"By the way, Master Rudder, the Shadow Secret Guards came to Qingzhou. They should be looking for the whereabouts of the Sixth Princess." The Four Guardians reported.

"The shadow guards are just the hounds of King Qin. As long as he doesn't interfere with our actions, we will let them go. However, if he dares to provoke us, let them stay in Qingzhou forever."

Qingzhou Rudder Master said calmly, not paying attention to the Shadow Secret Guard at all.

But this is also normal, the Shadow Secret Guard's power is indeed not taken seriously by Xingxiu Palace.

"Anything else?"

Qingzhou Rudder Master asked softly with his hands behind his back.

"Helmsman, the thing I've been tracking down has disappeared."

The three protectors said: "Recently, there was a news from the people below, saying that someone saw this thing appear with their own eyes, and it fell into the hands of a little girl."

"After searching for so many years, I finally found the whereabouts of this thing." Qingzhou Ruozhu asked excitedly: "Little girl, who is it?"

"I have verified my identity. It is Ying Yuman, the owner of the Sixth Princess."

Qingzhou Rudder's eyes lit up immediately, and he said: "Find her immediately, take that thing back, if anyone dares to block, shoot him to death."

"This—I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"What difficulty?"

"According to the information I found, Ying Yuman has already joined Qingfengzong."

The three protectors said: "Qingfengzong became famous in the first battle, and there are many masters and strong masters in its sect. It is difficult to bring her out with the strength of our division alone."

"It's the Qingfeng Sect again—"

"This thing was divided into four parts back then, and the Palace Master already got the second part. He has been looking for the other two parts for hundreds of years, and one part fell into the hands of Wu Hai, and the other part fell into the hands of Ying Yuman. So Qingfengzong already has two copies in his hand."

"No matter what, these two things must be in your hands."

"You organize your staff immediately, first send people to watch Qingfengzong. Since it is confirmed that the things are in Qingfengzong, the hall master will naturally send someone to pick them up."

Qingzhou rudder master ordered.

"Yes, rudder master." The three protectors and the four protectors responded.


Hearing that Longfeng City was in an emergency, Mutong set out on the road with hundreds of people, among whom were either the master of the sect or the elders of the sect.

"Qin Ye from the Qingfeng Sect is simply too arrogant, he simply doesn't take us seriously."

"What's the matter? Didn't you see that he actually said something, asking us to leave the barbarian king to him. The barbarian king is so easy to kill?"

"Hmph! The Qingfeng Sect and the barbarians are the best

Just fight to the death. "

"You're right. Although we have called a strike this time, the matter is far from over. Whether it is our Qingyun Sect or Qingfeng Sect, the two cannot coexist, and there must be a winner."


Listening to the discussions of the sect masters, Mu Tong frowned slightly, but did not stop it.

As they said, there must be a winner between Qingyunzong and Qingfengzong.

In the territory of Qingzhou, it is impossible to have two overlords.

Now he can only pray that the ancestor will break through the Grand Master as soon as possible, and only after breaking through the Grand Master can the Qingyun Sect be sure to suppress the Qingfeng Sect.

After walking more than 30 kilometers, when passing a forest, suddenly the sky was rained down by arrows.

"It's not good to have an ambush!"

Some unsuspecting disciples were shot, either dead or injured.

After they reacted, the rain of arrows couldn't hurt them at all.


Hundreds of barbarians rushed out from the forests on both sides and fought with them.

These barbarians have been waiting for them here in ambush.

The barbarians are huge and strong, and the weapons they hold are also very heavy. These barbarians are very powerful. If ordinary disciples encounter them, they may suffer casualties.

But this time in a hurry, most of them were sect masters, elders, direct disciples, etc. Most of them were in the innate realm, and these barbarians were quickly killed and retreated.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in midair, looking at Mu Tong.

"It's you, why are you here?"

Seeing the figure in mid-air, Mu Tong shrank his pupils, his eyes full of fear.

"Master Mu, who is he?"

The elder of Qingyun Sect asked.

"Sang Jing, the fifth elder of the Manshen Palace, a master of the fifth level of the master."

Mu said the same word by word.

"Haha, Tong Mu, you haven't thought about it, you want to rescue Longfeng City, you have to pass our level first."

Sang Jing laughed loudly.

"Come out, brothers."

As Sang Jing's voice fell, more than 30 barbarian powerhouses appeared around him, all of whom were above the seventh level of the Innate Realm.

Originally, Sang Jing led the team this time, and they were going to ambush the Qingzhou sect after the Qingyun sect wiped out the Qingfeng sect.

However, he didn't expect Qingfengzong to be so powerful that he forcibly blocked Qingyunzong's pace.

What he didn't expect was that there were so many hidden powerhouses in Qingzhou, he was so scared that he didn't dare to come out.

He didn't dare to ambush again until he was sure that Xiao Yun and Nanshan Tongzi were not in the team.

"You were able to lurk so many people here..."

Mutong shrank his eyes. It should be difficult for the barbarians to move an inch in Qingzhou, but now they are able to bring so many barbarians here in a short period of time. Either they have been lurking here before, or someone helped them this time. Could it be that there are traitors in Qingzhou?

"Haha, Mu Tong, I just need to stop you for two hours, and Longfeng City will probably be taken by then."

Sang Jing is not a fool, if Xiao Yun comes, he will die, so he has to run away before Xiao Yun arrives.

"Are you not afraid that my ancestor is here?"

Mutong asked.

"Hey, your ancestor is not in the team at all, I have already got the information."

Sang Jing smiled proudly.

Mu Tong narrowed his eyes, and sure enough there were barbarian traitors in the sect.

"Quick battle!"

Mu Tong said in a cold voice.

Every minute of delay, Longfeng City will be in more danger. Biqu library

Mu Tong was about to make a move, and at this moment, a team walked over swaggeringly.

There are more than 200 people in this team, it should be a sect, but it is impossible to tell which sect it is.

The two sides that were going to start the fight all looked at this team.

There was a carriage in the middle of the team, which was a luxurious carriage that Yuan Ming asked someone to order for Qin Ye.

For this reason, Qin Ye also rewarded him with a middle-level Xuan-level exercise, which made Yuan Ming laugh for a long time.

"Who are you?"

An elder of Qingyun Sect shouted and asked.

It was Yuan Ming who walked at the forefront of the team, and he replied proudly: "Qingfengzong."

"What - Qingfeng Sect -"

The elders of Qingyun Sect were immediately scared back.

They became famous in the first battle outside Qingfeng City, and they have all seen the power of Qingfeng Sect with their own eyes.

Mu Tong looked at the carriage, trying to see clearly the people in the carriage, but was blocked by a layer of restraint, and couldn't see anything clearly inside.

"The person in the carriage should be the master of Qingfeng Sect."

Mu agreed.

"What happened?" Qin Ye's voice came from the carriage.

Yuan Ming Pi Dian Pi Dian returned to the side of the carriage, and whispered back: "Sovereign, it's the barbarians who set up an ambush here."

"Killed." Qin Ye said.

"Yes, master."

Cao Zhengchun came out with a smile on his face. That kid Guihai Yidao became famous in the first battle and showed his face. It's time for our family to show his face this time.

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