Chapter 837 Cut, Cut, Cut

Qiao Ye looked sideways, and quickly found the opponent hidden in the crowd. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye lifted the black halberd and threw it forward without hesitation.

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and after a flash of black light, the man with the bow didn't even have a chance to escape, only to find that the black halberd had suddenly come to him.


A halberd pierced through the chest, with terrifying power, it even brought the other party's body three to five meters away before it was nailed to the ground.

"You defeated a martial artist of the second level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 55,000 points."

Qiao Ye casually stretched out his hand, and then, the black halberd stuck in the corpse disappeared, and the black smoke reappeared in Qiao Ye's palm, and soon turned into a black halberd and reappeared in his hand.

Stretching the black halberd horizontally, he shook out a halberd flower, and Qiao Ye carried the black halberd upside down, and rushed forward.

Qiao Ye's goal is the front line, the front line of the battle between the two sides!

Walking with a halberd, go straight to the battle!

After Qiao Ye came to the front, he jumped straight up and swung a halberd in mid-air. Surrounded by black smoke, it formed a giant halberd of black smoke, and slashed forward with a black arc.


The giant halberd fell and chopped the ground into pieces. Many people around were blown away by the halberd. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye fell to the ground.

The moment it landed, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand flew up, like a black flood dragon going out to sea, with arcs of light, it continuously attacked all around.


A muffled sound of flesh and blood being torn apart suddenly appeared, and Qiao Ye hit one person's throat with a halberd, piercing the other person's throat.

After a halberd, Qiao Ye didn't stop, and drew out the halberd directly, grasping the tail end of the halberd shaft, and swept the black halberd towards the side.


With the sound of the halberd blade piercing into the flesh, a martial artist from the martial field stopped, raised the weapon in his hand high above his head, and kept slashing.


The warrior's body was tilted, and then his upper body suddenly fell to the ground.

With one halberd, Qiao Ye cut off the opponent's body.

"You defeated a martial artist of the second level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 55,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the seventh level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 75,000 points."


After killing two people in a row, Qiao Ye continued to walk forward without stopping.

The moment he walked forward, Qiao Ye's left hand opened, and the dragon's claw was emitting a faint light, which looked extremely ferocious.

next moment...

The surrounding blood seemed to be drawn by some force, and quickly moved towards Qiao Ye's direction, turning into blood lines, and then condensed into a blood cell in Qiao Ye's palm!

This chaotic battle...

Qiao Ye licked the corners of her mouth, but it was the most suitable for the Hundred Battles Blood Art!


Qiao Ye's left hand squeezed hard, and then the blood cell was crushed by Qiao Ye, and the moment the blood cell was crushed, a blood-red mist suddenly filled the surroundings, and it was madly pushed away in all directions.

Hundred battle blood technique, three styles, thorns!

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and waved forward, dissipating the blood mist in front of him, and shouted: "Pierce through!"

Puff puff!

The ground around Qiao Ye continued to make muffled noises, and then blood-colored thorns suddenly rose from the ground, centered on Qiao Ye, and pushed wildly in all directions.

Before a spiritual cultivator could react, the thorns pierced from the ground pierced his calf. Amidst the screams, a second blood thorn rose from the ground and pierced directly from the spiritual cultivator's chin. It penetrated in, and then directly pierced out from the position of the Tianling Gai, lifted the person into the air, and hung on the top of the blood thorn.

On the other side, a demonized man from Demon Realm entered the demonized state, his arms were covered with rhinoceros armor, and he swept forward, smashing a large piece of blood thorns, but at the moment he wanted to stride forward, However, there was a blood thorn piercing out from the back, piercing out from the chest of the demonized person, and flying the demonized person into the air.

Not far from Qiao Ye, there was a roar, and a double swordsman was extremely brave. The two swords danced continuously, bringing out silver arcs of swords, chopping the blood stabs into pieces, and approached Qiao Ye crazily. , wanting to kill Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye stretched out her hand casually, and gently hooked her fingertips.

Hundred battle blood technique, two styles, beheading!

The shattered blood thorns turned into blood lines, criss-crossing around the swordsman, and then...

Puff puff!

As Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to hold it, the blood lines tightened in an instant, and the swordsman's body exploded directly, turning into a pile of corpses and falling to the ground.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the eighth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 19,000 points."

"You defeated a first-level devil in the Demon King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 35,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist at the first level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 40,000 points."


There was a strong smell of blood all around, and Qiao Ye killed at least a dozen people with one blow, and abruptly emptied the surrounding area.

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky, Jiang Liuxue was sitting on the jade plate, looking at the chaotic battle below, looking like she was watching the show.

What is this guy trying to do?


This guy finally ran out of Longlinjian, didn't find a place to hide, and appeared in such an upright manner, for revenge?

Break the alliance?

Maybe Qiao Ye thinks this is the most impossible, why?

It was Jiang Liuxue's good deed to connect the beast realm to the entrance of the Nine Realms Battlefield. This guy destroyed the gladiator plate and Linhai City, which led to the void leading to the Nine Realms Battlefield.

Although I don't know the reason for doing this, but Jiang Liuxue's purpose should be to connect the Beast Realm with the Nine Realm Battlefield.

So, does this alliance have any impact on Jiang Liuxue? Isn't the current situation just as Jiang Liuxue wished?

Qiao Ye couldn't figure out why Jiang Liuxue attacked during the meeting, so she simply didn't want to think about it. Since she can take this guy down once, she can take this guy down a second time!

Qiao Ye looked around quickly while thinking.

Among those dead, Bai Jinglin, the general of the Daqian Dynasty, should be the strongest, and he is fighting inextricably with King Ruyang at the moment.

Every time the two of them appeared, the surrounding ground would explode, and the clouds in the sky would be shattered. No one dared to approach them within a kilometer around them.

In addition to Bai Jinglin, the one who has become the Supreme Being in the world is the old man riding an elephant in the beast domain, who is the beast king!

However, the two beast masters sent by the Union of Beasts are also...



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