Chapter 914 Night Comes

Arriving at the cargo hold on the second floor, Qiao Ye finally found what he wanted.

There are a lot of boxes piled up here, which contain various things, sculptures, classics, some decoration-like things, a lot of utensils, and some words that should be rubbings from the walls.

Generally speaking, there are all kinds of things. The common point of these things is that they are very old. At first glance, they look like things found in some ruins or sunken ships.

Ding Xiang said speechlessly: "This is what you're looking for? Isn't this just a pile of junk?"

"Ragged? These are very valuable things. Historical documents are the best way to understand the past. Other things can also be traced back to history, or as evidence for some speculations." Qiao Ye said: "If you think I'm looking for treasure If there are no artifacts, I shouldn't enter the ship, just dig through the interspatial treasures of those corpses."

Ding Xiang said: "Do you really want to explore the past, to explore the sea of ​​blood?"

Qiao Ye said: "Don't you people in the art field don't want it?"

Ding Xiang spread her hands and said: "It is true that some people will study historical documents, or explore some relics, but most people don't care about it very much. Why is the domain broken, I have no interest at all, as long as I live a good life now."

Qiao Ye was overjoyed, looked at Ding Xiang and said, "I don't understand that, as far as I know, don't you Taoist families like to write books the most?"

Dao Zang and Shu Dian are both very famous. Speaking of classics, the other seven domains combined may not have as many Taoism and Shu domains. Moreover, the sect situation of Shu domain is completely ancient. Looking at it from the perspective of the Wu domain, it is not an exaggeration to say that someone is old and antique. Therefore, Qiao Ye has always felt that the two domains of Taoism are two domains that pay great attention to inheritance.

"You are right, we pay attention to inheritance." Ding Xiang spread his hands and said: "But these are not our inheritance, and knowing these histories will not help me. If there are any ancient techniques, then I will be very grateful." Interested."

Qiao Ye thought for a while, and then said, "You don't have void faults in your domain, do you?"

Ding Xiang wondered: "What is that?"

Qiao Ye thought to himself, no wonder.

World mystics' exploration is not purely to satisfy their own curiosity, the core is still due to the void fault.

The origin of the Void Fault is that after the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, in order to deal with the Void Fault, there appeared the Guardians, World Secrets and Guardians.

Since there is no void fault in the art domain, it is normal for people to live a happy life.

"Let's do it!" Qiao Ye said, "Since you're not interested in these things, I'll keep them. I'll give you half of the things on the corpses."

Ding Xiang said: "Yes, no problem!"

Qiao Ye said: "You repair the boat, I'll move it!"

The group of magic hall members collected a lot of gadgets, if it wasn't for the space treasure that couldn't fit in it, they wouldn't put it in the cabin.

Fortunately, Ding Xianghai did not repair the pattern of the ship, and Qiao Ye could move it one by one, so it was not a waste of time.

Before midnight, Qiao Ye finally finished moving the things, and then threw half of the space treasures carried by the magic hall members to Lilac, and the next step was to count his harvest.

"You have absorbed the Yuanyangziwu knife, and the value of the absorbed martial soul: 7,000,000 points."

"You have absorbed the Star Moon Grass, and the value of the absorbed martial soul: 50,000 points."

"You have absorbed the Jade Dragon Flying Dragon Disk, and the absorbed martial soul value: 1550000 points."


The ones that Qiao Ye killed were all masters of the magic hall. Another meaning of masters is that these people are quite rich. Being rich means that there are many good things.

There are a total of nine space treasures, all kinds of things. After absorbing all of them, the harvest is not bad, with a total of about 22 million martial soul points.

Qiao Ye is already very satisfied with this. Isn't this one step closer to upgrading the nine-turn golden body to the 40 million martial soul value of the first rank? Killing people for money is also a good way to make a fortune.

Nothing to say all night.

At noon the next day, Ding Xiang finally completed the pattern.

The pattern is complete, and Ding Xiang's ship is still very reassuring. After all, it is a third-rank treasure ship, and its defense is absolutely no problem.

"However, I don't have many spiritual materials." Ding Xiang said, "At most, I can make up the pattern once more."

Qiao Ye said, "What about the voyage?"

Ding Xiang said: "It's coming soon, the normal route is Twin Islands, Luofeng Island, then Humen Gorge, and then we can reach the shipwreck graveyard. It’s still a bit off, so Twin Islands can be bypassed, and you can arrive at Luofeng Island within two days, and then go back to the normal route to cross the Humen Gorge, and there’s only one-third of the voyage left.”

Qiao Ye nodded. It has been two days and Jin Shengyi has not sent a message to him. Qiao Ye is somewhat worried, but not very worried. Jin Shengyi's group of guys are still very powerful. The subpoena meant that nothing happened to the other party. If anything, even if it was to leave a last word, Qiao Ye would be notified.

Continuing to sail, I don't know if it is more unlucky, there will always be a change of luck, after entering the sea of ​​blood, Qiao Ye feels that it has not been very peaceful, and now finally ushered in a calm day.

No sea beasts, no trouble, of course, no danger means no chance to catch any treasures.

Have a safe and sound day.

After watching the sun sink into the horizon, Qiao Ye said to Ding Xiang, "Go to sleep, I will keep watch."

There may not be accidents at sea at night. Even if Qiao Ye is not trying to show his demeanor, he can't leave the vigil to Lilac, because it's useless!

Anyway, if something unexpected happens, Ding Xiang still has to wake herself up.

Therefore, during the day, Qiao Ye meditated and practiced, and at night he was in charge of vigil.

Ding Xiang nodded, stretched her waist and said, "I'm going to rest, and I should be able to arrive at Luofeng Island by tomorrow evening."

Qiao Ye nodded without saying anything, watched Ding Xiang enter the cabin, and then sat in the hatch to meditate.

At night, everything became quiet.

Tick, tick...

Qiao Ye sat at the door of the cabin, and after an unknown amount of time, Qiao Ye suddenly opened her eyes, but was awakened by some small voices.

Qiao Ye listened intently, it seemed to be the sound of water dripping and hitting something.

"Water leak?"

Qiao Ye looked puzzled, then stood up on her knees, and found that the sound of water droplets seemed to be coming from the cabin, so she turned and entered the cabin.


After five or six steps, Qiao Ye stopped and looked down at his feet.


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