"Young Master Qin, they are in danger. Brother, let's go!"

Seeing this, Liu Mengzhu, who was hiding in the dark, was about to jump out to help Qin Ye, but was held back by Liu Zimo.

Liu Mengzhu looked at his elder brother with puzzled eyes, and Liu Zimo said in a low voice: "Little sister, don't worry, Mr. Qin and the others can still deal with it now. When they are really in danger, we will jump out to save people."

When Liu Mengzhu saw what her big brother said, she also felt that it made sense, so she nodded.

Liu Zimo looked at Qin Ye, he was not in a hurry to save people, but also wanted to see how strong Qin Ye was.

Furthermore, rushing out to save people now may not necessarily save them, and may put himself and his sister in danger.

But wait for a while, when those people are exhausted, and then rush out to save people, not only will the difficulty of saving people be reduced, but it will also gain Qin Ye's favor, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

It's normal for Liu Zimo to have this thought. After all, the two of them depend on each other for life, and his first consideration is the safety of his sister.

Facing the crowd's attack, Qin Ye slowly rose into the air, stretched out his palm, and suddenly a terrifying suction force spewed out from his palm, and those people flew into the air involuntarily.

Everyone panicked and struggled, but their strength was too weak, how could they resist the suction force from Qin Ye.

"Ah! Let us go quickly, otherwise Ao Shizong won't let you go."

"You can't kill us. If we can't get out, Ao Shizong will definitely send people in to find out the truth. As long as you let us go, we will definitely not tell it."

"Ah! Please let us go! I told you everything, all of this was ordered by the prince, and we just obeyed orders."

"Yes, yes, all of this was ordered by the prince, and has nothing to do with us. We are all innocent."


They couldn't break free from Qin Ye's shackles, and they all chose to beg Qin Ye for mercy.

"Proud Emperor?"


Qin Ye shook his head and sneered, "Do you think you can threaten me with them?"

As soon as Qin Ye moved his hands, their expressions immediately became painful, as if the muscles and veins in their bodies were about to burst.

"Ah! No! Please let us go!"

"Ah! It hurts me to death, I'll tell you everything, please don't kill me!"

"My body is about to explode, no, I

I can't take it... you should kill me. "


Everyone was wailing and moaning, and several even begged Qin Ye to kill them quickly.

It is true that Qin Ye's punishment for them was too cruel, and the tendons on their bodies were broken inch by inch, which is really unbearable for ordinary people.

Qin Ye just looked at them coldly, tortured them all the time, and didn't speak, even facing their wailing and moaning, he didn't soften his heart in the slightest.

Qin Ye had already controlled their whole bodies, even if they wanted to commit suicide, they couldn't complete it.

"What? After watching for so long, you still don't want to come out?"

Qin Ye said suddenly.

However, no one came out.

"Hmph! Don't hide anymore, I know exactly where you are hiding."

Qin Ye sneered.

"Young Master really has good eyesight. Seeing Young Master like this, I'm afraid he should be a strong master."

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came.

Then I saw a young man walking out, holding the Liu brothers and sisters in his hands at the same time, obviously the two of them fell into his hands.

Qin Ye looked at the young man, and saw that he was wearing a black robe, holding a long sword, and looked at Qin Ye indifferently.

It's just that his eyes are extremely cold, which makes people look very uncomfortable. Qin Ye can tell at a glance that this person is definitely a killer, because his temperament is very similar to those killers killed by blood.

Qin Ye had already noticed the existence of this person, but he didn't bother him.

At first, he thought that this young man was also coming for the secret realm, but later he found that this man had been following these warriors, obviously also coming for himself.

"Hey, the crown prince is really willing to spend all his money. He even sent in the grand masters. It seems that these people are just cannon fodder. Tsk tsk tsk, it's really pitiful."

Qin Ye chuckled strangely.

"In Xiananmenluo, I was ordered by the prince to protect the young master."

Nan Menluo said coldly.

Naturally, he would not really come to protect Qin Ye, but a killer hired by the prince at a high price, in order to enter the secret realm, explore the secrets of the secret realm, and search for the treasures in the secret realm.

But after that incident, Nan Menluo had one more task, which was to kill Qin Ye and chase his life.

He thought it was just a convenient task, so he didn't think much about it and accepted the order happily, but through what happened just now, he saw that Qin Ye is a master and strong man, not

It was easy to deal with, so he wanted to give up the mission.

"Since you are not with them, then I will kill these people."

Qin Ye said to Nan Menluo.

"Since these people dare to take action against the young master, it is not a pity to die. Whether the young master kills or releases the young master, it is up to the young master to punish him."

Nan Menlo said.

When those people heard what Nan Menluo said, they cursed one by one. They were working hard for the prince, and now the prince doesn't care about their life or death, which makes them very chilling.

Nan Menluo turned a deaf ear to their swearing, anyway, what they scolded was the prince and had nothing to do with him.

Besides, he is not completely the prince's person, he and the prince are just cooperating, the prince gives him what he needs, and he works for the prince.

However, he is very discerning and knows what to mess with and who not to mess with, such as the three of Qin Ye in front of him.

He observed for a while, and found that none of the three of Qin Ye could see their specific strength, which made him startled. He guessed that the strength of the three of Qin Ye might be higher than his own.

"It seems that no one can save you, so you can only die."

Qin Ye shook his head slightly and said coldly.

Afterwards, Qin Ye controlled the spiritual power and directly destroyed their internal organs, annihilating their spiritual consciousness in an instant.

After Qin Ye withdrew his strength, more than thirty corpses all fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Nan Menluo's cold eyes flashed a strange look. Even though he was a killer, he had assassinated many geniuses, but Qin Ye was so ruthless that he killed dozens of geniuses at once. It made him shudder a little.

"Young Master, these two people have been following you all the time. I am afraid that they will plot against you, so I arrested them and handed them over to Young Master."

Nan Menluo said to Qin Ye.

Qin Ye looked at the Liu brothers and sisters. The two had been hiding in the dark just now, and he had already noticed it.

He could see every move of the two of them, so knowing that the two of them were planning to save him was enough to show that they had a good heart.

"Let them go."

Qin Ye said.

"Since the young master said to let him go, I will let him go."

Nan Menluo let go of the two of them, and the Liu brothers and sisters quickly walked behind Qin Ye.

The two of them were really frightened, and they were hiding in the dark to rescue people at any time, but this person suddenly appeared and restrained them instantly, and they didn't even have time to react.

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