Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 817 You come and I go

Chapter 817 You come and I go

Qiao Ye looked at this scene with mixed feelings!

Polaris has used the Beast Control Skill!

The aurora beam is actually not the animal control skill, but the ability of Polaris itself, and this trick is the right one!

Other people's beast masters taught them to use them. My good guy, my own beast masters can use their own beast master skills, and even the beast master Qiao Ye didn't know about those beast master skills.

Should Qiao Ye say that he is a waste as a beast master?

Still a compliment...

Well done!

But in any case, Polaris is also battle-tested, even without Qiao Ye's command, the current adjustment is appropriate and beneficial.

This move weakened the power, but it made it impossible for Lin Yutian to avoid it. The aurora beams completely blocked all directions. No matter how flexible and fast Lin Yutian was, it was useless.

Lin Yutian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly stretched out his finger to hook it. The surrounding ground surged again, turning into a mud flow, and then large swathes of mud flow rose up, turning into stone shields one by one.

Boom, boom, boom!

Lin Yutian also responded with numbers. A large stone shield collided with the aurora beam, making a constant roar, and then the stone shields were smashed one by one, or offset each other. Lin Yutian used this method to resolve the aurora beam.



At this moment, the sound of thunder suddenly appeared, and a thunderbolt pierced the sky.

Lin Yutian looked up sharply, only to see a thundercloud covering the sky, the billowing thunder not only flickered continuously, but a thunderbolt like a long dragon descended from the sky, hitting it directly!

The fort is not the only Polaris.

Qiao Ye's body bloomed with the aura of spirit and spirit, and after sketching out the magic map, he naturally changed the method of melee combat into long-range bombing.

If you have to touch Lin Yutian's spiritual ability, then just keep the distance so that Lin Yutian can't touch him.

Seeing the thunder falling, Lin Yutian was not in a hurry. The surrounding ground turned into a mud flow again, covering Lin Yutian's head, and it became solid in a hemispherical shape, and he received a thunderbolt hard.

In fact, Qiao Ye somewhat didn't understand Lin Yutian's spiritual ability.

With the improvement of the level of spiritual ability, it is true that there will be a variety of ability extensions, but the focus is on extension, that is to say, the new abilities that appear must be related.

But Lin Yutian's ability to manipulate mud and rocks seems to have nothing to do with the explosion.

Of course, the ability to manipulate mud and rocks may also be the use of some treasure by Lin Yutian.

Whichever it is, it doesn't matter to Qiao Ye, because Qiao Ye can also do the same thing.

"Then, bring your abilities!"

Wanfa Lingtu, you and me!

Since Lin Yutian manipulated the mud and rocks to defend, then Qiao Ye took away Lin Yutian's ability to see how he can defend.


The next moment, Qiao Ye's expression froze for a moment. You and My Vientiane didn't activate, or in other words, they couldn't activate. Qiao Ye couldn't take away Lin Yutian's ability to manipulate mud and rocks.

"The rumors are true. When you made a big fuss in the temple, you actually got the emanation of the spirit god!" Lin Yutian's face was slightly envious, jealous, and greedy, and then quickly turned into disdain He looked at Qiao Ye and said, "But this trick is useless to me, because I also received the blessing of the Spiritual God in the Ling Temple back then, and I also have the spiritual charm of the Spiritual God!"

It is a matter of course that there is a spiritual charm of the spirit god to be able to fight against the spiritual charm of the spiritual god.

It's just that the spirit god is too fraternal. He even built a spiritual temple after he died. Every year he sacrificed to the heavens, he would disperse some of his spirit spirit charm. Qiao Ye felt that he was lucky to have demolished that ruined temple.

However, you and I are useless, so Lin Yutian can't stop Lin Yutian from continuing to manipulate the mud flow.

Then, Qiao Ye decided to come by himself!

Isn't it just manipulating the rock and soil, even if I don't need you and me to grab it by force, it's not like I can't!

Boom, boom, boom!

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and waved forward, the ground trembled continuously, and then, one after another, ground thorns came out of the ground continuously, attacking from all directions, and went straight to Lin Yutian.

Lin Yutian retreated quickly until he was completely surrounded by ground thorns. He had no way to retreat, so he jumped up.

But also at this time...

Polaris held up the double crossbows, and fired two polar beams towards Lin Yutian.

Cooperating with Polaris is actually a very pleasant thing.

It's not that Qiao Ye has never seen how the beast masters of the Beast Realm fight. Generally speaking, there are indeed beast masters who cooperate very well with the beast masters, but most of the beast masters still need to command the battle. The teacher gave the order, and then let the imperial beast cooperate through the order.

But Polaris seemed to be able to cooperate with Qiao Ye's actions without command, and the most important thing was that the cooperation was quite good.

Maybe Polaris was trained by the Beast God, maybe Polaris was born powerful as a unparalleled level beast master, maybe Qiao Ye and Polaris really have a natural tacit understanding.

In short, Polaris and Qiao Ye cooperated very well.

After Qiao Ye used the thorns to force Lin Yutian to jump up, in mid-air, there was no point of focus, so naturally he couldn't dodge. Therefore, the two beams of aurora emitted by Polaris at this moment can be said to be very spiritual.


Lin Yutian couldn't avoid it, and once again condensed the stone shield with mud flow in mid-air, and then there was a loud noise, the stone shield couldn't resist the aurora beam at all, and was shattered by a blow.

Lin Yutian was also shot and fell directly from the air.


The three forms of Tianwu, breaking the palm of the sky, and the big mudra!

Qiao Ye slapped out a palm, and a crack in the void suddenly opened above Lin Yutian, and a huge handprint broke through the void, and slapped Lin Yutian's body fiercely.

Qiao Ye grimaced and said, "The one who jumped up and down finally caught you!"

"That's not necessarily true." Lin Yutian sneered, "Explosive!"

With a bang, an explosion suddenly occurred on Lin Yutian's body, and the flames mixed with black smoke scattered, and the big handprint was blown to pieces abruptly. Immediately afterwards, Lin Yutian broke free from the restraints.

Qiao Ye couldn't help being startled, is this all right? Can you make yourself explode?

Moreover, although the explosion appeared on Lin Yutian's body, it seemed to have no effect on Lin Yutian himself. Apart from being contaminated with some sand, Lin Yutian was not harmed at all, and even the cloak he was wearing was intact.

Qiao Ye couldn't help grinning...

This guy is a little difficult!

The battle continued, and it seemed that it was more difficult than expected to kill the guy in front of him.

Then, let the attack become more violent, so violent that it can kill Lin Yutian!

However, at this moment, Lin Yutian suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Do you think..." Lin Yutian looked at Qiao Ye and said, "If you don't get close to me, my attack will have nothing to do with you?"


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