Chapter 943 Skeleton King

Qiao Ye looked up and looked around, but after he fell out of the wreckage of the ship, those beast masters had already prepared for it. When Qiao Ye was fighting with the Copperhead King, they had already let their own beasts surround the surroundings up.

As soon as Qiao Ye appeared, those imperial beasts immediately launched an attack and rushed towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's eyes were gloomy, it was really endless!

"Since you want to die!" Qiao Ye shouted in a low voice, "Then I will fulfill you!"


Qiao Ye fell towards the ground with a halberd, and a large cloud of black smoke appeared, rising straight into the sky, forming a huge smoke gate in front of Qiao Ye.

While the black smoke surged, slowly, an extremely sinister aura appeared.

Everyone's expressions froze suddenly, shocked by the sinister smell.

It was the smell of death, quite strong, like being in a battlefield, surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the lingering black smoke gradually drifted towards the surroundings, and the moment it passed under the feet of everyone, it seemed like a giant beast opened its mouth. If you open your mouth, you can swallow people up at any time.


The next moment, with a loud noise, a huge bone protruded out from behind the door, and slapped fiercely on a shipwreck on the side, and the seven or eight-meter-high shipwreck was instantly shattered.

A skeleton more than ten meters high slowly came out from the door in front of Qiao Ye. Behind it was a broken black cloak with gold thread embroidered on the edge. A huge scythe, and a pair of black eye sockets, with blue will-o'-the-wisps shining!

Heavenly Demon Illusion!

Skeleton King is here!

Qiao Ye said coldly: "Come on, continue!"

Qiao Ye didn't want to use the phantom of the demon, because it was too huge and too eye-catching. Using the phantom of the demon would almost certainly attract other people.

But right now, this battle has dragged on for too long, even if they don't use the demon form, they will still attract others.

Then, kill it!

The will-o'-the-wisps in the Skeleton King's eye sockets kept flickering, and then the huge bone sickle fell down fiercely.


There was a huge cracking sound, and a piece of the ground was instantly shattered. A large cloud of sand and dust rolled up into the sky and scattered towards the surroundings.

The Skeleton King opened his huge mouth and let out a silent roar. Then, the bone scythe in his hand swung around in an instant.

Almost instantly...

The bodies of the two royal beasts were scraped by the scythe, and the bodies exploded on the spot, blood mixed with the corpses scattered all around.

Qiao Ye looked coldly and looked sideways.

It is useless to kill the beast master, if you kill one beast master, those beast masters will have a second, third...

Even if the number of beast masters for battle cannot be filled, it does not mean that the opponent does not have spare beast masters.

Therefore, to end this battle, kill the beast master!

This is also an annoying place for the Beast Master in the Beast Realm.

The overall strength of the Beast Masters in the Beast Realm is actually not outstanding. Compared with Shu Yu who are not good at frontal combat, their combat power is not bad. However, compared with Wu Yu and Mo Yu's practitioners , It is indeed not enough to watch at all.

Before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, the overall strength of the Beast Realm was considered to be in the middle.

But one thing is recognized, the Beast Master of the Beast Realm is very difficult to deal with!

Because it is useless to kill one or two of the opponent's beasts. The opponent's beasts follow one after another. Even if they can win in the end, they will still be entangled by the opponent's beasts, which is a great consumption.

To kill the beast master, of course the best way is to deal with the beast master himself!

The Skeleton King roared silently, and suddenly, the bone scythe in his hand was thrown out. With a sudden lift, it passed over the heads of the surrounding beast masters and approached the beast masters behind.

The beast masters were shocked instantly, and almost instinctively entered the state of symbiosis between beast and soul.

The symbiosis of beast souls is a means for the beast master to use the power of the beast to protect himself, but there is a premise...

That is, those imperial beasts can withstand the attack of the Skeleton King!

If the Beast Familiar itself is incapable of resisting the Skeleton King, then...

Of course, the beast soul symbiosis is useless!


When the bone scythe fell to the ground, there was a loud noise on the ground, and it exploded suddenly. A large cloud of sand and dust covered the surrounding area like a thick fog, and then...

Bright red blood appeared on the ground, slowly flowing!

"You defeated a Beast Master of the third level of the Beast King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 45,000 points."

"You defeated a beast master at the fifth level of the Beast King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 52,000 points."

"You defeated a Beast Master of the third level of the Beast King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 43,000 points."


With one blow, blood flowed into rivers, and the ground was covered with corpses!

Qiao Ye jumped, and the Skeleton King raised one hand to support Qiao Ye, pulled out the bone scythe on the ground with the other hand, and then raised his foot to step forward.


The earth shakes and the mountains shake!

The whole ground shook violently, countless cracks spread in all directions, and two more beast masters were trampled to death by the Skeleton King!

"You defeated a Beast Master of the fifth level of the Beast King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 55,000 points."

"You defeated a Beast Master of the third level of the Beast King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 45,000 points."


Qiao Ye stood in the palm of the Skeleton King, condescending, and said with a sneer, "What? If I try my best, you can't do it?"

The leading beast master was furious and shouted: "Bronze Head King, become huge!"

Beast-monitoring skills, huge!

The leading Beast Master is still a little bit capable, with a cultivation base of the fifth level of the Beast Emperor Realm, and the bone scythe that took the Skeleton King forcibly did not fall down.

In fact, if you don't have a certain level, it is impossible to tame a beast of the level of the Copperhead King. The beast is also proud. It is impossible for a strong beast to follow a weak beast master. It is also possible to have a powerful beast. Beast masters are powerful, and the two complement each other.

And as the order was issued, the centipede of the Copperhead King continued to lift up and hit the ground, and then his body began to swell.

In an instant, the Copperhead King, who was only more than three meters tall, soared to more than ten meters away in an instant, even a head taller than the Skeleton King.

After becoming gigantic, the Copperhead King rushed towards the Skeleton King without ordering from the leading beast master.


Accompanied by the continuous tremors of the ground, the two behemoths collided with each other with a bang, making a huge collision sound.


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