Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 978: Chaotic War Begins

Chapter 978

This news stunned Qiao Ye as well.

Isn't Tension King from the Beast Domain? Came here to be the guardian of Wuyu?

Jin Sheng spread his clothes, and then said: "Of course, it's not completely incomprehensible. That guy was a pirate in the Beast Realm. Now that Linhai City has been destroyed, and his brothers are scattered, it's better to go back to the Beast Realm instead of going back to the Beast Realm." Find a backer in the domain battlefield. Anyway, that guy has been running around recently. He regards himself as a defender and keeps doing tasks. The person responsible for the merit points has a headache. Do you think the merit points will be given to him? Or not? What about him?"

Qiao Ye also smiled. It is estimated that Lin Jie must have a headache. It is obviously inappropriate for a person from the beast domain to become a boundary guard. The two most important points for a boundary guard are faith and loyalty.

There is no such thing as Zhang Li Wang, but he is so lucky to help bring back the spirit and god's decree, so it is not appropriate to let people get out of here.

Jin Shengyi suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Recently there has been some dispute among the defenders."

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and said, "How do you say?"

Jin Shengyi said: "Because there is only half of the Spiritual God's Decree, the thing can be sure to be genuine, but because it is half a piece, it is impossible to figure out what is written on it. The Spiritual God's Decree is a bunch of messy runes. Afterwards, it was concluded that the other half was needed!"

Qiao Ye's eyes darkened and said: "So, you want to cooperate with people from Lingyu?"

Jin Shengyi said: "It's not that far, after all, I don't know where the remaining half is, but if it's in Lingyu's hands..."

"I won't do it!" Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "Tian Cong died right in front of me. He was still thinking about the decree of the spirit god when he died, and when Su Lu appeared in front of me with Wang Zhiwen's head, you know I am What are you in the mood for? This is a fucking debt of blood. I will take off Su Lu’s head sooner or later. How many people saved their lives for this? What a waste of cooperation! No one wants to know what is written on it!"

Jin Shengyi said: "Many people think so, but they also want to know what is written in the decree of the Spiritual God, so there are disputes in this regard in private, but the remaining half will not appear, and it will not appear at the moment. Well, how about it?"

Qiao Ye was silent. It was really hard to say right or wrong about this matter. If the other half was in Ling Yu's hands, then cooperation might be beneficial to both parties. It's just that Qiao Ye was not reconciled, and would rather break it up.

Both ideas are reasonable, and there is no right or wrong.

Of course, there is no horoscope in this matter, it mainly depends on which side holds the remaining half of the card, maybe the Demon Realm and the Beast Realm will succeed.

"It's out, Yuanyang Stone Milk is out!"

At this time, there was a sudden shout from outside the restaurant.

Qiao Ye reacted very quickly, and immediately opened the window, and she could see a golden light blooming on Tianding Mountain.

The Yuanyang stone milk needs to be collected. If it is allowed to drip, it will undoubtedly be wasted. Therefore, there is a treasure bottle there. When the treasure bottle is full every three years, the treasure bottle will bloom brilliantly. It is advisable to let the people in Tianding Town know that the Yuanyang stone milk is full.

As for why not take it in advance, firstly, it is useless to be dissatisfied with Yuanyang stone milk, and the amount of the treasure bottle is considered good. A tacit understanding, a compromise with all parties, whoever wants to go up the mountain before the Yuanyang stone is full, is a public enemy and will be beaten by the gang.

Almost in an instant, the streets of Tianding Town became a mess, and it was also a mess...

And inside the restaurant!

Turn the table directly!

I don't know who hit the head, turned the table over, and drew the knife directly.

Everyone's purpose is the same, they are here to grab Yuanyang Stone Milk. Some defenders come here for merit points, and some want to collect Yuanyang Stone Milk purely for the sake of it. Anyway, if they are not their own people, they are enemies.

Now that the Yuanyang stone milk is full, it's over!

Suddenly there was shouting and killing all around, Jin Shengyi didn't say anything, got up, picked up a stool and smashed it on the head of an unlucky guy, no matter which side the opponent was from, anyway, only Qiao Ye was with him.

On the other side, Qiao Ye's body leaned back, and then a blade swept past Qiao Ye's body.

Polaris, who had been standing behind Qiao Ye, suddenly made a move, his hands were shining brightly, and countless crystal shavings fell down, and two long crystal swords appeared in Polaris' hands.


When the opponent slashed at Qiao Ye, Polaris pierced the opponent's chest with a sword, piercing the opponent's heart.

"You defeated a Demon Transformer of the seventh level of the Demon Sect Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 24,000 points."

Mozong Realm?

Qiao Ye was also speechless. Sure enough, everyone's eyes were focused on the sea of ​​blood. There was a shortage of manpower on all sides. All the masters came to compete for Yuanyang stone milk. It was a first-grade treasure. People in the realm can only do chores, without the strength of the emperor's realm, how can they dare to peek at Yuanyang stone milk?

Qiao Ye got up, grabbed a spiritual monk who was passing by, and smashed the man's head towards the table.

With a bang, the table was instantly smashed to pieces.

"Go!" Qiao Ye waved his hand: "Don't waste time here, let's go up the mountain!"

Although the surrounding area was in chaos in an instant, and the people at each table immediately started fighting, but fighting was not the ultimate goal, getting Yuanyang stone milk was the only thing. Qiao Ye didn't want to waste time here.

Qiao Ye directly pushed open the window, wanting to jump out of the window, but at this moment...

Suddenly, a strong wind howled behind Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked back sharply, but it was a spiritual cultivator holding a box-like treasure in his hand. After aiming at Qiao Ye's direction, there was a sudden sound of a spring turning in the box, and immediately after that, countless silver needles They flew out in the direction of Qiao Ye, attacking densely.

Polaris moved quickly to Qiao Ye's side, and the crystalline twin swords in his hands turned into a large crystalline shield.

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

When the silver needle hit the shield, it was continuously blocked and fell down, making a crisp impact sound.

Qiao Ye raised her toes, and a chopstick on the ground suddenly flew up towards the spiritual monk, piercing through the other's throat!

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the ninth level of the Lingzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 20,000 points."

One person was killed, but the matter was not over yet. Around Qiao Ye and Jin Shengyi, several figures appeared, surrounding them.

Qiao Ye spread her hands at Jin Sheng's clothes stand and said, "It seems that someone doesn't want us to leave easily!"

Jin Shengyi curled his lips and said, "These guys want to procrastinate, but don't they think too beautifully?"

Qiao Ye laughed and said, "I think so too!"


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