Chapter 905 Fish King

Ding Xiang said: "Be careful of the arrow jaw!"

The body of that king fish is huge, but compared to other swordfish, the size of this king fish is not huge among sea beasts, nor can it be compared with a ship.

Therefore, if the fish king hits the ship, it will not be a big problem. At most, it will shake the ship, and it will not be easy to sink it.

However, it would be a different matter if the fish king used his own arrow jaws. The sharp arrow jaws could easily pierce the hull of the boat. At that time, Qiao Ye and Lilac would have to go to the sea to feed the fish.

This is a typical case of Huluo Pingyang being bullied by dogs. Dingxiang's ship is a third-rank treasure ship, but if the defensive pattern can be used, even a hundred fish kings of this level will be useless.

But it can't be used now!

Without a defensive barrier, the treasure ship of the third rank is also a ship, which is remarkable because it uses spiritual materials, which can only be a little stronger and can still be pierced.

Qiao Ye sighed, started to move along the railing of the boat, and then stared at the sea.

Foam and white waves soon appeared on the surface of the sea, and Qiao Ye hurriedly made preparations. This was a sign that the fish king was about to appear again.

Sure enough, the next moment, the fish king surfaced and hit the ship again.

Qiao Ye didn't dare to let the King Fish approach the ship at all. A ship without a defensive barrier didn't know how many times it could withstand the collision. The moment the King Fish emerged from the water, Qiao Ye slashed forward.

The looming black smoke appeared, skimming along the surface of the sea.

The moment the black smoke passed by, the surface of the sea seemed to be cut open, and waves rolled up to both sides.


The black smoke from the black halberd hit the fish king's body, and the fish king rolled out against the sea surface. At the same time, a bright red color appeared on the sea surface.

The King of Fish was injured again, but not seriously. Qiao Ye knew that he didn't hit completely, but just brushed against the King of Fish's body.

Moreover, the body of the king fish is quite hard.

at the same time……

Many small blisters appeared again on the surface of the sea, and it seemed that the fish king was going to call his own fish again.

Ding Xiang said helplessly: "These guys are annoying to death."

Those small silver swordfish are easy to kill, but there are too many of them, and they keep jumping onto the deck, like silver arrows one by one, making it extremely troublesome to clean up.

Qiao Ye also squinted her eyes, she couldn't go on like this, she was too passive.

That being the case...

Then force that king fish out.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, then raised the black halberd high, and then fell towards the sea ahead.


The lingering black smoke fell forward and hit the sea surface fiercely, and then there was a loud roar, a huge water column appeared on the sea surface soaring into the sky, and countless waves scattered in all directions.

The waves pushed away caused the boat to heave up and down continuously, as if a torrential rain had fallen in the sky, completely wet the deck.

After a while, countless swordfish carcasses floated up from the sea, densely packed.

Qiao Ye and Ding Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, the crisis of the fish school was over, but...


The side of the ship was suddenly hit again, and the whole ship shook violently.

After one blow, the fish king returned to the bottom of the sea.

Qiao Ye scolded her mother in her heart, has this thing become a master? Why such a thief!

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, should he use the magic map?

But Qiao Ye quickly gave up on this idea.

Because the ten thousand dharma spiritual chart is useless.

The Wanfa Lingtu can set off waves, but for this fish king, the waves cannot have much effect. He lives in the sea, so why haven't he seen any waves?

Secondly, it can freeze the sea surface.

But just freezing the sea surface is obviously not enough. Qiao Ye can freeze the sea surface by about three meters at most. The magic map is not omnipotent, and the horror of nature is not human-powered. It is impossible for Qiao Ye to freeze the entire sea.

Qiao Ye suddenly discovered that they might have been really lucky during the previous voyage and didn't encounter any sea beasts. These guys might not be very strong, but they were really troublesome to deal with.

Qiao Ye pondered for a moment, and if the entanglement continued, the boat would be damaged even more.

It is very troublesome to enter the sea, it is difficult to kill the fish king on the boat, that seems to be a way, kill the fish king before entering the sea!

There is only one chance to kill with one blow!

Qiao Ye stretched out her finger, and a black smoke condensed into a night crow, monitoring the sea from the air to confirm the location of the fish king.

"About fifteen meters!"

Ye Ya quickly discovered where the fish king was. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye squinted his eyes, then started to back up, run up, and suddenly flew towards the sea.

The surrounding sea wind howled, Qiao Ye quickly skimmed across the sea, and came to the top of the fish king.

There is only one chance!

The moment the fish king surfaced...


The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand was raised, and it fell towards the sea.


The moment the halberd light fell, there was a loud noise on the sea surface, and it was cut open by a sword, revealing the figure of the fish king.

The halberd light fell on the Silver Swordfish King. This time, Qiao Ye obviously took a lot of seriousness in order to be able to kill with one blow. He didn't spare any strength at all. The halberd slashed down as easily as chopping a piece of tofu. The fish king's body was directly cut into two halves.

Almost instantly, a large amount of blood spewed out at this moment, dyeing the surface of the sea red.

"You killed an evil beast (Swordfish King), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 10,000 points."


Falling into the sea, looking at the body of the silver swordfish king that had been cut in half, and smelling the strong smell of blood, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, it really was a beast.

"Hey, are you okay?"

At this time, Ding Xiang's shout sounded, and the boat was driven over.

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "It's done."

Ding Xiang threw down the fishing net and said, "Give me a hand, push the corpse over, and I'll drag it."

Qiao Ye nodded, and the two cooperated to drag the fish king to the boat.

Ding Xiang's eyes lit up and said: "I don't know if there is any treasure on this fish king. Even if there is no treasure, at least you can eat it. Cut it into thin slices, sprinkle with salt and charcoal, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and drizzle with fragrant sauce. The taste..."

Qiao Ye was speechless, it turned out that this girl was still a foodie.

Climbing back to the deck, Qiao Ye said: "Before you think about how to eat, you might as well think about how to repair the ship!"

Ding Xiang's little face suddenly collapsed. Although those swordfish did not cause damage to the ship that could not sail, but looking towards the deck, you can see that there are densely packed small holes everywhere on the deck.

The so-called sewing and mending is another year. Apart from patching those small holes, what else can be done?

But also at this time...

Just as Qiao Ye was about to go back to the cabin, she was suddenly taken aback!

In the next moment, Qiao Ye hastily took out a stack of spiritual papers for the message, and then couldn't hide the excitement on his face, and finally there was a reply.


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