Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 961 Nine Dragons Exploration Pavilion

Chapter 961

Ding Xiang said: "Then you can rest, and you will be able to return to the surgery domain in an hour."

"Huh?" Qiao Ye showed doubts, "An hour?"

How can it be impossible to return to the art domain in an hour?

Qiao Ye has seen Lilac's sea chart, not to mention the waters near the Shuyu, how much time did it take them to come from Qingsha Gorge?

Ding Xiang explained: "The way to go back is different, you can go directly..."

Ding Xiang thought for a while, and opened the window of the sleeping cabin.

Ding Xiang said: "You will know when you look at the sea."

After Ding Xiang finished speaking, she left the cabin to sail the boat. Qiao Ye was indeed curious and looked at the position on the sea.

Suddenly, there was some movement on the surface of the sea, and the air seemed to be distorted suddenly. Suddenly, a large piece of ripple appeared, and then a black crack appeared, which slowly spread and became huge.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye's pupils were also spreading!


Qiao Ye couldn't hold back, and breathed out the fragrance directly.

Isn't that the Void Gate?

No, it may not be the Void Gate. Behind the Void Gate there is an independent small world of the Void Gate. Then, if it is not the Void Gate...

Qiao Ye was even more surprised. Isn't that just breaking the boundary?

This ghostly place is really a void fault!

Although Qiao Ye has speculated that the blood sea is actually a fault in the void, it is purely irresponsible speculation. Moreover, what Qiao Ye deduced is why the blood sea was able to connect the nine domains and the three realms before the three realms and nine realms were broken, thus obtaining It came to a conclusion that the sea of ​​blood might be a piece of void, located between the two.

"Sea of ​​Blood, Sea of ​​No Return, Void Fault..."

Qiao Ye kept murmuring, feeling as if she had grasped something important.

at the same time……

Ding Xiang had already sailed into the entrance and exit. Looking at the surrounding scenery, Qiao Ye became more certain of her deduction.

The surroundings are a chaotic void, and occasionally a chaotic thunder can be seen passing across the sky.

This scene is exactly the same as the scene you can see when you enter the Nine Domains Battlefield from Wuyu, and it is also the same when you enter the Void Fault from Broken Realm.

After about a stick of incense, the time ahead became clear, and the ship quickly left the world of nothingness.

After leaving, it was still a sea, but Qiao Ye could feel that it was different from before. Although it looked like an endless sea, the atmosphere was completely different. This sea area was full of blue sea and blue sky, without blood at all. The oppression of the sea, moreover, the sea water here is clear, not blood-colored sea water.

Qiao Ye looked at it for a while, then looked away, and silently began to meditate and recover.

Qiao Ye had a lot of questions in his mind, but Qiao Ye was not in a hurry. He should be within the scope of the technique now. When he met Ding Xiang's master, Qiao Ye believed that he would get the answer.

After sailing for a while, Qiao Ye was awakened by the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor of the cabin. After opening her eyes, she saw Lilac opening the door and looking out.

Qiao Ye said, "Are you there?"

Ding Xiang nodded and said, "It's almost here!"

Qiao Ye felt the breath in his body. The elixir given by Ding Xiang was very useful, and his health was obviously much better. After barely getting up, Qiao Ye followed Ding Xiang out of the cabin.

Coming to the deck, Qiao Ye found that the ship was about to dock.

It was a huge port, extending at least five or six hundred meters towards the sea, and one could see that the harbor was very prosperous and lively.

There are a large number of fishing boats moored there, and a boat of fish is being carried off the boat.

At the same time, there is a small town in the coastal area, which is not bad in size, but what is quite eye-catching is a building behind the town.

That building is a pavilion, majestic and unimaginably majestic, it can be said to rise from the sky, at least seventy or eighty stories high, and there are nine golden dragons on the periphery of the pavilion, surrounding the pavilion and constantly going up, if it is not standing in the distance , from a close view, I am afraid that the head of the dragon and the top of the pavilion cannot be seen even if you look up.

Qiao Ye looked at Ding Xiang and said, "Nine Dragons Tanshu Pavilion?"

"Correct!" Ding Xiang said: "The harbor and the town actually belong to our Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion!"

Qiao Ye said, "What happened to the entrance to the sea of ​​blood?"

"Oh, my master gave me a pair of positive and negative talismans!" Ding Xiang said: "That thing can open the entrance to the sea of ​​no return, and can be used anywhere on the sea, but the place of entry and exit is fixed and simple. Said, I find a random place on the sea, and the place to enter the no-return sea area is the same place, so it is not convenient at all to enter, and you need to sail to the shipwreck, but it is convenient to get out, just find a place In the open sea, you can leave directly and return to the sea about fifteen nautical miles away from the harbor."

Qiao Ye said: "Do you know what a broken boundary and a void fault are?"

Ding Xiang blinked her eyes and said, "What is that?"

Qiao Ye spread her hands and didn't explain, she should ask Ding Xiang's master!

Ding Xiang said: "Sit down, we won't enter the port, we will go directly into the sky."

Ding Xiang's treasure ship is relatively good. It can be a ship when entering the sea, and a flying boat when it is launched into the air. After all, it is a third-grade treasure.

However, the value of this thing is not very great. After all, the time when the ship can be used is relatively small. There is no need to combine the two. It takes a lot of effort and spiritual materials to forge it. In fact, Qiao Ye only knew that the Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion was facing the sea, so it was no wonder there was such a design.

At the same time, Ding Xiang's ship had already lifted off, directly crossed the port, and flew in the direction of Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion.

Around the Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion, Lilac did not land. There were doors one by one on each floor of the attic, and the backs of the golden dragons surrounding the attic were hollow, allowing the flying boats to dock inside.

After Ding Xiang landed the airship, Qiao Ye took Polaris and followed Ding Xiang off the boat, and men in warlock robes came up to him immediately.

Ding Xiang said: "Take good care of my boat, if it is a little damaged, I need to repair it, and make it better."

The man in the sorcerer's robe immediately smiled and said, "Okay, little master."

Qiao Ye looked at Ding Xiang in astonishment and said, "Master?"

The man looked to be in his forties!

Ding Xiang raised her head proudly and said: "Nine Dragons Tanshu Pavilion is headed by the Nine Great Dragon Venerables, and my master is one of the Nine Great Dragon Venerables, so my seniority is very high!"

Qiao Ye nodded, it can be seen that this is the master, how can the status not be high?

In the words, Ding Xiang took Qiao Ye into the Kowloon Exploration Pavilion, then waved, pointed to the side and said: "Come here, we are not going to this floor."

The place Ding Xiang pointed to seemed to be a formation pattern, but there were some strange ornaments around it, which looked like a game in the mouth of a magician. Seeing Ding Xiang enter, Qiao Ye didn't think much, and followed Polaris and left go in.


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