Chapter 955 Emperor Realm

General Iron, Liang Zhen!

This is also a Boundary Defender, with a cultivation level of the sixth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm, of course he can kill Wang Zhiwen. Obviously, this is the reinforcement Su Lu summoned before.

Su Lu looked at Qiao Ye, raised his head and said, "I searched all over him, but there is no spiritual decree. Oh, by the way, it is also possible that he has given the spiritual decree to other people?"

There was a ferocious look on Su Lu's face, full of teasing and provocation.

"Unfortunately, those people he brought are all dead." Su Li stretched out his hand and wiped his neck, "No one was left, all of them were dead, and there was nothing on their bodies."

Wei Ya looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I still say the same thing, take out the things, and I can make your death easier."

Click it, click it!

Qiao Ye clenched her fists tightly, cracking her finger bones.


A strong killing intent appeared, sweeping towards the surroundings crazily, the sand on the beach was swept away in an instant, and swayed towards all directions.

Almost instantly, Liang Zhen stood in front of Su Lu and helped Su Lu block the killing intent.

Wei Ya's expression changed, and he abruptly took half a step back.

Xiao Xiong immediately drew out the sword that had just been unsheathed, and used the sword intent to fight against the killing intent!

Others were not so lucky. When the killing intent passed by, many of them were pale, and were directly shocked by the killing intent, and opened their mouths to spit out blood.

Qiao Ye raised his head and said, "All of you are dead, right? Then you all die for me too!"

The ghost lamp appeared behind Qiao Ye, and the three ghost fires turned into "('д')", angry because of Qiao Ye's anger.

The ten thousand dharma spiritual map, all phenomena in the universe!

Almost instantly, Qiao Ye transformed all aspects of his physical body into spiritual power, and then, using the aura of all phenomena, Qiao Ye floated in the air.

"Give it to me..." Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to the side and said, "Give it to me!"

The aura was activated, and a ship on the side seemed to be pinched by a huge palm. The hull of the ship trembled continuously, and cracks appeared one after another.


Boom! The ship suddenly made a loud explosion, and the hull of the entire ship exploded in an instant, becoming torn apart.

Everyone on the boat fell into the water one after another, and many of them were directly crushed by the blow, and their flesh became bloody in an instant.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the seventh level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 55,000 points."

"You defeated a spirit cultivator at the third level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 40,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 28,000 points."


Wei Ya looked at Qiao Ye, with an expression of incomparable horror on his wrinkled face, and murmured, "Lingzun, are you Lingzun? Impossible, how could you be Lingzun's?"

"Curious?" Qiao Ye sneered, "Go to hell and ask Hades!"

The moment Qiao Ye's words fell, he directly raised his palm into a knife, and directly slashed out of the void.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!


Accompanied by the continuous brilliance of the Wanfa Lingtu, there was a sudden sound of thunder in the sky, and the sky was instantly covered by a dark cloud, covering at least ten miles around.

A thunderbolt suddenly slashed and fell, exceeding a hundred meters, passing across the sky, as if cutting the sky, it was extremely terrifying.

Wei Ya didn't dare to be negligent, and directly stretched out his hand to push forward, his mental power was released, and a large snowstorm formed around him in an instant.

In the wind and snow, a huge ice flower appeared, facing Qiao Ye, and also facing the falling thunder.


Thunder landed on the ice flower, and there was a bang, and the huge ice flower was unexpectedly smashed to pieces by Thunder.

Wei Ya spit out a mouthful of blood as soon as he raised his head, retreated to the rear, and stretched out his hands to hold on to the railing of the boat, so that he did not fall down.

The others were also shocked, is it really Lingzun?

If it wasn't for Lingzun, how could it be possible to knock Wei Ya back with a single blow.

"Come on, let me see how many of you can survive today!"

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and was completely immersed in the supreme killing environment. Her whole body was full of murderous intent, and her eyes were flushed with blood.

Click, click, click!

The sound of ice cracking suddenly sounded, and the sea surface that was frozen by Wei Ya before was also breaking apart at this moment. The huge wave rolled in, and Qiao Ye just slapped it out with a palm.

The wave kept rising, tens of meters high, turned into a huge palm, and slammed down towards a ship.


After one slap, the boat was split into pieces in an instant, and it was smashed into pieces forcibly. There were constant screams from the boat, and those spiritual monks fell into the sea like dumplings.

But, it's not over yet!

Qiao Ye roared angrily, and slapped out the second palm. The huge wave rose again, turned into a giant palm again, and slammed down towards the sea.

With a bang, there was a loud noise from the surface of the sea, and then the sea water swayed directly to the sides, forming a gully directly, and those people floating in the sea were instantly crushed into flesh.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fourth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 45,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the eighth level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 75,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist at the first level of the Spirit King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 30,000 points."


When the waves gradually calmed down, the churning sea water had already turned bright red.

A large amount of blood directly dyed the surface of the sea red, and countless floating corpses floated on the surface of the sea, drifting with the current!

In an instant, this sea area seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth.

Su Li gritted his teeth and said: "This guy can't be the Spirit Venerable, he must have played some kind of trick, together, the decree of the spirit god must be brought back to the Lingyu, and it must not be left in the hands of others, especially if it is given to Wuyu! "

But also at this time...

Qiao Ye suddenly turned her face to the side and looked in Su Lu's direction.

Almost instantly, Su Li felt that he was surrounded by boundless killing intent, and that cold feeling made Su Li shiver.

Qiao Ye said faintly: "Let's take your head first and sacrifice them!"

Su Lu felt a chill in his heart, and instinctively backed away, frightened by the killing intent of the supreme killing realm, his body trembled uncontrollably, and then he clenched his teeth again.

"If you really have the cultivation base of the spiritual realm, how could you fall into our way at sea?" Su Li gritted his teeth and said, "Don't try to play tricks here, hand over the decree of the spirit and god, and die obediently. !"


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