Chapter 923 Brawl

Mei Li gritted her teeth tightly, her face becoming more and more painful.

Qiao Ye snorted coldly and said, "It's quite strong, but what's the use of being strong? Anyway, it's in the treasure of space!"

Qiao Ye reached out and grabbed Mei Li's waist. This guy's interspatial treasure was a wind chime pendant, which Qiao Ye had seen before.

But the moment Qiao Ye was about to touch the incense ball...


The canvas on the mast was torn suddenly, and the big blue python jumped out and bit Qiao Ye's arm.

The beast master's twin pythons finally broke free from the sand, or, it should be said that it was Mei Li's intention.

Mei Li is not an ordinary guy either. He has experienced many battles and has a very accurate judgment on the situation. Qiao Ye obviously also joined in this fight.

Mei Li didn't want to give things to Qiao Ye, and the beast master also didn't want to see him sacrifice a lot of people, and the treasure that he almost got was taken away by others, no matter whether it was Mei Li or Qiao Ye, so whoever gets the treasure, That beast master can trouble anyone.

Looking at the green python biting her arm, Qiao Ye looked down at the beast master and said, "I think you are courting death!"

The beast master sneered and said, "Qinghuan, smash it!"

Beast-monitoring skills, crush!

A blue light emerged from the mouth of the green python, and in an instant, the bite force soared, and it wanted to bite off Qiao Ye's arm.



In the mouth of the green python, two fangs were cut off.

The beast master was shocked, what was this guy's arm made of that broke his beast master's teeth?

Qiao Ye sneered, stretched out his hand and threw the green python downwards.

On Qiao Ye's arm, a golden light shone brightly.

The bite attack of the green python is naturally a purely physical attack. Even if the beast control skill is used, it is a beast control skill that strengthens the bite force, and it will not change the attack itself.

Then, if you want to break open your nine-turn golden body, Qiao Ye can only tell the other party that if your beast master is at the unparalleled level, it is still possible, and Qiao Ye will not pay attention to it at all if it is below the unparalleled level!


At this time, a low growl suddenly sounded, but it was Mei Li who broke free from the big handprint, and the surrounding sand and stone quickly gathered and turned into a machete.

In the next moment, Mei Li raised his saber, slashed towards the mast, and severed the crossbar of the mast.

Qiao Ye's feet were empty, and his body fell downward.

However, Qiao Ye also reacted very quickly. The moment his body fell, he immediately grabbed the rope on the mast and swung to the side.

With a sweep of the black halberd in his hand, Qiao Ye slashed directly on the mast, cutting off the mast.

The huge mast collapsed, and the people who were fighting below quickly moved away to the sides.

With a bang, the mast fell to the deck, and the canvas kept bulging.

With a hiss, a hole was torn in the canvas, and Qiao Ye jumped out from under the mast first, but at the moment Qiao Ye jumped out, two giant pythons, one blue and one purple, followed closely behind.

The beast master climbed out from under the mast in embarrassment, and shouted in the direction of Qiao Ye: "Beast master skill, double dragons spit beads!"

The huge bodies of the two giant pythons were constantly entangled, and then the snake's head was raised high, and a blue-purple light appeared in its mouth, which quickly condensed into two balls of light, moving towards Qiao Ye's direction spit out.

Qiao Ye saw the light coming, and resolutely did not fear, and directly swept forward with a halberd.


Qiao Ye smashed the purple ball of light with a halberd, and then there was an explosion sound, and layers of air waves pushed away, pushing Qiao Ye away.

On the other side, the second cyan ball of light fell...


The second loud cracking sound appeared again, and with the burst of light, the deck at the bow was directly smashed into pieces, and a big hole was punched out forcefully, and even the cabin below was also blasted through. All the people fighting were blown away.

On the other side, Mei Li came out from the other side of the sail, the beast master immediately winked, and the two giant pythons immediately chased after Mei Li.

Qiao Ye got up, pushed away the things that were pressing on her, raised the black halberd and threw it forward forcefully.

The black halberd passed across the sky, turning into a stream of black light.


The black halberd passed in front of the two giant pythons, and the moment it hit the deck, it pierced through the deck, then entered the cabin, and punched a hole obliquely through the hull.

The beast master looked at Qiao Ye viciously, Qiao Ye spread his hands and said, "I can't get it, do you think you can get it so easily?"

At the same time, Mei Li came to the side of the ship and opened a plank, and there was a hidden mechanism underneath.

Mei Li gritted her teeth and pulled a lever, pulling it hard.

The next moment, the sound of the machine spring turning suddenly came from the bottom of the deck of the ship, and then the deck sank one by one continuously.

After the deck sank, a circle of cyan formations suddenly appeared on both sides of the hull, and then where the deck moved away, dense cyan wind blades suddenly appeared, spinning continuously in all directions.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he immediately jumped up.

There were so many wind blades that it made one's scalp tingle, almost instantly, the entire deck of the ship was covered by wind blades, at least as many as the wind blades that went forward.

Qiao Ye is more than ten feet high in one leap, floating in the air with the aura of the Ten Thousand Magic Spiritual Chart.

The beast master blew a whistle, and the two purple and blue pythons immediately moved towards the beast master, surrounded the body of the beast master, and protected the beast master in the center.

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

The scales of the two giant pythons were extremely hard, and the wind blade slashed down, making the sound of metal and iron clashing continuously. Although bloodstains were cut out on the two giant pythons, they were only some small ones. It's just a wound.

However, many people are not so lucky.

A huge wind blade passed by, and a beast master froze in place, a bloodstain appeared on his neck, and then his body leaned outwards, and his whole head just fell off.

A giant bear beast roared, and bleeding sprung from its body continuously. In the blink of an eye, that huge body was in disarray, and it was directly dismembered.

Even, the wind blade can hardly distinguish between friend and foe, as long as it is within the coverage area, those defenders of the spiritual realm will also suffer together.

"My legs, my legs..."

A guardian of the spiritual domain fell to the ground, clutching his thigh. The position below the knee had been completely severed by the wind blade.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and the whole ship was immediately filled with a strong smell of blood.


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