Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 828 The Guardian Arrives

Chapter 828 The Guardian Arrives

Jiang Liuxue had a confident expression on her face, and the most important thing was...

Qiao Ye has nothing to do about it!

Jiang Liuxue was not afraid of death at all, and Qiao Ye knew this, because killing this guy was useless at all.

In fact, it was not that Qiao Ye had never killed Jiang Liuxue, but even if he killed this guy, this guy would still appear.

Qiao Ye said in a deep voice, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"I'm just ushering in the best era." Jiang Liuxue looked at Qiao Ye and said, "You group of defenders are so self-righteous that you don't even know what the world is like."

Qiao Ye said, "So, what does this world look like?"

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said, "What? Do you want to help me? I can give you everything you want, including satisfying your curiosity."

Qiao Ye said, "Daydreaming."

But at this moment...

A huge shadow suddenly covered the ground, Qiao Ye was vigilant, quickly looked towards the sky, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

The shadows are three huge flying boats, moreover, they are the flying boats of the defenders!

Three flying boats landed on the top of the mountain, and the defenders of Wuyu quickly jumped off the flying boats, and...

Lin Jie must lead the team in person!

Recently, due to the incidents in the Beast Realm, there is a shortage of defenders, but Lin Jiexu still brought hundreds of defenders!

Lingyu, Jiang Liuxue...

These two words are too sensitive, Lin Jiexu is obviously ready to fight directly with Lingyu, but after jumping off the flying boat, Lin Jiexu looked around, it was empty, as if it was different from what he thought .

"Qiao Ye!" Lin Jiexu called Qiao Ye and said, "Where are the people in the Lingyu?"

"I don't know. From what it looks like here, I should have been there not long ago, but now I don't know where to go." Qiao Ye raised his halberd and pointed: "But, this guy is here!"

"Jiang Liuxue!"

Lin Jie had to look at Jiang Liuxue who was sitting on the ground and had no intention of running away. In other words, Jiang Liuxue knew very well that she couldn't run away in the current situation.

Lin Jiexu's gaze became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you?"

Jiang Liuxue smiled lightly, looking very calm, but she didn't mean to answer Jiang Liuxue.

"Don't tell me, right?" Lin Jiexu said: "Don't worry, we have plenty of time, let's put this guy on the flying boat first."

Immediately, some boundary guards stepped forward and put special shackles on Jiang Liuxue, but Jiang Liuxue did not resist, and let the two boundary guards put the shackles on herself, and then escorted her to the flying boat.

The moment she passed Qiao Ye, Jiang Liuxue suddenly stopped, looked sideways at Qiao Ye and said, "You won this time, but the matter is not over yet."


A boundary guard gave Jiang Liuxue a push, causing Jiang Liuxue to stagger.

Jiang Liuxue fell to the ground and looked back at the two guardians, her black pupils suddenly turned into a bluish white color. The guardian who pushed Jiang Liuxue lost his mind for a moment, but quickly returned After returning to normal, he directly grabbed the shackles, pulled Jiang Liuxue up from the ground, pushed Jiang Liuxue, and let Jiang Liuxue get on the flying boat quickly.

Lin Jiexu turned to Qiao Ye and said, "What's the matter, tell me quickly."

Qiao Ye looked at the thunder pool and said, "We have to deal with this thing first, we don't have much time, only three hours, no, there should be only two more hours left..."

From accepting the investigation mission, discovering the guardian of the spiritual domain, to discovering that it was Jiang Liuxue who was playing tricks, Qiao Ye told the story as quickly as possible.

Because, right now, things are a little more urgent.

Lin Jie had to arrive in time, which reminded Qiao Ye that a living Jiang Liuxue was more valuable than a dead Jiang Liuxue. Of course, Jiang Liuxue was not afraid of death. It might not be easy for Jiang Liuxue to ask something out of his mouth.

However, at least the living ones may be useful, and the dead ones are definitely useless.

Of course, Jiang Liuxue's matter can be put aside for now, anyway, people have already caught it, and the important thing is this thunder pool.

Jiang Liuxue must be planning to use this Thunder Pool to do something, but I don't know what it is. Moreover, the Time Flow Magic Box just reversed the time of the Thunder Pool for three hours. After three hours, the Thunder Pool will still be destroyed by Thunder. Filled.

Before that, they had to figure out what Jiang Liuxue wanted to do and stop it.

Lin Jiexu was quite calm, nodded and said: "I see, you go to rest first, and leave the rest to me."

Qiao Ye nodded.

Lin Jie had to arrive, and Qiao Ye's tense nerves also relaxed. After continuous fighting, Qiao Ye felt somewhat tired.

Qiao Ye boarded the airship, and Lin Jie asked someone to arrange a room for Qiao Ye to rest.

Qiao Ye sat cross-legged on the bed, ready to meditate and adjust his breath to recover.

However, before that, Qiao Ye first absorbed a bunch of things. The treasures used by Jiang Liuxue, except for the oil lamp that was directly bombarded by Polaris, Qiao Ye picked up the others in advance.

Qiao Ye's demand for treasures is not high, especially the treasures used by Jiang Liuxue, which are all-purpose treasures. Simply put, they are pure attack or defense treasures. Although they are all good, but Qiao Ye I don't like it, Qiao Ye needs some special treasures, or treasures that fit him.

However, even if it is used for absorption, I have to say...

This guy Jiang Liuxue is really arrogant, those treasures are all good things.

"You have absorbed the Air Swallowing Golden Toad, and the absorbed martial soul value: 2900000 points."

"You have absorbed the Linglong Pestle, and the absorbed martial soul value: 1,800,000 points."

"You have absorbed the Yuhuo Red Crystal Flower, the value of absorbing martial soul: 2000000 points."


After absorbing it, Qiao Ye glanced at the light curtain!

Host: Qiao Ye.

Title: Killing a Thousand People

Combat power: 12056000

Cultivation level: Martial Emperor Realm fourth rank.

The power of the elements: the heart of the soul of fire.

State of mind: Supreme Killing Realm

Martial soul value: 1500/20000000

Martial Dao and Martial Soul: Dazzling Heavenly Demon (Rank 4) (variable variants).

Spiritual practice: spiritual map of ten thousand dharmas (fourth grade)

Items: Twins in One Realm, Nine-turn Magic Bell Ball, 16-prism Lightsword Mirror, Iron Book of Valkyrie (Volume 26)

Beast Familiar: Four Different Phases (Growing Stage)

Cultivation method: Fuji Sword (contemplating ideas) Bloodthirsty Maniac (Congfa)

Martial arts: Hundred Battle Blood Technique (rank three), Breaking Heavenly Palm (rank three), Ascension to Heaven Road (rank seven), nine-turn golden body (rank four)

Qiao Ye didn't take Jiang Liuxue's space treasure, it was reserved for Lin Jiexu. Lin Jiexu should search Jiang Liuxue's treasure later, to see if there is anything valuable in it, and to find some clues The three pieces that Qiao Ye took away were all used by Jiang Liuxue during the battle. They are very pure battle treasures and have no research value. Moreover, two fifth-rank treasures and one fourth-rank treasure are very important to Qiao Ye. It was enough for Qiao Ye to raise his cultivation to the fourth level of the Martial Emperor Realm with nearly seven million martial soul points.


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