Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 975: It's All Lai Qiaoye

Chapter 975

After the Nine-Turn Golden Body is super-grade, Qiao Ye has already been able to cross the border of the Emperor of Toughness. Then, after upgrading the Nine-Turn Golden Body from the rank of Wushuang to the rank of the world, can it be possible to be tough and the supreme in the world?

No matter how naive Qiao Ye is, she knows that this is impossible. After all, no matter how powerful the martial arts are, it still depends on the user. No matter how high the grade of the nine-turn golden body is, it is useless for Qiao Ye not to be strong enough. Although there will still be some improvement, compared with the 200 million martial soul value, Qiao Ye knows it's not worth it.

Therefore, Qiao Ye fixed his eyes on his own cultivation.

One's own strength is strong enough, which is the foundation of everything!

"Your cultivation has been raised to the eighth level of the Martial Emperor Realm!"

"Your cultivation has been raised to the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm!"

Host: Qiao Ye.

Title: Killing a Thousand People

Combat power: 30056000

Cultivation level: Martial Emperor Realm ninth rank.

The power of elements: the heart of the flame soul, the pupil of Tai Kun.

State of mind: Supreme Killing Realm

Martial soul value: 2200000/70000000


After spending 110 million martial soul points, Qiao Ye raised his cultivation to the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. Qiao Ye's next goal is the Martial Emperor Realm!

The Martial Emperor Realm's fourth-rank Martial Soul and Spiritual Abilities are already quite limited. This is why Qiao Ye has not improved his Martial Soul and Spiritual Abilities. Therefore, Qiao Ye's goal is to use the Martial Soul Realm. Follow up and raise your spiritual ability to level three or above!

Martial soul, out of spirit, this is the foundation of cultivation and the most direct way to improve combat power.

After upgrading his cultivation base, Qiao Ye glanced at his martial soul value, and there were more than two million yuan left. It seemed that there was no other choice, so let's upgrade the map of the God of War, just two million can be upgraded to the eighth rank.

God of War Picture (Eight Grades) (0/8000000): One of the oldest exercises in the world, inherited from the ancient times. If this exercise is perfected, it will sweep the world and look down on the world. Although there are many masters in the world, there is no one invincible For generations, the only one who is proud of the world of mortals is the God of War.

I have no fear in my heart, live and never die: mobilize the breath in the body, strengthen my own attack and defense, the stronger the breath, the deeper the strengthening, and it can be superimposed on any kung fu, martial arts, and treasure!

No distracting thoughts, unity of meditation: enter the state of unity of meditation, double the effect of cultivation, speed up the recovery of injuries when injured, enter the state of mind more easily when fighting, and dissolve all poisons in the world when poisoned.

The map of the God of War has been upgraded from rank nine to rank eight, which is exactly as Qiao Ye guessed, and Qiao Ye's liver trembles at the required martial soul value, which has directly changed from two million to eight million...

This is only the eighth grade!

However, fortunately, he had anticipated this situation and was mentally prepared.

And after the God of War map was upgraded from the ninth rank to the eighth rank, new abilities appeared.

No distracting thoughts, calm and oneness...

Seeing the effect, Qiao Ye really wanted to shout out how powerful it was, but felt powerless. The ability of the eighth grade is mainly cultivated.

This is actually something that can be expected. The map of the God of War is not a martial skill, but a kung fu. Good kung fu must have the effect of assisting cultivation.

The map of the god of war can double the effect of meditation practice, which can be said to be very terrifying. Generally, exercises of the third rank or above can almost increase the effect of cultivation by 20% to 30%.


The effect of practice is useless to Qiao Ye!

Although Qiao Ye also worked very hard in meditation and practice, but due to blood problems, Qiao Ye is a rookie in this respect, even if it is doubled, it will become a rookie among rookies.

Secondly, detoxification is useless. Qiao Ye's Wuhun Tianmo Dazzling has the effect of restraining toxins, so this one is also quite tasteless.

It is not bad to speed up the recovery of the injury when you are injured, and it can reduce the time for cultivation. However, after the nine-turn golden body super-grade, Qiao Ye feels that his best skill now should be to be beaten. It is not necessary to beat himself to the point where he needs cultivation easy……

There is no distracting thoughts in the mind, and the only thing that is of great use is the unity of meditation and unity. I am afraid that it is easier to enter the state of the supreme state of mind during battle.

Qiao Ye felt a little sad. The map of the God of War is really strong, the ability of the eighth rank is free from distracting thoughts, and the unity of meditation is also very good. Unfortunately, it fell on him, and the effect was directly halved.

However, it is better than nothing.

Looking at the bright side, the core of the God of War map is definitely not cultivation, but combat. This is the proof left by those masters who cultivated the God of War map.

Then, the eighth grade will have effects related to cultivation, and it will definitely be related to combat in the future, and it can be regarded as a promising future!

In the days that followed, Qiao Ye lived a little without any danger. Except for the occasional sea beast that would attack the ship, Qiao Ye didn't even see other ships.

This made Qiao Ye a little puzzled, isn't the entrance to the sea of ​​blood open? It stands to reason that there should be a lot of people entering it to explore.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the lineage of the defenders. Others will go forward and follow up for the baby sleeping in the sea of ​​blood. How can there be no one?

Three days later, Qiao Ye knew the answer.

Because, Qiao Ye finally ran into a ship, and it was a ship from Wuyu, but it was not the ship of the defenders, but the ship of the guards.

The leader of the boat was a young man in his mid-twenties, who looked only a year or two older than Qiao Ye.

However, when the other party saw Qiao Ye, he was very excited and showed a hint of respect.

"Senior, I'm Wang Fengyang, two grades below you..." Wang Fengyang tried his best to suppress his excitement and said, "I, I'm very happy to meet senior."

"You don't have to be so polite." Qiao Ye said with a smile, "When did the guardian become so humble."

Wang Fengyang said: "I'm just so happy to see the senior."

In addition to being able to graduate and become blood children, the top students of each session of the four academies hope to leave their names in the four academies, a place that has been passed down for countless years.

Because, this is the supreme glory, and it will be passed on forever.

Some made it, some didn't.

Qiao Ye belongs to the former. Among the students of the previous five classes of Blood Sea Academy, Qiao Ye is the most outstanding one. Now, Qiao Ye fought against Yangyan Mountain, and single-handedly overthrew the three major academies. It is still talked about, and many students of Blood Sea Academy are proud of it.

However, Ji Wuyuan complained a lot about this, because now there seems to be a consensus in Xuehai Academy on this, that Blood Sea Academy should only send one person to fight in the battle of Yangyan Mountain, and Blood Sea Academy should challenge everyone alone. .

Ji Wuyuan just wanted to scold her, shit consensus, fighting in groups of five, one picks fifteen?

As a result, after Qiao Ye graduated, so far, Blood Sea Academy had lost six battles and six losses in the Battle of Yanyang Mountain.


All Lai Qiaoye!


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