Chapter 894 Leg Pendant

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Do you have any charts for returning to the sea?"

"Yes!" Lilac took out a chart and said, "Here."

Qiao Ye took the chart and glanced at it, "What's the matter with this big black area?"

Ding Xiang spread her hands and said: "The unknown sea, those who have not explored, do not know the situation."

Qiao Ye said speechlessly: "Nine out of ten places on your chart are unknown areas. Can this be considered a chart?"

"As I said, the sea of ​​no return is very dangerous. No one enters it, and almost no one explores it." Ding Xiang took the chart and pointed: "This is the domain of surgery, starting from Longgang, arriving at Skull Island, and then the sword Fish Sea Area, followed by Gemini Island, Luofeng Island, passing Humen Gorge, you can reach the shipwreck graveyard, this chart actually only has this route, which was explored by our Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion, except for our Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion. People know the route."

Qiao Ye said, "What is the significance of this route?"

"This is specially used by our Jiulong Tanshu Pavilion for the mission of disciples to become teachers." Ding Xiang said: "The content of the mission cannot be disclosed to outsiders. Sorry, I can't say it."

Qiao Ye looked at the sea chart and said, "There's no Qingsha Gorge on it either."

Ding Xiang pointed to the chart and said, "My destination is the shipwreck graveyard. Before I came to Qingsha Gorge, I had already passed through the swordfish sea area. I was on my way to Twin Islands, but I encountered a storm and a tsunami there. I used the sacrifice technique of the witch sacrifice to ask for directions, and was guided to find Qingsha Gorge. As a result, the witch sacrifice technique did help me avoid the end of the ship crash, but I was also trapped in the Qingsha Gorge gone."

Ding Xiang pointed to a black area while talking.

"If there are no accidents." Ding Xiang said: "From the perspective of the voyage and heading, I entered here after deviated from the route from this position."

Qiao Ye took out the chart of the sea of ​​blood in his hand, compared it, and then spread his hands.

It's totally wrong.

Firstly, Lilac's sea chart has only one route, and a large area of ​​unknown area, and secondly, because Lilac's sea chart has only one route, the scale of the sea chart is too poor.

Therefore, the two charts do not see any overlap at all.

"Cough!" Lin Jiao couldn't help but interrupted: "Well, big brother, shall we go back and study this matter?"

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Jiao suspiciously. Since they came to explore the sea of ​​blood, isn't this the most worthwhile research right now?

Why is there a sea of ​​no return?

Why are the people from Shuyu here?

Even, Qiao Ye felt that he had already touched Jiang Liuxue's intentions.

The appearance of Demon Realm was caused by Jiang Liuxue, but no one knows about it yet. After all, there is no contact between Lingyu and Wuyu, but the appearance of Beast Realm is caused by Jiang Liuxue, which is already indisputable fact.

So, this time...

Could Jiang Liuxue's goal be the art domain?

Lin Jiao said: "What I mean is, even if you research it, it's useless. Now we have to think about how to get out of here? I don't want to be trapped in this ghost place for the rest of my life."

Qiao Ye thought for a while, "It makes sense, you've been trapped here for several days, haven't you thought of any solution?"

Lin Jiao spread his hands and said: "Anyway, you can't force it. This place is too weird. Those guards seem like they can't kill them all. Many of them are extremely strong. Even if they beat you, they can kill you."

Qiao Ye looked at Ding Xiang and said, "What about you?"

Ding Xiang said: "I think that Mr. Tsing Yi is probably a magician. As I said before, this place is not an illusion, but a kind of magic.

Qiao Ye said: "So, the people in Qinghai Strait are all paper dolls?"

Ding Xiang pointed to Lin Jiao and said, "I've never heard of Mr. Tsing Yi, but he told me that according to document records, Mr. Tsing Yi was a person before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, and the people here also lived in the Three Realms and Nine Realms." Before they were broken, they were not people of this era at all, and in fact, no one can live for such a long time, from this point of view, it can be seen that they are definitely not living people."

Qiao Ye said, "Inside the house?"

Ding Xiang said: "It can also be made with paper. Of course, normally speaking, you can't make so many. If you can really do it, it means that the opponent's technique is quite powerful. Secondly, you have to manipulate so many things made of paper. Of course, this kind of power It is even more magnified, anyway, in today's Shuyu, even the Fengshui school of Shuzun should not have such a skill."

Qiao Ye said: "How confident are you that your speculation is correct?"

Ding Xiang thought for a while and said: "60%, the first is that it is really like the technique of twin yin and yang, and the second is because my technique is useless, there is no problem with the small technique used to help you before, but, It is useless for me to ask the way with the technique of sacrifice, and neither is my Liuding Liujia strange talisman. The technique is not invincible, it is not irresistible, but the only one who can solve the technique, can make my technique invalid, and it can only be the opponent Solve my spell."

Qiao Ye nodded: "Do you still have a spaceship or a ship in your hand?"

Lin Jiao said: "There is another flying boat, the boat is finished."

Ding Xiang said: "My boat is still there."

Qiao Ye grinned, thinking that she is the worst? Neither the ship nor the airship was smashed.

However, others can.

Qiao Ye said: "Let's go, it seems that we have to meet that Mr. Tsing Yi."

"Brother, are you going to kill out directly?" Lin Jiao gasped and said, "If it were so easy to kill out, you wouldn't be here."

"How can there be so much nonsense." Qiao Ye said, "Just follow me."

Qiao Ye turned around and left, pushing open the door.

Ding Xiang hurriedly chased out the door and said, "We should take a long-term view on this matter. If you go out like this, it will only make things more troublesome."

"It doesn't matter, you can wait, I can do it alone." Qiao Ye walked through the corridor, and then said: "Did we come in from this position just now? Is this also a technique? Just walk over."

"Yes..." Ding Xiang replied instinctively, and then said anxiously: "No, don't leave first, can we sit down and talk first?"

As soon as Ding Xiang's voice fell, Qiao Ye had already passed through the courtyard, and a ripple appeared in front of him, and Qiao Ye found himself back in the alley before.

On the other side, Lin Jiao hesitated for a moment, then waved at the three Demon Emperors and said, "Let's go!"

Ding Xiang looked at Lin Jiao who was chasing him out and said, "You want to follow him too?"

Lin Jiao spread his hands and said, "I know he doesn't like me, and I hate him, but I have to admit, this guy is very good at fighting."

Lin Jiao has personally seen Qiao Ye's tough sword against the country. Anyway, the people on his side can't count on it, and Lilac seems to be too strong. It doesn't matter if it works or not, of course he hugged Qiao Ye's thigh quickly.

If you don't hug it, you will definitely be trapped here. If you don't hug it, you can use it as a leg pendant to escape.


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