Chapter 912

Entering the state of Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood, Qiao Ye raised his hand and swung his halberd, sweeping out into the air.


The moment the halberd blade was swept into the air, a cloud of black smoke shot up into the sky, colliding with the dense light of the knife continuously.

In the sky, loud bursting noises continued to appear, and the blade lights exploded one by one.

Layers of air waves kept rolling away, like ripples, hitting Feng Nanjue's body, shaking Feng Nanjue down from the air abruptly.


Feng Nanjue fell to the ground, turned his head, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to stay, and took another step forward. With a wave of the black halberd in his hand, he slashed forward.

The thick black smoke surged out from the blade of the halberd again, pushing it wildly towards the surroundings.

Almost instantly, the black smoke spread towards the surroundings, covering a space, and then one after another, phantoms of mountains appeared, slowly forming in the lingering black smoke.

The ground under Qiao Ye's feet was covered with dead bones, and black iron chains like giant pythons were hung all over the mountain. The white skulls strung on the chains kept colliding, making crisp sounds like wind chimes. , Exuding a deep and sinister feeling.

If the world does not allow me, I will fall into the devil!

On the top of the stone mountain, ten bright red characters were written like blood, revealing a strange feeling, full of oppression and death.

Nether Demon Realm: Introduce the power of heavenly demons from the void, and turn an area into a part of Nether Demon Realm. Within the scope of Nether Demon Realm, your own body and spirit will be improved at the same time. Using any treasure will temporarily increase the rank of one rank. There is no limit to the number of targets, both the body and the spirit are reduced at the same time, and the level of any treasure is temporarily reduced by one level, and within the coverage of the Netherworld, the position of the smoke can be used to shatter the void and move arbitrarily.

After the Heavenly Demon dominated the blood, Qiao Ye took advantage of the opportunity to activate his spiritual domain ability!

This is another reason why Shuwu Partner was very popular before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken.

Lilac can improve Qiao Ye's combat power, but this kind of improvement does not raise the lower limit, but...

upper limit!

Qiao Ye can enjoy the blessing effect of Lilac's technique, which also does not affect her ability use.

In a moment, the moment the Nether Demon Realm took shape, Qiao Ye's figure slowly disappeared into the black smoke and completely disappeared.

Feng Nanjue got up from the ground and looked around vigilantly.

The black smoke completely covered Qiao Ye's body, only faint footsteps could be heard, and suddenly...


A black light suddenly appeared, and Qiao Ye appeared behind Feng Nanjue. The black halberd in his hand was thrust forward, and passed over Feng Nanjue's shoulder. With the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh, blood splashed open.

Feng Nanjue gritted his teeth, and immediately turned around and slashed away, but the moment the blade passed by, Qiao Ye had already retreated towards the back, Feng Nanjue swung the knife in the air, and Qiao Ye once again disappeared into the darkness among the smoke.

With a ferocious face, Feng Nanjue quickly looked around, trying to find Qiao Ye's trace, but he could only hear footsteps, and could not find Qiao Ye's trace at all.

Feng Nanjue gritted his teeth, stretched his arms and said, "Demonization, the second form!"

In an instant, a gust of wind suddenly blew up around Feng Nanjue.

In the gust of wind, countless white ghosts appeared, surrounding Feng Nanjue's body.

In the next moment, Feng Nanjue's demonized state became even more ferocious, with veins throbbing all over his body, and his body suddenly swelled twice more.

The clothes on his body were torn suddenly, revealing a terrifying body, and the ghost horns on his forehead swelled to a length of half a meter.

"Wind of Evil Ghost!"

Feng Nanjue let out a low growl, and the white ghosts all around rushed out towards the surroundings crazily, and then bursts of hurricanes blew away, blowing away the surrounding black smoke in an instant.

Without the black smoke, Qiao Ye naturally showed his figure.

next moment...

Feng Nanjue tipped his toes, and jumped forward fiercely, approaching Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and entered the second form of demonization, Feng Nanjue's aura soared, not by a single star, but by a multiplier.

Of course, Feng Nanjue also had to pay a terrible price for the demonization of the ghost system.

The demonization of the ghost system is characterized by omnipotence, strong attack ability, strong defense ability, and occasionally the ability to attack mentally, but the price to be paid for the demonization of the ghost system is...


The more you use ghost magic, the higher the grade, the more lifespan will be consumed. In order to let him live a few more days, Feng Nanjue also wants to kill Qiao Ye as quickly as possible.

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth and said, "Then I'll play with you!"

Qiao Ye opened his mouth, and black smoke came out from both sides of his mouth.


Qiao Ye dragged the black halberd with her arms hanging down.

The form of possessing a demon is also different every time, because it is the extension ability of the phantom of the demon, but it has changed from summoning to possessing.

But this time, Qiao Ye's body didn't change much in the enchanted state, and she still maintained a complete human form, but...


The clothes behind Qiao Ye's back were torn suddenly, and on Qiao Ye's back, two red lines appeared, stretched along Qiao Ye's back, continuously outlined, forming a pair of blood-colored wings.

The moment the pattern was completed, a bunch of blood wings suddenly spread out from Qiao Ye's back.

The color is as bright as blood!

Suddenly, Qiao Ye suddenly raised his head and looked at Feng Nanjue who was rushing towards him.

The pair of blood-colored wings spread out suddenly, and in the next moment, countless blood feathers flew forward, like sharp arrows one by one.


Feng Nanjue let out a low growl, crossed his arms beside his head, and ran forward continuously, letting the blood feathers pass by his side, leaving bloodstains one after another.

Feng Nanjue shouldered the blood feather and forcibly rushed towards Qiao Ye.

ten meters...

five meters...

Three meters...

The moment he came three meters in front of Qiao Ye, Feng Nanjue roared again, and behind Feng Nanjue, a huge ghost appeared, with a blue face and fangs, extremely ferocious, and it swung its fist and fell towards Qiao Ye.

Just at this very moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly raised the black halberd, and the blood wings on his back spread out!

Qiao Ye's body instantly turned into a line of blood, and he rushed forward, and the black halberd slashed forward.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Qiao Ye brushed past Feng Nanjue, both of them turned their backs to each other, Feng Nanjue kept punching, while Qiao Ye chopped the black halberd forward.

for a moment...


Suddenly, a huge wound opened on Feng Nanjue's chest, spreading obliquely from his shoulder to his waist, splashing out a large amount of bright red blood.


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