Chapter 933 Must Be Alive

The reason why the situation didn't improve, of course, was not that Qiao Ye didn't kill enough, but...

There are more and more people!

Among the wreckage of the ship, people kept coming and blocked the outer passages. Even though Qiao Ye and Tian Cong fought hard, they were still trapped in the center, with no sign of getting out!

Qiao Ye's complexion became more solemn, although this was a predictable result at the moment.

After all, that is the decree of the spirit and god!

Unless you can secretly take things like spirits and decrees, as long as they are seen by others, they will inevitably be scrambled, and the news will inevitably spread.

The people in the spiritual realm will call the people in the spiritual realm, and the people in the demon realm will call the people in the demon realm, and as more people know about it, the news will naturally leak out.

Tian Cong must have also called for support, and then hid in the wreckage and waited, but it was obvious that Wuyu's boundary guards hadn't arrived yet.

In that case, you can only rely on yourself!


Qiao Ye swung his halberd quickly, and with one halberd sweeping across, the body of a demonized person who rushed to Qiao Ye was cut in two instantly.

"You defeated a third-level devil in the Demon King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 35,000 points."

After one blow, Qiao Ye looked at Ding Xiang and said, "Use another Six Ding Liujia Talisman? It's what I owe you, and I will definitely repay it ten times."

Ding Xiang shook her head and said: "It's not that I'm stingy and unwilling to use it. If I want to directly break the void and move in a large area like before, I need to arrange it. I naturally have the things used to arrange it, but you think you have time to let it go?" Shall I come to set it up?"

Ding Xiang is not evasive, she is also an insider in the current situation, Qiao Ye and Tian Cong are dead, can she live? In the eyes of others, the three of them are in the same group!

Qiao Ye nodded and didn't say much, since that's the case, he had to force it.

"It's okay, let me come, I'll open a way!" Tian Cong said suddenly, looked at Qiao Ye and said seriously: "Qiao Ye, you must fight out alive!"

While talking, Tian Cong rushed forward.

In an instant, the light of the sword scattered in all directions!

Tian Cong rushed directly towards the place with the most people in front of him, waving the two knives in his hands continuously, and the blade lights frantically pushed towards the surroundings, slashing in all directions continuously.

Tian Congxian's incomparably brave defense was useless.

The blade light forced people back, but when the blade light dispersed, someone rushed up immediately.


A long sword pierced Tian Cong's back from behind. Because of the pain, Tian Cong's expression became extremely distorted, but at this moment...


A spiritual cultivator came to Tian Cong, and with a saber in his hand, he slashed directly on Tian Cong's shoulder!

The veins in Tian Cong's neck twitched violently, his legs trembled slightly, and he managed to keep from kneeling on the ground.



A beast master commanded a beast. The beast looked like a snake, but it had eight legs, and there were saber teeth on the back. Suddenly, it opened its mouth, and a scarlet tongue shot out like a sharp arrow. , stabbing into Tian Cong's chest!

Tian Cong was covered in wounds, and in the blink of an eye, he was already stained into a bloody man. His body curled up unconsciously, and he knelt down on the ground.

Qiao Ye's eyes were open, and he wanted to rush out in Tian Cong's direction, but at this moment, a sword light came across the sky, passing Qiao Ye, and stopped Qiao Ye forcibly.

But also at this moment...

Tian Cong raised his hand suddenly, and lifted up the dual knives that had been transformed into martial souls.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted in Tian Cong's direction, "No!"

Tian Cong's double knives suddenly shattered, turning into a large piece of golden light that soared into the sky, illuminating all directions!

Tian Cong said ferociously: "Even if I die, I will have to take a few backs!"

Qiao Ye swept away the people in front with a halberd, and then ran towards Tian Cong.


That's too late!

Because, Tian Cong is begging to die!

In that bright golden radiance, the sound of a dragon singing and a phoenix singing suddenly resounded, and immediately after that, the golden light turned into a dragon and a phoenix.

A golden dragon!

A golden phoenix!

The dragon and phoenix flew in the sky, and then rushed down suddenly.

Tian Cong's face also became extremely pale at this moment, and he opened his mouth suddenly, and a mouthful of blood sprayed all over the ground, and then a blush appeared on his cheeks.

The aura on Tian Cong's body could clearly feel that it was constantly weakening, and the vitality of his whole body was constantly dissipating.


Tian Cong blew up his martial soul!

Shattering one's martial soul, because the shattering of the martial soul will bring about a very strong attack, of course, one will also pay a very tragic price for this.

The price is...

will die!

The dragon and phoenix were entangled together, and suddenly fell from the air, hitting the ground fiercely.

Boom, boom, boom!

Loud noises continuously appeared on the ground, the ground continuously cracked, and there was a huge roar, and pillars of sand shot up into the sky crazily.

The waves of air were like the sea, pushing wildly in all directions.

Swept by the air wave, the wreckage of the surrounding ships continued to shatter, and then collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, forming pieces of ruins.

The Demon Realm, the Beast Realm, the Spirit Realm, and even people from the Martial Realm!

In an instant, they were swallowed up by the phantom of the dragon and phoenix.

The moment someone's body was shrouded by the phantom of the dragon and phoenix, it exploded directly, and the body exploded like that, turning into corpses flying all over the sky and blood floating in the air, and then disappeared.

"Qiao Ye!" Tian Cong's seven orifices were continuously flowing with blood, and he roared loudly, "Let's go!"

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and said, "You..."

Tian Cong interrupted Qiao Ye and urged, "Go quickly, do you want me to die in vain?"

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth, carried Lilac on her shoulders, and flew forward, closely following the phantom of the dragon and phoenix that rushed forward.

"Stop him!"

"Things must have moved, on that kid."

"Don't let people go!"

Immediately, someone around shouted loudly.

Tian Cong begged for death, but begging for death must have value. The only value he could think of right now was that the thing was on Qiao Ye's body, and Tian Cong wanted to escort Qiao Ye away.

But also at this moment...

Tian Cong roared again, the phantom of the dragon and phoenix scattered, and the sound of the cry of the dragon and the chant of the phoenix resounded again, a large crack appeared on the phantom's body, and it exploded.


The ground exploded, and the surrounding air waves pushed away like a hurricane, flying people away. The broken ground began to collapse, and a huge pit with a diameter of more than 20 to 30 meters appeared directly.

No one dares to step forward, and there is only one fate for stepping forward, and that is...


This is what Tian Cong paid for with his life!

After a while, when the light faded away, the golden afterglow continued to sprinkle on Tian Cong's body.

"We must get out alive..."

"We must send things back to Wuyu..."

Tian Cong murmured, slowly closing his eyes!


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