Chapter 439 Medicine Garden

Rank five treasures are not so easy to deal with!

Of course, whether it is easy to deal with depends on how strong the obsession of the original owner is on the bronze armor. If it is only possible to make the treasure move by itself instead of fully activated, then it is a little easier to deal with. If the obsession If it is strong enough and the treasure is fully activated, it will naturally be difficult to deal with.

In addition, the reason why they are difficult to deal with is that they want to get the treasure.

Breaking a treasure is of course different from subduing a treasure. The former can be done with all your strength, while the latter is bound to be a lot of trouble. It is meaningless to smash the treasure directly.

For example, Qin Jianchuan didn't even take down the fifth-grade spear in Baoya before, because the spear was covered with a strong obsession. If Qin Jianchuan really wants to take down the spear, there may be no way. But there was a life-and-death fight in that obsession, and taking it by force might damage the treasure. Qin Jianchuan didn't want to destroy the treasure, so he withdrew, intending to try again later.

On the contrary, the Nine-Turn Magic Bell Ball is still a third-grade treasure, but Qin Jianchuan can forcefully suppress it with sword intent. The reason is that the Nine-Turn Magic Bell Ball has no obsession with the previous owner. It means that at best, they will resist on their own when they take the treasure, so naturally it is much easier to suppress.

The bronze armor in front of me...

Belong to the former!

Qin Jianchuan can also deal with it, but if he doesn't have the confidence not to destroy the treasure, he can forcefully suppress it!

Qiao Ye said, "Then I'll come!"

Qiao Ye took a step directly, watched the bronze armor move by itself, and slashed out with a sword again.

The sound of the sword sounded suddenly, the bronze long sword slashed, and a cyan sword light came. Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and he used the Nine Palaces Flying Star to move his body horizontally, while avoiding the sword light, he held his hand forward.

The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

A huge handprint appeared, and he held it forward, directly holding the bronze armor in his hand.

The body of the bronze armor suddenly gathered, squeezed by an invisible force, and the body kept making "creak, creak" sounds.

Qin Jianchuan saw the toothache, and said to Qiao Ye: "Be careful, be gentle, don't break it!"

The fifth-rank treasures are actually not so easy to break.

Generally speaking, if the cultivation base of the Martial King Realm is not a collision of Noble Phantasms, but with one's own strength, it is definitely a very challenging thing to destroy a fifth-rank Noble Phantasm.

However, it is a Noble Phantasm in a normal state.

After all, the treasures in Liangshan’s secret realm on this day have gone through countless years of baptism, and they are more or less old and broken. Secondly, there is no user to manipulate, which means that no one injects power into the treasures, relying on the treasures alone With one's own strength and a ray of residual obsession support, at most it can exert 30% to 40% of the power of the Noble Phantasm, and at the same time it will be much more fragile than in the normal state.

Qiao Ye didn't care about Qin Jianchuan's worried expression.

How can you fight with fear?

This treasure was not destroyed, which means that this treasure has a good life, and it also means that my own life is good, and I got this treasure.

If not, it will be destroyed if it is destroyed, Qiao Ye would rather be destroyed than leave it to others!

Qin Jianchuan made such a mistake before, because he hesitated and gave in, so that the spear he found had probably fallen into the hands of others.


With a wave of Qiao Ye's hand, the big handprint directly lifted the treasure, and smashed it hard towards the ground.


The bronze armor was shattered by Qiao Ye's smash, but it quickly put it together again and got up from the ground.

And the moment the bronze armor got up, Qiao Ye's figure flashed and came to the bronze armor again.


Qiao Ye slapped the bronze armor's shoulder with a palm, and then there was a roar on the ground, and a piece of it split open, and the lower half of the bronze armor was directly embedded in the ground.

Qin Jianchuan turned his head with distressed face, he might as well do it by himself, it's too violent!

After one blow, Qiao Ye jumped backwards, and before the bronze armor crawled out from the ground, he stretched out his hand and swung it forward.

The thumbnail split the index finger the moment Qiao Ye waved.

A hundred battle blood techniques, a dazzling style!

The drop of blood flew forward, and then...


A blood mist filled the air, drifting forward, completely covering the bronze armor.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, and tugged at the void!

Hundred battles blood technique, two-style beheading!

Countless blood lines appeared in the blood mist, and the body that was directly tied to the bronze armor rubbed against each other, making a piercing metallic sound.


As the bloodline became tighter and tighter, the bronze armor suddenly made a loud noise, completely torn apart.

The scattered bronze armor wriggled on the ground, slowly trying to piece it together, but the brilliance surrounding the bronze armor became increasingly dimmer, and finally the bronze armor stopped moving completely.

Qin Jianchuan stepped forward and said speechlessly: "Is this because it was directly smashed?"

Qiao Ye said: "No, it still works, just put it together again!"

Qiao Ye used the light curtain to check whether the bronze armor was broken or not. If it was broken, it would naturally show damage. If it didn't show damage, it was in good condition.

At the same time, the information of the bronze armor can also be seen on the light curtain. It really is a fifth-rank treasure. However, Qiao Ye tried to absorb it, but he didn't confirm it. He judged it by the martial soul value obtained from the absorption. The bronze armor on his body is considered medium among the fifth-grade treasures.

Qiao Ye said: "Put this thing away, let's go and see the medicine garden."

The medicine garden built on the hillside is completely enclosed. The outside of the medicine garden is a fence, but it is not an ordinary fence. The fence is carved with pattern patterns. At the same time, there are some different shapes around the fence. The pile of small stones formed a formation in this way, so that a silver-white canopy appeared above the medicine garden, covering the whole medicine garden.

This canopy can not only keep out the wind and rain, but it should also be able to keep the medicinal properties of the elixir in the medicine garden. At the same time, the soil that cultivates the elixir is usually not ordinary soil. The power of these soils will leak, but they are sealed by the canopy. Naturally, it can guarantee that the effect will always be maintained within the range of the medicine garden.

Therefore, when Qiao Ye pushed open the fence gate of the medicine garden, the connected patterns on the fence were broken, and then...


The canopy covering the top of the medicine garden made a loud noise, as if something had exploded.

next moment...

Qiao Ye smelled the strong medicinal fragrance, and it rushed out from the medicine garden crazily. Even, the medicinal fragrance that hit her face seemed to have substance, like waves layer by layer.

Immediately after...

A piece of colorful light suddenly burst out from the medicine garden.


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