Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 949: Su Li makes a move

Chapter 949


Bai Xiangyun's face was pale, and he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

Qiao Ye and Polaris broke his psychic ability, and after the psychic ability backfired, Bai Xiangyun's internal organs were also injured.

Qiao Ye raised her head, looked at where Su Lu was, and let out a sneer.

I don't care what your ability is, as long as I don't touch it, just break it with brute force, what can you do with me!

This is the crudest, most brutal, and most unreasonable method!

Similarly, this is also the most costly, risky, and most likely way to hurt both sides!

However, this is the easiest and cleanest way!

Su Li gritted his teeth, with a ferocious expression on his face, he waved his hands and said, "Give it to me!"

The guardians of the spiritual domain kept jumping down from the wreckage of the ship and approaching Qiao Ye.

Of course, those demonized people in the Demon Realm did not give up. The cruel and chaotic situation in the Demon Realm and the years of war have formed the murderous personality of the Demon Realm people. Even though Qiao Ye has killed at least one-third of the demonized people, he still has no Make them back off.

The Beast Master of the Beast Realm can be said to be the weakest. After all, the Beast Realm has been peaceful for too long.

However, that is the decree of the spirit and god after all, and no one would not want it.

After losing the commander and experiencing a brief period of chaos, the beast masters finally regained their strength, and they are still here, which means that they still have thoughts and do not intend to give up.

Now that Su Lu made a move, the battle between the two parties became a three-party battle, and the beast masters naturally began to move around and wanted to join in.

Qiao Ye and Polaris did not stop, but continued to charge forward.

Demon Realm, Spirit Realm, and Beast Realm all need to consider the battle situation. They all want to win the decree of the spirit god, but they also don't want to make wedding dresses for others.

But for Qiao Ye and Polaris, everything is very simple, that is...

Get out!

Meeting the guardian of the spiritual domain who fell from the sky, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and shook it. The crystal crossbow in his hand deformed and turned into a large crystal shield. The next moment, Qiao Ye held the large crystal shield and moved forward rushed out.

boom! boom! boom!

Qiao Ye roared, and directly knocked people into the air with his shield, and when the guardians of the spiritual domain fell to the ground, Polaris shot suddenly, and the crystallized hand crossbow in his hand opened fire.

Boom, boom!

Two aurora beams appeared, and the moment they landed, they exploded, sending people flying.

After one blow, regardless of the opponent's life or death, Qiao Ye and Polaris jumped up at the same time, stepped over the bodies of the guardians of the spiritual domain, and continued to move forward.

But also at this moment...

"A sentence of life and death, yin and yang will be judged!" Su Lu's voice suddenly sounded: "Yin Yu!"

Accompanied by Su Lu's voice, in an instant, there was a dead silence all around, and the evil spirit permeated the air. A bone-chilling chill appeared, which continuously penetrated into the bones of everyone.

for a moment...

Graves really rose one after another, and Su Li turned the surrounding area into a cemetery, and tombstones suddenly appeared one by one, covering the surrounding area.

Small sounds kept ringing out, and the soil covering the tombs was constantly being pushed away. Then, arms one by one kept protruding from the tombs, digging up the tombs, and then one by one Yin soldiers emerged from the tomb continuously, covering a large area in the blink of an eye, their bodies swaying constantly, and they came towards Qiao Ye and Polaris.

Qiao Ye cursed inwardly.

Although there are many people on the other side, there are only three people who can really be liked by Qiao Ye.

One is Bai Xiangyun, this woman's spiritual ability is very strange, Qiao Ye has been in the aisle before, but this woman is too conceited, obviously she doesn't take Qiao Ye seriously, otherwise she shouldn't use it on Qiao Ye so openly Spiritual power, especially after Qiao Ye suffered a loss once, how could it be possible to suffer a second time?

Therefore, Bai Xiangyun paid the price for this, and it may be very uncomfortable to use his spiritual power to counteract it now.

The second one was the man who commanded those demonized demonizers. Although Qiao Ye didn't know him, he could almost conclude that he was one of the twenty-two captains of the Kyoto Demon Hall, and his strength would not be too weak.

And the third one is Su Li!

Sulu is strong!

Even as an enemy, Qiao Ye had to admit this. This guy's cultivation is not weak, and he also has unparalleled spiritual ability, and his grade is not low.

If Qiao Ye is one of the representative figures of the younger generation among the guardians of the martial domain, then Su Lu is one of the representative figures of the younger generation among the guardians of the spiritual domain.

Therefore, Su Lu is undoubtedly a strong enemy.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, he rushed into the group of Yin soldiers, and quickly swept the crystal shield in his hand towards the sides.

bang, bang...

The Yin soldier who rushed forward was instantly sent flying by Qiao Ye.

Polaris walked backwards against Qiao Ye's back, with the crystal halberd in his hand sweeping towards the surroundings, beheading the Yin soldiers on both sides continuously, covering Qiao Ye, and at the same time cooperating with Qiao Ye to fight a way.

Su Lu's face was gloomy, and he suddenly spoke, using his mental strength to send his voice in all directions: "Everyone, if you still want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight at this moment, the final result will only let this kid get out, why don't you join hands?" But how about Chi, kill this kid first, and then we will fight to see who can take away the spirit god's decree from his corpse!"

This is also another reason why Su Li can make Qiao Ye look twice, this guy is smarter than expected, not the kind of reckless guy who will rush forward without any scruples.

Now that many people have died in the Demon Realm, the situation is relatively equal, and there is a great chance that Lingyu can win the Spiritual God's decree. Su Lu doesn't want to let Qiao Ye go easily, so the meaning of this remark is to integrate everyone , deal with Qiao Ye first.

"If everyone is not satisfied with my proposal..." Su Li sneered and said, "Then I can only stop here."

Su Lu is currently using Yin soldiers to entangle Qiao Ye. These words are obviously a bit threatening, and you don't want to go? If you don't go up, then I won't go up either, just remove Yin Yu and forget it!

Beast Realm was the first to hold back, and several beast masters commanded the beast masters: "Go, kill him!"

On the other side, the captain from the magic hall pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Go!"

The three domains united and surrounded Qiao Ye from both sides at the same time.

Su Lu sneered and said, "Qiao Ye, let me see how you live this time!"

The spiritual power displayed by Su Lu exploded again and became thicker, and the Yin Qi in the Yin domain suddenly became thicker, and those Yin soldiers rushed towards Qiao Ye one after another. The Yin soldiers kept crawling out, as if no matter how Qiao Ye and Polaris were killed, the number would not decrease.

But at this moment...


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