Fantasy: The Strongest Sect In The Heavens

Chapter 109 Xiao Yuniang Was Arrested

The next day, Xue Qianchou brought news of Xiao Yuniang.

"Sovereign, Xiao Yuniang has been captured by the barbarians. The barbarians thought she was from the Qingyun Sect, and sent people to Longfeng City to spread the news, telling the Qingyun Sect to come to Longfeng City at noon today, or they will burn her to death in public. .”

"There is another piece of news. Two people came to King Youxian's mansion yesterday. They were quite mysterious. My people did not dare to approach them. I only found out that King Youxian respected these two people very much. I suspect that the barbarians may have sent their masters. strong."

A thousand hatreds of blood.

Qin Ye was relieved to hear that Xiao Yuniang was still alive.

Xiao Yuniang was of great use to him, if she died, it would be a great loss.

But the barbarian didn't know what was going on in his head, and he wanted to use a woman to threaten Qing Yunzong.

Even if Xiao Yuniang is really a disciple of Qingyun Sect, Qingyun Sect may not really go to rescue her, after all her identity has not been revealed, Qingyun Sect will probably not take risks for a woman.

Then, he thought of Mutong again, this person is indeed a bit different, others may not go, Qin Ye is not absolutely sure about Mutong.

The Sect Master of the Iron Sword Sect once mentioned something in a letter about the fact that the decisive battle location was set at Qingfeng City, and someone deliberately revealed it to him. Qin Ye had always suspected that this person was Mu Tong, but there was no evidence.

Another piece of news, which is also very important, is that the barbarians actually sent a strong man, whether it was sent by the barbarian king or the barbarian palace, all of this is unknown.

However, even if the master master came, so what, he had already decided to eliminate the barbarians in Yancheng, and no matter how many master masters were sent, it would be of no avail.


Yancheng, the temporary residence of King Youxian.

King Youxian called a few generals to discuss the matter, and after the discussion, he asked: "What did you ask when you caught that woman yesterday?"

The general in charge of this matter stood up, cupped his hands and reported: "Go back to your lord, that woman keeps saying that she is a disciple of the outer sect of the Qingfeng sect, but according to the information we have inquired, there are no disciples of the innate realm in the outer sect of the Qingfeng sect."

"Can you find out what sect Qingfengzong is?" King Youxian asked again.

"That woman was very stubborn, and she refused to say anything. But we caught another disciple from another sect, and he said that the Qingfengzong is just a sect that is not even a ninth-rank sect in Qingfeng City, Qingzhou."

"But the strange thing is—"

"What's strange?" King Youxian asked with displeasure.

"He also said that Qingfeng Zongshi

The power is very strong, there are several strong masters in the sect. "That would be reported by The Link.

King Youxian laughed out loud after hearing this, and all the generals also laughed.

King You Xian laughed and said: "Haha...that's so funny, how can a sect that isn't even ninth rank have a strong master. He is fooling the ghost, who doesn't know that the higher the rank of the sect, the better it is for development."

Naturally, they would not believe what this disciple said. How could a sect with a strong master be just a low-level sect, at least it must be an eighth-rank sect.

"This man is full of nonsense, he can't be trusted, kill him."

King Youxian decided his fate with one word.

If this disciple knew that what he was telling was the truth, he would have brought disaster upon him. I don't know if he would call for injustice in the underworld.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"That's right, Your Majesty. General Mo has sent someone to Longfeng City to inform Qingyunzong that if Qingyunzong doesn't save this woman, General Mo is going to burn this woman to death to deter those sects in Qingzhou who oppose us."

said the general.

Hearing this, King You Xian showed a smile on his face: "You have done a good job, you are worthy of being the king's favorite general. You have to be ready, if someone really comes, you must keep them; if you don't come to rescue If so, then burn it. These sects wantonly killed our people, and they deserved it, so let’s use this fire to cleanse their sinful hearts.”

"Your Majesty is wise!" King Youxian's subordinates stood up one after another, flattering him flatteringly.

King Youxian nodded in satisfaction: "The army must be ready to go, tomorrow the king will personally lead the army to take down Longfeng City."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

All the generals responded in unison.


Qin Ye took Qiao Feng and Liu Sheng Xueji to Yancheng, but the others did not take any of them.

Cao Zhengchun and Xue Qianchou stayed in Longfeng City.

The three of Qin Ye left Longfeng City and did not hide it from others, so interested people soon learned of Qin Ye's departure from Longfeng City.

What Qin Ye is going to do, many people have question marks on their faces, because the direction Qin Ye is going is clearly Yancheng.

They would not think that Qin Ye would surrender. With Qingfengzong's strength, it is impossible to surrender to the barbarians.

In other words, the barbarians were not worthy of Qin Ye's surrender at all.

So obviously, Qin Ye must be going to Yancheng to do something.

The sensitive suzerains of various sects immediately sent people to follow them, wanting to know the real reason why Qin Ye was going to Yancheng.

and the strongest

Qing Yunzong naturally knew about Qin Ye's whereabouts, so Mu Tong called several elders together to discuss it.

Today, the Qingfeng Sect is powerful, and there is nothing trivial about the Qingfeng Sect. Coupled with the current hostile attitude of the two sects, this makes both parties very sensitive.

They all knew that once the barbarians retreated, sooner or later a war would break out between Qingfengzong and Qingyunzong, and perhaps the next war would determine who might become the overlord of Qingzhou.

"Our people didn't find any useful news?" Tong Mu asked, looking at the elders present.

"Sovereign, I heard a news that someone saw a wounded person being carried into the Qingfeng Sect's garrison last night. According to the disciples who came back, the barbarians sent 50,000 troops to deal with our disciples outside yesterday, so... "

Before the elder finished speaking, Tong Mu had already interrupted him, "So you still suspect that someone from the Qingfeng Sect was injured, and this person is very important to Qin Ye, so you asked him to go to kill him?" city."

"He's going to trouble the barbarians." An elder came back to his senses and understood what Qin Ye was going to do.


All the elders gasped, the suzerain of the Qingfeng Sect is really fierce enough.

Yancheng has an army of 100,000. Of course, to a strong master, a 100,000 army is nothing, but they never believe that there are no strong masters among the barbarians.

Since the barbarians chose to invade, they must have come with strong masters, otherwise the Qingyun sect would not have stayed still.

"Sect Master, this is a good opportunity. If Qingfengzong's strength is compromised, then our chance will come." The third elder of Qingyunzong said excitedly.

The other elders were equally excited. If Qingfengzong really fell in Yancheng, or died together with the barbarians, then Qingyunzong could take this opportunity to wipe out Qingfengzong in one fell swoop.

Mu Tong naturally knew what they were thinking, and he also wanted to eliminate Qingfengzong, after all, Qingfengzong was too much of a threat to Qingyunzong.

However, he knew that this was impossible. Since Qin Ye dared to go to Yancheng, he was sure of victory.

In addition, Cao Zhengchun is still in Longfeng City, and there is a strong master like Wu Hai in his hometown, so Qingfengzong is not so easy to eliminate.

Furthermore, at this time, Mu Tong still believed that we should go hand in hand with the Qingfeng Sect to eliminate the barbarians together. As for the grievances between the two sects, we should wait until the problem of the barbarians is resolved before we can resolve them.

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