Chapter 991 Doubts

In fact, there are still many things that cannot be put into space treasures like the blood sea secret stone.

There are also various reasons. For example, the blood sea secret stone, as a first-grade spiritual material, has a magnetic field.

But in the final analysis, the core reason why this type of item cannot be included in the Noble Phantasm of Space is the same, that is, it is not affected by the Noble Phantasm of Space, and even the skills and martial arts, so it cannot be included in the Noble Phantasm of Space.

Zhang Liwang continued: "Someone got the list of items. There are a lot of items in this batch. More importantly, there are many items that cannot be put into space treasures. There are seven secret stones of the blood sea alone. One of them is It is said that it is extraordinarily huge, weighing about three tons, and the people responsible for transporting these things out, their airship was damaged during the battle in the sea of ​​blood. After leaving the sea of ​​blood, it is impossible to move the things back to Linglong Tower without an airship. So, they summoned the flying boat and temporarily checked things in Jilin Town."

"This old thing steals the limelight!" Lin Jiao muttered in his heart, and then quickly added to help: "When the flying boat arrived, there were no people, nothing, there were traces of battles, but there were no corpses, the most important thing There are traces of fighting in the town, but there is no trace of leaving outside the town."

Qiao Ye said, "Traces on the ground?"

Tension King nodded and said, "Yes!"

Qiao Ye said: "Murder, robbery, even people and things, send them away by flying boat!"

Zhang Liwang said: "It's possible. However, it takes about half an hour before and after the person who transported the message was sent, and then the flying boat arrived. It can be confirmed that the other party sent the message when he left the blood sea. At the same time, it can be confirmed that he was in Jilin. It will take some time on the road to attack the town. There are a total of twelve people responsible for the escort, three of whom are at the Martial King Realm, and the rest are above the seventh level of the Martial King Realm. It will not take a while to solve them. Carry things on the airship and leave..."

Qiao Ye interrupted: "Half an hour is too tight."

Tension King nodded and said, "Yes, it's almost impossible."

"It's interesting." Qiao Ye walked into Jilin Town, walked all the way, then stopped, looked at Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang and asked, "What are you two still following me?"

Lin Jiao smiled and said: "Follow the boss, there is a future."

"Then get fucked by you again?" Qiao Ye sneered, and then said, "Go away, since there is a team, you can work with your own team, do you understand the rules?"

Zhang Liwang smiled and said: "I came alone, there is no team."

Qiao Ye cast a glance at Zhang Li Wang, this guy is not bad, so he didn't say anything, and continued to walk forward.

Lin Jiao was lost, and he didn't necessarily want to hang out with Qiao Ye. He was mainly worried that Qiao Ye would settle the matter of Qingsha Gorge. It seemed that Princess Yongle's face was still useful. Of course, Jiao oiled the soles of his feet and ran away quickly.

Qiao Ye entered the town, looked at the traces of the battle left behind, then frowned and said, "It doesn't feel right."

Tension Wang said: "What's wrong?"

Qiao Ye pointed to the surroundings and said: "Sword chopping, ax chopping, the broken place over there was shattered by people, and the collapsed house was damaged by the battle, right?"

Tension King nodded and said, "It should be."

Qiao Ye said, "Isn't this fight fierce?"

Zhang Liwang said: "This should be considered a brutal fight, right?"

"So, you're right!" Qiao Ye said, "The fight was so intense that it definitely wouldn't be able to end the battle in a short period of time. Half an hour would definitely not be enough. If that's the case, why did things and corpses suddenly disappear?"

Zhang Liwang spread his hands and said: "This is a question that everyone is curious about. You can see that these people in the town are investigating. Some people have already entered the mountain. The biggest possibility is that things have entered the mountain. Then the other party cleared the traces to prevent pursuit."

Qiao Ye rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't that a waste of time?"

Zhang Liwang spread his hands and said, "I can't think of other possibilities."

Qiao Ye patted his shoulder and said, "Then go into the mountain and search slowly. I still have something to do, so let's take a step first."

"Boss, don't go." Zhang Liwang licked his face and leaned forward: "Did you find anything? Count me in!"

"I don't know if I found out." Qiao Ye said, "Follow if you want."

As Qiao Ye walked towards the outside of Jilin Town, he sent a message to Master Li: "Master Li, who was responsible for picking up and transporting the team yesterday?"

"Huang Chengguang's people!"

Dawn replied quite quickly.

"Huang Chengguang..."

Qiao Ye murmured.

Qiao Ye knew that Huang Chengguang, a day-level guardian, was born in Tianwu Academy, and he could be considered an old-fashioned guardian. He had been a boundary guardian for ten years, and climbed to the day-level position step by step. His own cultivation was not weak. The cultivation base of the ninth-order peak of the Martial Emperor Realm.

With such a cultivation base and qualifications, Huang Chengguang actually has great hopes of being a boundary-defender.

Qiao Ye said: "Can you help me find out what Huang Chengguang is doing now?"

"I know this." Zhang Liwang looked at Qiao Ye's message, and couldn't help interjecting: "After Huang Chengguang's flying boat arrived in Jilin Town, no one or anything was found, but there were traces of fighting, so he reported immediately. Then they took men in pursuit, but found nothing."

Qiao Ye said, "That was three days ago, right?"

King Zhang Li nodded and said, "For the past three days, Huang Chengguang has been helping with the search."

Qiao Ye said: "In three days, the things may have been shipped away."

Zhang Liwang said: "There is such a possibility, but most people think that the person who robbed things should be hiding, because after knowing this, the mountain was immediately closed, and the nearby guards were mobilized to seal off the surrounding area, and even along the road After setting up checkpoints, I think those gangs should have some way to hide things, maybe they want to spend it, but after waiting for a long time, they will definitely have to give up, and there is a lot of trouble at the moment, and there is a shortage of manpower, so it is impossible to spend it all the time."

"Yeah!" Qiao Ye said, "Let's go find Huang Chengguang!"

Huang Chengguang is still relatively easy to find. After all, he is an old-fashioned defender. Of course, he is also a well-known existence among the defenders. He has joined the search. He must be strolling around the surrounding area. After a little inquiry, he will know where it is.

Behind Jilin Town is a mountain range. On the other side of the mountain, at a place called Donglin Market, Qiao Ye found Huang Chengguang.

Huang Chengguang had his own team, and when he was tired from searching, he took a rest at the restaurant in Donglin Market.

Qiao Ye took Zhang Liwang upstairs, and soon saw Huang Chengguang and his party by the window on the second floor of the restaurant.

Qiao Ye came to the table, reached out and tapped on the table, attracting the attention of the five people in front of the table.


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