed their strength, opening up a passage in the cave in the blink of an eye.

However, there were still some skeletons left on the corners. Qiao Ye immediately moved forward, stretched out his hand and shook it, a black smoke wrapped around Qiao Ye's arm, and flowed into Qiao Ye's palm like water, transforming into A black halberd!

Taking a step forward, the black halberd flew in Qiao Ye's hands, and slashed towards the side.

With a bang, a skeleton stepped forward, folded his arms in front of him, and forcibly received Qiao Ye's halberd.

Qiao Ye couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Although the green ghost rushed all the way, it seemed easy to deal with these skeletons, but these skeletons were not so easy to deal with. Their bodies were quite hard, not ordinary bones.

at the same time……

After the skeleton blocked Qiao Ye's blow, it stretched out its hand forward and grabbed Qiao Ye. After Qiao Ye dodged his head, the five bone fingers pierced directly into the wall behind. .

Qiao Ye quickly jumped backwards, while her body was still in mid-air, she slammed forward with her hand!

Qiao Ye's fingertips were slipped, and bright red blood flowed out.

A hundred battles of blood, a style of confusion.

Beads of blood flew forward continuously, passing through the gap between the bones of the skeleton, and then Qiao Ye stretched out his hand violently.

Hundred battles blood technique, two-style beheading!

Those blood beads instantly turned into blood threads, entwining every bone of the opponent!

Click, click!

The sound of breaking continued to sound, and cracks gradually appeared on the bones, and finally broke suddenly.

"You killed an evil beast (skeleton of the dead), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."

The power of the martial soul absorbed from the Evil Beast is obviously lower than that of humans. Therefore, the 12,000 martial soul value means that these skeletons have at least the strength of martial artists around the eighth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. The kind without martial soul.

After one blow, Qiao Ye's figure turned sharply and entered the cave, but this time he did not choose to defend hard, but wandered away.

After a confrontation, Qiao Ye has already seen some of the characteristics of these skeletons. Their defense is very strong. The bones of the body cannot be measured by ordinary bones, but their attacks are very ordinary. Because of the hardness of the bones, the destructive power of the skeletons is also Very good, but because there is only a body of ribs left, the speed is very slow, and walking and moving are trembling.

That being the case, it is enough to avoid the attack, and it is very easy, and at the same time...


Qiao Ye swept a halberd at the waist of a skeleton, and the skeleton's body broke apart suddenly, and the upper body fell to the ground, shattering instantly.

This is the weakness of the skeleton. The lumbar spine seems to be the most vulnerable part, because when the blood line wrapped the skeleton's body before, the lumbar spine was the first to break.

After finding the weak point and deadly point, the threat of these skeletons is not so great. Qiao Ye moved forward with the halberd, swept forward vigorously, and smashed the three skeletons again, but the speed was not as fast as the green ghost. .

"You killed an evil beast (skeleton of the dead), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (skeleton of the dead), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 11500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (skeleton of the dead), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."


The battle lasted for about half an hour. Qiao Ye cleaned up all the remaining skeletons near the entrance of the cave. As for Su Fei and Yuan Wenying...

These two guys are only watching the theater for the time being, and their mental strength is damaged, so they can't do anything at all.

After cleaning up the remaining skeletons near the entrance of the cave, Qiao Ye hesitated, whether to go deeper to find the green ghost, but at this time, the green ghost and Zhou Ziyang had already walked back.

"Let's go!" Qing Gui waved at Qiao Ye and said, "There shouldn't be any monsters appearing for now, let's leave first."


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