Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 400 Tianliang Mountain Has Treasures

Chapter 400 Tianliang Mountain Has Treasures

Qiao Ye's first mission after becoming a Guardian...

Although Guikujing can also be regarded as a task, it is only a secondment after all, so there is nothing wrong with what Lin Jiexu said.

Qiao Ye showed a bit of excitement, looked at Lin Jiexu and said, "Say it!"

Lin Jiexu said: "Because of the emergence of the Demon Realm, there has been a change in Tianliang Mountain. Eight hundred miles to the west of the void crack that appeared in the Demon Realm, the space oscillated, and then a cave, or a place of the Zongmen appeared."

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't really understand."

Lin Jiexu explained: "Initially we thought that there was a new void fault, but in fact it was not. In that space similar to the void fault, there is a large area of ​​medicine gardens, as well as manors, secret realms, mountain gates, etc. According to According to the preliminary speculation of the world mysteries, this should be the cave of a peerless strong man, the place where he once lived, or the territory of a certain sect. Based on the calculation of time, it should be left over from before the three worlds and nine domains were broken. even……"

As Lin Jiexu spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed upwards.

"Above the Nine Realms!" Qiao Ye's pupils shrank sharply, "Three Realms?"

Lin Jiexu said: "Before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, the Nine Realms were connected with the Three Realms, and that place appeared in the Broken Realm. Therefore, it is not impossible that it does not belong to the Nine Realms, but comes from the Three Realms. Of course, this Things are not absolute, but one thing is at least certain, that place is full of treasures."

"So, to win the treasure?" Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "It's not my turn to do this, right?"

Qiao Ye is not self-deprecating, but she also has self-knowledge. If there are treasures everywhere, then of course the more powerful the people who are sent there, the better.

After all, Qiao Ye is only at the Martial King Realm. This kind of thing can definitely send the Martial Emperor, or even the Martial Emperor.

Lin Jiexu said: "That place is unusual. We and Lingyu both sent world mystics, but they brought back some elixir from the medicine garden, and they came back to be third-rank. It is said that there is a second-rank treasure found in Lingyu. What’s more, it should be the inheritance of the master here, in short, there are too many things in it, and they are too good, causing the situation to get out of control.”

Qiao Ye said, "What do you mean the situation is out of control?"

Lin Jiexu said: "So many treasures, such good treasures, who wouldn't want them? Do you think we can sit in rows and share them together?"

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Impossible!"

Lin Jiexu said: "What's more, there is still Demon Realm getting involved, so the current situation is that the masters of the three domains have gathered on the periphery, the defenders, guards, and world mystics have all been dispatched, and even the martial arts, spiritual masters, etc. Domains, demon domains, some of the most powerful people who do not belong to the guardians, guards and world mystics have all gone to the battlefield of the nine domains. And the top ten dojos in the world are not idle, hey, what do you think of the final result?"

Qiao Ye spread her hands and said, "No one can get in!"

"You're the only one who is smart." Lin Jiexu smiled and said, "However, what you said was the correct answer, but the result is that everyone restrains each other, and those top experts appear in Tianliang Mountain one after another, but none of them can enter. Go, sometimes it is not good to be too strong, you will be stared at if you appear, and it is not easy to cover up if your breath is too strong."

Qiao Ye said: "So, it's easier for those with lower cultivation to get in?"

Lin Jiexu nodded and said, "Although it's not easy, it's still a little bit better."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Understood!"

Lin Jiexu said: "If you can go in, the elixir, spiritual materials, treasures, weapons, armor, all of these are your own. You can have as many as you can find. There are only two things that must be handed over. .”

Qiao Ye said, "Say it."

Lin Jiexu said: "You have to hand in the inheritance of that place, because it is likely to be the ancient inheritance before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, so it has a very huge research value. Of course, you can copy the original and keep it for yourself. Download a copy."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Well, what else?"

Lin Jiexu said: "Historical documents related to the Three Realms, as well as things that are unique to the Three Realms like the Blood Sea Secret Stone, must be handed in. Of course, it is not for nothing. There will be compensation later. Depends."

Qiao Ye said: "However, I'm not sure that that place must be related to the Three Realms?"

Lin Jiexu said with a smile: "Qiao Ye, that is the place left before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were not broken. Even if its owner was from the Nine Realms, the Three Realms and the Nine Realms were connected at that time, and they obtained the unique products of the Three Realms. It's very common, so it's hard to say whether there are relevant documents, there are nine out of ten things."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Understood."

Lin Jiexu said: "In these days, the young masters of the three domains are almost on the move. Five days ago, Qin Jianchuan has successfully entered it. I will guarantee you that if you perform well this time, no assessment is required. , you are the night class!"

The minimum standard for night duty is to be at the Martial Ancestor Realm and possess a Martial Spirit of rank seven or above.

Qiao Ye's current strength has already been reached.

Qiao Ye is now at the Martial King Realm, and her Martial Soul is also at the fifth rank.

However, this standard belongs to the minimum standard. To put it simply, it means that the strength must reach this level, but it does not mean that after reaching this strength, one must be a night-level boundary guard.

The level and strength of the boundary defender are only part of the factors, and a big factor lies in the performance of a boundary defender, or it can be understood as a result.

To give a simple example, the Lin Jiexu in front of Qiao Ye did not come from the Four Great Academies, nor is it from the Daoist Temple of the World. In his early years, Lin Jiexu was a loose person who traveled all over the world. When he became a boundary guard, he was already in his thirties. Now, and he is a master of the famous side, and his cultivation base has also reached the Martial Emperor Realm.

But after becoming a Boundary Defender, Lin Jiexu just skipped the apprenticeship of a Boundary Defender, because the apprenticeship experience is meaningless to Lin Jiexu's strength.

But even if he directly became a boundary guard, Lin Jiexu started as a level-less boundary guard. It took a year to become a night-level guard, three years later to become a day-level guard, and it took a full ten years to become a boundary guard Level, climb up step by step, and finally become Dongfang Ritu, one of the twenty-eight stars of the guardian.

Therefore, Lin Jie must be using such a promise to tell Qiao Ye that this matter is very important, and his achievements are enough for Qiao Ye to directly become a night duty officer.

However, the point of Lin Jiexu's promise is not to become a night-level guardian.


Qiao Ye's parents!


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