Chapter 892 Acquaintance

"It's not an illusion!"

When Qiao Ye began to doubt himself, Ding Xiang directly denied it.

Qiao Ye said: "You wanted to prove to me that it was an illusion, but now you tell me it's not? What do you mean?"

"I never told you that those were hallucinations." Ding Xiang said, "I just told you that it was fake."

Qiao Ye said: "Isn't the fake one an illusion?"

"No, that's surgery!" Ding Xiang looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Are you from Wuyu?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Ding Xiang said: "Let's get to know each other again, Shuyu Warlock, Jiulong Tanshu Pavilion, the master's personal disciple, the third level of Shuhuang Realm, Dingxiang!"

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Shu Yu? Which faction are you from? Qimen? Fengshui? Fuck puppet? Witch sacrifice? Or spirit Gu?"

Ding Xiang was also surprised and said, "You know a lot about Shu Yu?"

Qiao Ye said: "There is no way not to understand, after all, Taoism competitions are very famous!"

If it is said that after the three realms and nine realms were shattered, and the mystics of the world were exploring, the literature records unearthed, which two realms have the most records, must be the dao realm and the art realm. I have heard a lot about the two domains.

Among them, most of the understanding comes from Taoism competition.

That was the biggest event in the Nine Realms before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken.

Earlier, the relationship between the two domains of Taoism was extremely close, and the cultivation methods of the two were also very similar. Even Taoism has always been a dual practice, but people in the Tao domain mainly focus on Tao and supplement it with art. The domain of art is supplemented by art, with Tao as the main.

At that time, there was even a saying called the ten schools of Taoism, which refers to the ten schools of Taoism and Shuyu. Although the two are two domains, there is a saying that Taoism is not separate.

But until the Three Realms and Nine Domains were shattered, about a hundred years ago, an academic dispute broke out between the Dao Domain and the Shu Domain. Qiao Ye didn't quite know how it happened.

Because the Daoist dispute was the biggest incident among the incidents before the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms. At the same time, the incident was the closest to the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, which led to the largest number of documents preserved. The entire incident can be restored by relying on the literature.

In short, since that incident, the Dao Domain and the Shu Domain had a very fierce quarrel, fighting openly and secretly, and they were very hostile to each other.

In the end, the ten schools of Taoism were completely separated, and the two domains were cut off. Because of this, the strength of the two domains of Taoism was considered to be high among the nine domains, but when this happened, they rushed to the bottom. went.

And Qiao Ye mentioned Qimen, Fengshui, Manipulation, Wuji, and Linggu, which were split from the ten schools of Taoism after the Taoism dispute at that time, and belonged to the five factions of the art domain.

Ding Xiang said: "I belong to the Qimen sect, and I also practice witchcraft."

Qiao Ye asked curiously: "Why are people from the Shuyu here? Can you enter the sea of ​​blood?"

Ding Xiang spread her hands and said, "I think you should have a common topic with them on this issue."

After walking through the corridor, Ding Xiang suddenly stopped in front of a door, and then pushed the door open.

There were four men sitting in that room, talking about something around the table, when Ding Xiang entered, one of them got up immediately and said: "Beauty Ding Xiang, why have you been here for so long... help... don't come here... don't come here what!"

While talking, the man went up to Ding Xiang, but saw Qiao Ye behind Ding Xiang, he turned around and ran away as if he had seen a ghost, but Qiao Ye grabbed the collar and dragged him back.

Almost instantly, the remaining three people at the table got up immediately.

One of them pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Let him go!"

"People of King Ruyang?" Qiao Ye looked at Lin Jiao who was being carried away like a chicken by himself, and said, "Why are you here?"

With a helpless expression on his face, Lin Jiao waved the three of them back, and said pitifully, "Brother, why are you here, and why am I here?"

"It's up to you?" Qiao Ye said disdainfully: "The people in your Demon Realm are all dead? Let you explore the sea of ​​​​blood?"

The three demon masters following Lin Jiao were suddenly unhappy, and were about to get up, Lin Jue quickly reached out to stop them again.

"Sit down." Lin Jiao said: "You three don't open your eyes, do you know who this is? This is my elder brother, the celebrity in front of your Princess Yongle, he was the one who escorted Princess Yongle to Beijing at the beginning. It’s not allowed to be your son-in-law…”


Qiao Ye slapped Lin Jiao on the back of the head and said, "Try talking nonsense again?"

"Okay, okay, okay." Lin Jiao said helplessly, "Brother, can you let me down first?"

Qiao Ye loosened Lin Jiao's clothes, and Lin Jiao sat down on the ground.

Ding Xiang looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Do you know each other? Didn't you say that you are from Wuyu? Are they from the Demon Domain?"

"Yeah!" Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Wait a minute, I'll stroke it first."

Qiao Ye grabbed Lin Jiao, and said, "Why are you here?"

Lin Jiao smiled wryly and said, "Exploring the sea of ​​blood like you."

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said again: "Just by you?"

Lin Jiao sighed and said, "You think I want to come, I was sleeping with a girl in Yihong Courtyard, my father forcibly dragged me out of the bed, and then threw me on the boat."

Qiao Ye thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "Your father finally realized that you trash will ruin the family, and he was embarrassed to kill you with his own hands, so he sent you to the sea of ​​​​blood to let you..."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he reached out and wiped his neck.

Lin Jiao really wanted to spit on Qiao Ye's face, but thinking that Qiao Ye was a killer, he could only pitifully dare not speak.

"Actually, I'm not that bad." Lin Jiao said helplessly: "In my demonized state, after entering the second form, I have an ability called a narrow escape. No matter what the situation is, even if it is a death situation, there is still a chance of a lifetime. Therefore, My father threw me into the sea of ​​blood. My task is very simple. If the demon hall members find the inheritance of the founding emperor, they must stop them at all costs and prevent them from falling into the hands of Jin Shangshen. The magic ability can do just that."

Qiao Ye looked Lin Jiao up and down, this guy was still very alert, he didn't say anything about the effect of his ability, he just briefly mentioned it.

In fact, demonization ability, martial soul ability, spiritual ability, etc., would not be easily revealed to others, and even in battle, they would try their best not to let the other party find out.

Therefore, Qiao Ye gave up after thinking about it. Anyway, Qiao Ye didn't care much about why Lin Jiao was here. The story of King Ruyang and Jin Shangshen from falling in love to killing each other was also a matter of the Demon Realm. Naturally, Qiao Ye I don't bother to care so much.

The only thing Qiao Ye cares about now is leaving Qingsha Gorge.

"Then..." Qiao Ye looked at Lin Jiao and said, "How did you come to Qingsha Gorge?"


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