Chapter 963

Qiao Ye suddenly became more confused.

The guys from the two domains of Taoism and art are annoying, they always talk in a godlike manner.

Fortunately, Tiance Longzun didn't mean to be tricky, and said directly: "Let's start from the sea of ​​no return. You call the sea of ​​no return a sea of ​​blood, right?"

Qiao Ye said: "In my opinion, the sea of ​​no return is the sea of ​​blood."

"Correct, but not correct." Tiance Longzun said: "The Sea of ​​No Return is part of the Sea of ​​Blood, but that was a thing in the past. Now, the Sea of ​​No Return is the Sea of ​​No Return."

Qiao Ye had an expression of willingness to hear more about it.

Tiance Longzun continued: "After the three realms and nine domains were broken, the sea of ​​blood was also affected and split apart, and the sea of ​​no return was once a part of the sea of ​​blood, but now it exists as an independent space, and its entrance and exit It is about 300 nautical miles after going out to sea, but the talisman paper drawn with the spell can be teleported through space and directly enter the entrance."

Qiao Ye said: "Is the entrance and exit a black crack?"

Tiance Longzun said: "That's right!"

Qiao Ye was stunned again. Isn't that just a crack in the void? Is the Sea of ​​No Return really a Void Fault?

"No..." Qiao Ye said to Ding Xiang, "Show me the chart again."

Ding Xiang showed doubts, but still handed the chart to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye held the chart and looked at it for a while, then slammed the table, and finally understood, he finally knew what Jiang Liuxue did!

The Sea of ​​No Return is part of the Sea of ​​Blood. However, after the three realms and nine regions were shattered, the Sea of ​​Blood was also shattered. Then the Sea of ​​No Return was part of the Sea of ​​Blood.

The entrance and exit created by Jiang Liuxue in the Nine Realms Battlefield is not a sea of ​​blood, but also a void fault, and this void fault was once a part of the blood sea.

The key point is that Jiang Liuxue merged the two void faults together!

Can this kind of thing really be done?

Frankly speaking, Qiao Ye doesn't know, but right now Qiao Ye can only think that it can be done, because if this idea is established, many things will be established.

Why, according to the chart of the sea of ​​blood, Qiao Ye has indeed been to some places in the sea of ​​blood, but these places are not marked on the chart of the sea of ​​no return, but on the chart of the sea of ​​no return, those marked The area is indeed in a sea of ​​blood.

If Qiao Ye's conjecture is true, then all these explanations make sense.

These were originally two void faults. The similarity lies in that both void faults were once part of the blood sea. As for why Jiang Liuxue was able to do such a thing...

Has that guy done less?

"It seems that you thought of something, but that's not important." Tiance Longzun pointed to Qiao Ye and said, "Now, let's talk about you. Before the three realms and nine realms were broken, Taoism was originally a family. Although they belong to the two domains, they are very closely related. Divination and foretelling are the two domains of Taoism. The book was left by an expert before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, and many people speculate that this book is related to the Taoist God or the Shushen."

Qiao Ye spread out her hands and said, "I don't think Dao God or Shu God can have anything to do with me."

Tiance Longzun smiled, and continued: "The Qintian book is a book without words, and there is nothing on it, it is all blank paper. We in Jiulong Tanshu Pavilion have studied it for countless years, but there is nothing to gain. , until a few years ago, words suddenly appeared on the first page of the Qintian Book, and predicted the eruption of Linglong Volcano, preventing a disaster."

Ding Xiang looked surprised and said: "Is the matter of Linglong Volcano recorded in the Qintian Book?"

Tiance Longzun nodded and said: "The time when the words appeared on the Qintian Booklet happened to be one month before the explosion of Linglong Volcano. If it wasn't so, how could we have prepared in advance and avoided a disaster?"

Qiao Ye showed doubts, and didn't understand what the two were talking about.

Ding Xiang explained: "Linglong Volcano is an inland volcano. Everyone thinks that it is an extinct volcano and will not erupt. There are many people living around it, and that place is very famous for cultivating elixir. Years ago, the Linglong Volcano erupted suddenly and almost caused a tragedy. Tens of thousands of people may die under the disaster. It was our Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion who gave an early warning to make people move away and transplanted the elixir in advance. The threat of disaster has been reduced to a minimum, but this is the first time I have heard that it has something to do with Qin Tianchu."

"In fact, that time, the loss was quite tragic, and thousands of people died. It was all because we didn't pay attention to it and took measures at the first time." Tiance Longzun said: "Afterwards, the words appeared on the second page of Qin Tianzhu , the land of Kitazawa will have heavy rains for days, floods will strike, mountains will collapse, and hundreds of thousands of refugees will be displaced. This time we dare not neglect, we made preparations immediately, cleared the walls and cleared the fields, and built dams, and then the heavy rain really came, and the mountains collapsed , the flood came, but because of preparations, the land of Kitazawa was preserved."

Qiao Ye nodded, and then said: "So, the so-called Qintian Book is a wonderful book that predicts disasters?"

"No, it should be divination." Tiance Longzun thought for a while, and then said: "You don't know the arts, so it's hard for me to explain, for example, I don't really like the decree of the Apocalypse of that Lingzun , because Taoism and art have similar abilities, but in fact, I don't like his decree is the same thing, but I still admire the spirit god's ability to predict the future, and I can even say that I yearn for it , because, although there are many methods of divination, it is not so easy to return all the methods to one’s family, all of which are to see the will of heaven.”

Qiao Ye blinked her eyes, unable to understand.

Ding Xiang said directly: "If you look at God's will, you usually end up with a bad death."

Tiance Longzun nodded and said: "To see the will of the heavens and reveal the secrets of the heavens, you need to pay a heavy price. At the least, you will lose your lifespan, and at the worst, you will die badly. The scary thing about that spirit god is that his ability seems to be a talent. For predicting the future, it seems that there is no need to pay the same price as divination."

Having said that, Qiao Ye also understands it. Simply put, the spirit god is very powerful in predicting the future, but the Shuyu has this ability, so it is not uncommon for the spirit god's decree, especially the spirit domain that the spirit god decree predicts. In the future, it has at most a side relationship with Shuyu. Instead of grabbing the decree of the spirit and god, it is better to do divination by yourself.

Qiao Ye said: "Is that so-called Qintian Book a strange book for divination of disasters?"

Tiance Longzun nodded and said, "Yes!"

Qiao Ye really wanted to punch the old man in the face. There was too much nonsense, and he co-authored a half-day explanation of the difference between foretelling and divination, just to tell himself that he used the wrong words?

Be sick!


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