Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 931 Drinking Blood, Heavenly Song

Chapter 931 Drinking Blood, Heavenly Song

Qiao Ye looked at Liu Mingtang who was sticking to the light wall, and after a sneer, he raised his foot forward.

When Qiao Ye lifted her foot, the movement was a bit slow, but the moment her toes fell...


Qiao Ye suddenly rushed forward, the speed was terribly fast, almost blindfolded, you could see that Qiao Ye had passed through the wreckage of the ship and came to Liu Mingtang.


Liu Mingtang was hurt enough, seeing Qiao Ye approaching, just wanted to dodge to dodge, but found that before he had time to move, Qiao Ye had already arrived in front of him!

This time, what Qiao Ye used to transform everything was speed!

The sound of tearing flesh and blood sounded in the next instant, and the sharp halberd blade had pierced Liu Mingtang's throat, and a pool of blood immediately burst out from the back of Liu Mingtang's neck, staining the golden wall of light red.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fifth level of the Demon Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 150,000 points."

Qiao Ye waved to Ding Xiang, and Ding Xiang quickly removed the six-party cage.

Tian Cong's condition looked very bad, panting continuously on the wreckage of the ship leaning on one side.

"You need to rest!" Qiao Ye supported Tian Cong and said, "I'll find a place to help you recuperate."

"No, we have to leave immediately." Tian Cong said with difficulty: "Otherwise it will be too late."

"Aren't all these demon hall members?" Qiao Ye said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. I can handle another group of devil hall members. You can rest assured and rest."

Tian Cong smiled wryly, "It's not the first team, but..."

Before Tian Cong finished speaking, he closed his mouth, because Tian Cong felt that there was no need to continue.

In the direction of the entrance and exit of the shipwreck, a large number of figures appeared again, and they were also people from the magic hall, obviously attracted by the commotion of the battle.

at the same time……

A flying boat passed by in the sky.

The flying boat was astonishingly large, and the moment it passed through the air, it felt like it was covering the sky and the sun.

And when the flying boat passed by, people on the flying boat landed continuously, and quickly stood everywhere, some directly landed, and some directly stood on the wreckage,

People from Lingyu!

Demon Realm, Spirit Realm...

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes slightly, and the two domains are gathered together?

It's a pity that Qiao Ye was obviously "happy" too early. Suddenly, the sound of all beasts rang out, and then the royal beasts appeared one by one, jumping up and down in the area where the shipwrecks piled up on the side, and quickly passed through the surrounding area. The wreckage came to the vicinity of the three of Qiao Ye.

People from the Beast Realm are here too!

Qiao Ye even saw some people from Wuyu, not the defenders, but people who entered after the opening of the entrance to the sea of ​​blood, and quietly mixed in with the crowd.

Qiao Ye also felt some cold sweat on his forehead.

The commotion caused by his own battle shouldn't be that big, right?

Actually attracted hundreds of people all at once?

Moreover, beasts, martial arts, spirits, and demons gather together!

If there are people around, it is normal to be attracted to the fight. After all, if someone fights, it means that the snipe and the clam are fighting, and the fisherman can benefit from it.

But it also attracted too many people.


It seems that there is only one other possibility!

Qiao Ye looked at Tian Cong and said, "What the hell did you do? All these people came after you?"

Tian Cong's face was gloomy, and then he put his hand on Qiao Ye's shoulder.

"Leave me alone, try our best to get out, because at least one of us must survive!" Tian Cong's words revealed a trace of determination, and he said in a low voice: "After leaving here, go to the northwest, where there are a large number of ships Wreckage, one of the shipwrecks is complete, the bow looks like a red dragon, on the second floor of the cabin, next to the door of the second cargo hold, there is a red dragon ornament, I hid the thing in the mouth of the red dragon ornament , if you have the confidence to take something out, go and get it, remember, even if we can’t get it, we can’t let others get it.”

Qiao Ye couldn't help but asked, "What did you find? To attract so many people?"

"Hey, it's just a small group of people." Tian Cong suddenly laughed, very complacent, and then lowered his voice again: "I got half of the Spiritual God's Decree!"

Almost instantly, Qiao Ye almost popped his eyeballs out!

Spiritual decree!


At this moment, Qiao Ye couldn't think of any words to describe her mood other than wanting to breathe out fragrance.

Qiao Ye's gaze towards Tian Cong changed. This guy is a ruthless person, and he actually got the Spirit God's decree, even if it's only half of it!

No wonder Tian Cong had so many injuries. After obtaining the decree of the spirit god, the pursuit and killing he would encounter is completely conceivable, and it is understandable that he would suffer such heavy injuries.

The most important thing is that Tian Cong escaped. Not only did he escape, but he also found an opportunity to hide the decree of the spirit and god!

"Go!" Suddenly, Tian Cong pushed Qiao Ye and said, "I'll help you open the way!"

The moment Tian Cong finished speaking, he suddenly rushed forward.

Tian Cong went here with the intention of dying!

Tian Cong knew that he would not live long. His injuries were serious, some of which were almost fatal. The most important thing was that Tian Cong was poisoned. It's just support, but the poisonous hair is only a matter of time.

That being the case...

Tian Cong looked into the distance.

Today's sky seems a little blue, which is a good weather.

As the festival day is just right, but before that...

Just use this remnant to do more things!

"The guardian of the military domain, Tian Cong!" Tian Cong suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily: "Kill!"

Tian Cong heard Qiao Ye's call, but he didn't intend to stop. The moment he ran forward, he directly entered the martial soul state.

Tian Cong's Wuhun is a pair of weird double-edged, crescent-shaped, with a handle in the center. The left knife is carved with a golden dragon, and the right knife is carved with a golden phoenix.

"I have a knife, drink blood today, I have a knife, today's song!" Tian Cong laughed and said: "I use my knife to slash all directions!"

Drinking blood, Tiange, dragon and phoenix swords, heavenly chosen fourth-grade martial soul!

The moment Tian Cong rushed out, someone surrounded him immediately, but Tian Cong had no intention of retreating, and directly raised his knife and slashed forward.

Two terrifying silver-white blade lights appeared, swept forward, and then exploded among the crowd.

The sound of knives, screams, and cracks...

Countless voices sounded at this moment, intertwined together.

Slashing vigorously made Tian Cong, who was already seriously injured, feel even more uncomfortable. The breath in his body was disordered, and he spit out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth.

But even so, in the next moment, Tian Cong still held the knife tightly in his hand, rushed forward, swung the knife and slashed again!


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