Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 986 Northern Liang faction, Ye Qingqiu

Chapter 986 The Northern Liang faction, Ye Qingqiu

Qiao Ye nodded, agreeing with Jin Shengyi's statement.

At present, the Beast Realm is the most unpredictable factor. Their Linhai City ruins are completely connected to the Nine Realms Battlefield, and even the entrance and exit of the Blood Sea are also connected.

Therefore, people from the Beast Realm would come and go in and out of the Nine Realms battlefield, and in and out of the sea of ​​blood, just like visiting a brothel, coming and leaving whenever they wanted, this is definitely not acceptable.

Since Beast Realm can enter the Nine Realm Battlefield, it must abide by the rules of the Nine Realm Battlefield and fulfill its obligations, just like the Demon Realm formed a guardian.

However, judging from Beast Domain's attitude, if there were no accidents, the Beast Mountain United Alliance's attitude is still very good. As long as they can negotiate, they should be able to come up with a charter.

As for the art field...

Qiao Ye felt that with the attitude of Tian Ce Longzun, if he could bridge the gap and reach a consensus in Shuyu, then the progress should be smoother than that of Beast Yu.

After all, each domain has its own style.

The three realms of martial arts, spirit, and magic are all training methods for the main battle. They can fight independently when they are separated, and they can form a team when they gather together.

The Beast Realm is a bit special, it can fight independently or form a team, but a strong beast master is a team, and a weak one is very dependent on the team, and because of the special nature of the beast master, not all beast masters It's all about the main battle.

Shuyu is very extreme. Shuyu's ability to fight alone is very poor, but as an assistant, he is very strong. The combination of Shuwu and Wushu is the best proof.

Therefore, Shuyu is actually very happy that Nine Domains will reappear. After all, only a magician with a partner is powerful.

"Two, your herbal tea!"

At this time, the waiter brought two bowls of herbal tea with a smile and put them in front of Qiao Ye and Jin Shengyi.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly reached out and grabbed Jin Shengyi's wrist.

Jin Shengyi looked at Qiao Ye suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qiao Ye looked down at the tea bowl, then looked up at the waiter and said, "Drink it."

The waiter said in astonishment, "Huh?"

Qiao Ye said, "Drink my bowl of herbal tea."

The waiter smiled and said, "Guest officer, are you joking?"

Qiao Ye said, "Do you think I'm joking?"

Xiaoer laughed and said: "This is the guest officer's stuff, how can I drink it..."

"It doesn't matter, I will pay as I like, and I treat you to drink." Qiao Ye said, "I will reward you for drinking this bowl of herbal tea."

The waiter's face changed abruptly, and he suddenly jumped backwards, grabbed the towel on his shoulders and threw it in Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye avoided it, but at this moment, a silver light suddenly appeared under the towel.

Under the towel, there is actually a soft sword hidden!

The soft sword was like a snake, and swept towards Qiao Ye's throat, but at this moment, Polaris suddenly stretched out his hand and blocked Qiao Ye.

The soft sword slashed on Polaris' arm, making a crisp "ding dong" sound.

Although Polaris looks like a human right now, his skin is also flimsy. In fact, Polaris is still a royal beast in essence, and his whole body is covered with crystals.

Missing a single blow, the second boy backed away.

There were no other guests in the tea shed, but there was an old man who was in charge of making tea. He was startled at this moment, and then hurried out of the tea shed, pulling away the distance, as if to show that he had nothing to do with him.

The waiter smiled and said, "How did you find out?"

Qiao Ye held up the tea bowl and said, "Generally, if you don't use a tray, you will put your hands under it when serving food. Firstly, because the side of the bowl is hot, and secondly, because the side of the bowl will accidentally touch your fingers. When it comes to dishes, herbal tea is of course the same, the tip of your thumb is in the herbal tea."

Xiao Er said, "That's it?"

"That's it." Qiao Ye said: "I don't care if there is something wrong with this bowl of herbal tea. Anyway, your fingers have been soaked in the herbal tea, and I don't want to drink such dirty things, so I will let you drink it. If there is a problem, you dare not drink it, if there is no problem, then there is no problem, and I am not short of money for a bowl of herbal tea."

"I said I did it on purpose, do you believe it or not?" The waiter sighed, pointed to the counter next to him and said, "The herbal tea is boiled and left there to cool down. I'll go inside the counter and get a bowl. You will definitely be suspicious, take it directly and there is no chance to poison it, so you used this trick, you can poison it naturally, but you didn't expect to meet a clean freak."

Qiao Ye said: "I've finished answering your question, now it's your turn to answer my question, who are you?"

Xiaoer smiled and said: "Beiliang faction, Ye Qingqiu!"

Northern Liang faction?

Qiao Ye was stunned, she had some impressions, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Jin Shengyi whispered: "Four sharp guns!"

Qiao Ye suddenly showed a dazed expression.

Lin Jiexu and Liang Zhicheng warned himself to pay attention to the people of the Northern Liang School. Although Dongfang Yao, the four sharp spears, was not a disciple of the Northern Liang School, Dongfang Yao's inheritance came from the Northern Liang School.

Although the Beiliang School is also a Taoist school, it is actually an ancient sect. It accepts students very strictly, and it does not pay attention to teaching without discrimination. It has extremely high requirements for the talent of the disciples. One faction, then you will be a member of the Beiliang faction in this life, if you want to forcefully leave, you will be sentenced to the sect, there will be a hunting order, and there will be endless death.

It seems that this kind of ancient sect that still maintains the old customs is very particular about inheritance. Even if Dongfang Yao is not a disciple of the Beiliang sect, it is after all a lineage inheritance.

Therefore, Dongfang Yao died, even if Dongfang Yao was not a disciple of the Beiliang sect at all, the two did not have much intersection. Dongfang Yao did not even express in any public place that the Beiliang sect had something to do with him, but, for the sake of the sect According to the rules that have been passed down, they may also do something to Qiao Ye.

After Qiao Ye heard about this, she was quite concerned.

This kind of ancient sect is not well-known, and there are only a few disciples, but it has been passed down for a long time, and people are more expensive than many. There are some quite powerful masters among them, and they really need to be careful.

But after that, there was no movement from the Beiliang faction, and Qiao Ye also forgot about him.

Ye Qingqiu flicked his wrist, and the soft sword pulled out a sword flower, and then Ye Qingqiu smiled at Qiao Ye: "I have no grievances with you, and I don't want to kill you, on the contrary, I have heard that you Some deeds, such as destroying the Lingyu Temple, and snatching back half a page of the Spiritual God’s decree in the sea of ​​​​blood, these are all admirable things, but the master’s order cannot be violated, since my master said that he would take your life , I can only take your life."

"It's a lot of nonsense." Qiao Ye said contemptuously: "If you say something, don't you want to do it? If that's the case, then just be more straightforward and come directly!"


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