Chapter 843 Bloody Fog

Everyone waited silently, and people from the other three domains rushed over quickly.

Now that Wu Yu has already sent someone, they will naturally not send them.

There are good and bad things about this kind of thing. The advantage is that Wu Yu sent people, of course they don't need to be dispatched. The downside is that if nothing happens, of course Wu Yu's people will go first.

Everyone waited quietly, waiting for news from Liang Zhicheng, or...

No news!

When Liang Zhicheng entered the fog, he was prepared to be trapped in it. The unknown danger was the most terrifying, especially related to the void.


Not only did Liang Zhicheng come out, but he also came out faster than expected, and he brought someone back in about a cup of tea. Moreover, there didn't seem to be any traces of fighting on his body, nothing happened at all.

Lin Jiexu looked at Liang Zhicheng suspiciously and said, "How is it?"

Liang Zhicheng said: "There are some problems at the entrance and exit, but it seems that there is no danger, but there are two entrances and exits."

Lin Jiexu wondered, "Two?"

Liang Zhicheng nodded and said: "Going forward normally, you can return to the Nine Realms Battlefield. I have already gone back and walked around, and then came here again, but those bloody fogs seem to have opened up a new passage, as if appearing It was like a fork in the road, I didn't go in directly to check."

Lin Jiexu thought for a while, and said decisively: "Forget about the bloody mist, let people go back to the Nine Realms Battlefield immediately, and then go back and find out what happened to the bloody mist."

Liang Zhicheng nodded and said, "I'll take someone back, you can negotiate."

Lin Jiexu nodded. In the current situation, he definitely couldn't leave alone. He had to discuss with the other three domains, and this kind of negotiation was usually done by Lin Jiexu.

Qiao Ye was still puzzled. After all, with so many people, Liang Zhicheng had to explain the situation to everyone one by one? Just follow orders now.

The defenders of Wuyu quickly entered the fog of chaos.

Qiao Ye carried Xiaoji and walked at the end. Soon, Qiao Ye also discovered the abnormality of the chaotic mist.

Originally, passing through the fog of chaos is equivalent to passing through a passage, going from the Nine Realms Battlefield to the Beast Realm, or from the Beast Realm to the Nine Realm Battlefield.

But now, halfway through the walk, Qiao Ye noticed a large piece of blood-colored mist appeared on the side, as if forming a new passage, penetrating through the chaotic mist horizontally.

With doubts in her heart, Qiao Ye walked out of the chaotic fog, but there was really no danger, and she came back smoothly.

Qiao Ye found Liang Zhicheng and said, "Uncle Liang, what's going on?"

"I don't know either." Liang Zhicheng shook his head with a wry smile and said, "You also saw the bloody mist passage in the middle, right?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Liang Zhicheng said: "The problem should be on that passage, but I didn't investigate. The most important thing right now is for everyone to come back safely."

Qiao Ye said, "Should I check later?"

Liang Zhicheng nodded and said: "We must investigate, the alliance should not be opened for the time being, because this piece of chaotic fog is no longer a pure entrance and exit, and it is also an area with unpredictable dangers, which should be temporarily banned. Domain should need to negotiate again."

Qiao Ye nodded, and then said, "How could that guy escape from Longlin Creek?"

Liang Zhicheng was stunned for a moment, his face was a bit solemn and he said: "This also needs to send someone to see what's going on immediately, but don't rush it, wait for other people to come out and talk about it."

Qiao Ye nodded again, then carried Xiao Ji to the side honestly.

Now that the situation is unclear, Liang Zhicheng is as baffled as Qiao Ye, so he can only wait.

Soon, after the guards from the martial domain passed, the people from the spiritual domain followed, and then the people from the demon domain. Naturally, the people from the beast domain would not follow.

They haven't established a stronghold in the Nine-Region Battlefield, and the alliance was originally held for this purpose. Therefore, Beast Realm doesn't know much about the Nine-Region Battlefield, and is even in a state of vigilance. This needs to be resolved through the alliance. Right now If something happens at the entrance and exit, they will not come here.

After Lin Jiexu came back, he whispered a few words to Liang Zhicheng, and then announced that the defenders would disband on their own.

Of course, Lin Jiexu and Liang Zhicheng must be busy. Liang Zhicheng intends to rush back to Longxijian to find out, while Lin Jiexu wants to have a meeting with Lingyu and Moyu. If there is no accident, all parties should The people will work together to explore the bloody mist.

Qiao Ye naturally had nothing to do for the time being. After thinking about it, Qiao Ye went directly back to Linglong Tower.

After returning to Linglong Tower, Qiao Ye did not choose to carry out the task, but waited for the news. Right now, anything related to Jiang Liuxue is at a very high level of danger with the twenty-eight stars of the guardian. Jiang Liuxue really escaped from Longxijian, so the degree of danger would be even higher.

Naturally, because of Jiang Liuxue, everyone will definitely pay more attention to the new entrances and exits, and people should be organized to explore them soon.

Sure enough, as Qiao Ye guessed, two days later, Wuyu, Lingyu, and Moyu formed a joint team to investigate the entrance and exit of the beast domain. After the team entered the passage formed by the bloody mist, Wuyu Join hands with Lingyu to seal the entrance and exit, and no one is allowed to enter.

Qiao Ye is still waiting for the news, waiting for the news after the exploration is completed, and not only Qiao Ye is waiting, but many people are waiting.

During the meeting, Jiang Liuxue's words didn't attract too many people's attention, but after thinking about it afterwards, many people became excited.

On the Beast Realm, the strongest existing beasts must be the twelve beasts of the beast god, but this does not mean that the twelve beasts of the beast god are the strongest beasts in history.

According to the historical documents of the Beast Realm, there were six unique royal beasts that only existed in legends in the Beast Realm!

But now, Jiang Liuxue directly told everyone that she knew where the two imperial beasts were. After the news got out, how could everyone in the beast domain not go crazy?

In addition, there is also the magic domain.

The founding emperor of the Daqian Dynasty is known as the strongest demon god in the past and present, and has created an incomparable great cause for thousands of years.

You must know that in the earliest days of the Demon Realm, there were many countries with constant disputes. It was very similar to the situation in Wuyu. It was the founding emperor who swept the entire Demon Realm with his iron cavalry. He was invincible and finally established the Daqian Dynasty.

Although the demon god in Moyu's mouth now refers to Xie Shisan, the last demon god in Demon Realm, but among the demon gods of all dynasties, the founding emperor of the Dagan Dynasty should be the most powerful.

Then, who in the Demon Realm would not want the inheritance and things left behind by such characters?


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