Chapter 896 Feng Shui Bureau

Qiao Ye said: "This is Mr. Tsing Yi's former bodyguard?"

Ding Xiang said: "Very likely!"

A Demon Emperor following Lin Jiao snorted coldly and said: "The pretenders had no way to take him before, but now if they dare to show themselves, it's useless to anyone!"

The Demon Emperor snorted coldly, then stepped forward with one foot.

"Demonization, Son of the Night!"

With an angry look on his face, the demon emperor directly entered the demonized state.

It is true that the Demon Realm also lost soldiers and generals. Many people died in Qingsha Gorge. The three Demon Emperor Realm experts beside Lin Jue were also very aggrieved, and now they finally found a vent.

"I only know how to play those weird tricks, do you dare to come out and fight now?" The demon emperor jumped out and roared: "Let me see how much you can do without tricks. "

After the demon emperor entered the demonized state, his skin turned pale, his nails were like sharp claws, his eyes were blood red, and what was even more strange was that all his limbs fell to the ground, running like a wild beast, even faster Horror, brought out an afterimage and went straight to the general.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes. King Ruyang really made all the masters this time. This Demon Emperor turned out to be at the peak of the ninth rank, approaching the Demon Emperor Realm.

at the same time……

The man dressed as a military commander directly opened his bow and set his arrows.

Seven Stars!

The general looked like he was a good bowman, but one arrow after another, seven arrows came in a row. This archery technique can be said to be quite terrifying.

It's just that the demon emperor sneered, he didn't mean to slow down at all, he swung his claws continuously while running, only using his right arm, and blocked all the seven arrows continuously.


Almost in an instant, the demon emperor arrived in front of the man dressed as a military general, and directly raised his claws to chop.

There seemed to be a line of blood appearing in the air, slashing towards the general.

But at this very moment...

Ding Xiang's face suddenly changed: "No, something is going to happen!"

"What can happen? If you dare to come out and fight, you won't be afraid of him!"

Lin Jiao had a smug expression on his face, the people he brought were still very useful, wouldn't this make him awe-inspiring? Show your face in front of beauties?

Qiao Ye also looked at Ding Xiang with doubts. Although it was just a hand-to-hand fight, it seemed that the general's strength was not as strong as imagined, and he should not be the opponent of the Demon Emperor.

Ding Xiang, on the other hand, was very anxious, constantly looking at the surrounding flames, and then said: "Let him withdraw quickly, this is a bad luck in Feng Shui, he will have an accident!"

Just as Ding Xiang finished speaking, the Demon Emperor was about to hit the general in the chest with one blow, but at this moment...

The demon emperor seemed to have slipped under his feet, and suddenly he staggered, and his body turned sideways.

Qiao Ye and Lin Jue were dumbfounded, this is...


A majestic Demon Emperor actually slipped his feet?

The demon emperor also looked stunned, and he didn't understand at all why he didn't step on his foot firmly.

next moment...

The general had already pulled out his gun, and slammed into the demon emperor's chest.

After a muffled sound, the demon emperor kept backing away, and then suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and looked down, the ground was sunken, and a small hole appeared, and his entire left foot was sunken in it.


The demon emperor immediately let out a low growl, and then suddenly exerted his strength to pull out even the mud and his feet, but during the battle, the situation changed rapidly, just for a moment, it was enough.

Pointing forward with the long spear in the general's hand, he hit the demon emperor's waist, bringing out a splash of blood.

Lin Jiao said speechlessly: "Is this because Chu Gong didn't wash his hands? It's too bad luck!"

"It's a technique!" Ding Xiang said anxiously: "The opponent used flames and the location of the burned buildings to set up a feng shui bureau. Anyone who enters the feng shui bureau will have bad luck, which is what you call bad luck."

"Is this all right?" Lin Jiao said in amazement: "Does art still depend on luck?"

Ding Xiang said: "Fengshui thaumaturgy can even break the destiny. If the emperor in your place builds a palace, or a mausoleum, don't you ask someone to read Fengshui?"

Lin Jiao nodded and said: "This is true, and there is luck."

Ding Xiang said: "That's it, luck can be arranged using Feng Shui, not to mention just luck."

Qiao Ye interjected, "If you keep talking, he will really be beaten to death."

That demon emperor was also a bloody bad luck for eight lifetimes. He had just pulled out the opponent's spear from his body and was about to attack, but the sole of his foot slipped and fell to the ground again.

Before the Demon Emperor got up, the flames burning on the side suddenly exploded, and a large piece of sparks just fell on the Demon Emperor.

The general came forward, just as he raised his spear, the Demon Emperor was alert, and immediately jumped to the side, but somehow his left foot tripped over his right foot, and he rushed directly towards the general. The opponent had no match, and the demon emperor himself hit the opponent's spear point with his arm, making a hole.

Ding Xiang said: "You must break the Feng Shui situation, otherwise even if you are stronger, you can't beat it."

Qiao Ye said: "Then break it!"

Qiao Ye waved his hand forward, and the Spiritual Diagram of Wanfa behind him shone brightly.

next moment...

The storm is coming!

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up all around, blowing the burning flames continuously, and then suddenly the sound of thunder broke out in the sky, and the torrential rain fell like that.

It's a good way to use the feng shui pattern of flames!

However, from Qiao Ye's point of view, this feng shui pattern is a bit similar to array patterns. As long as the flames are erratic or extinguished directly, how should the other party arrange the feng shui pattern?

Sure enough, when the heavy rain fell, the demon emperor's face showed a fierce look, and he immediately felt a lot more excited. Before, it seemed that there were invisible shackles on his body, and every movement made him extremely uncomfortable, but now, this feeling disappeared instantly no trace.


The demon emperor jumped up, kicked the opponent's chest directly, and sent him flying.


After the blow, the demon emperor was about to step forward, but suddenly his face changed, and he opened his mouth to cough up a mouthful of blood, which was even mixed with some internal organs.

The demon emperor clutched his chest, feeling his internal organs churning, and then kept moving backwards.

Ding Xiang's pupils shrank and said: "It's a disease and death situation!"

Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao couldn't help but ask, "What the hell?"

"Fengshui is based on Qi. Qi rides on the wind to dissipate, and boundary water stops. Gathering Qi to form an earth technique. Dispersing Qi and storing wind is life, old age, sickness and death." Ding Xiang said: "Birth, old age, sickness and death are most likely to be affected by Fengshui patterns. Now the other party uses It is the end of illness and death, and the dispersal of qi leads to illness."


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