Air Luck Level: 2

Extra Luck: 100

Goldfinger: Breathing

Villain value: 316000"

And Chu Xu also opened the system mall. WeChat applet

Now his luck level is the second level, which is also the second stage of unlocking the mall.

Naturally, it is necessary to take a good look at what new good things come out.

In the interface of the system mall, there are indeed many more good things than before.

However, Chu Xu's eyes were suddenly attracted by a scroll.

"Lianxu Shen Tong Deed": Double cultivation method (Heaven Rank).

Take the ridges and fill them away, cultivate into a pure yang body, transform into a fairy.

Double cultivation with the body of the cauldron can greatly increase the speed of cultivation!

Required Villain Value: 120000

Seeing this double cultivation method, Chu Xu showed a faint smile on his face.

He thought of a girl...


The imperial capital, Xiahou Mansion.

This Xiahou family was also a well-known family in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there were even three Heavenly Palace realm powerhouses in the clan's heyday.

Therefore, in this imperial capital, it also occupies a place.

But now, the Xiahou family is increasingly declining.

It has been tens of thousands of years that no Tiangong realm powerhouse has appeared.

Now, he has ended up in the predicament of only one god-level ancestor supporting the scene.

And this ancestor of the Divine Palace realm is also nearing Shouyuan...

In the depths of Xiahou Mansion, in front of a majestic hall, there are countless Xiahou people standing densely.

These clansmen are all direct descendants of the Xiahou clan.

They are all looking nervously at the hall in front of them.

The sky above this hall exudes an extremely powerful and unstable aura, and the sky is surging.

Turned into a vortex to connect between heaven and earth, Thunder wandered in the void.

Obviously someone is trying to break through the realm!

Xia Houyun stood at the head of the many clansmen, with a worried and stubborn expression on her face, bit her lip slightly, and looked at the hall.

The ancestor of the Xiahou family is currently refining the Xuandu Yuzhao Dan, breaking through the realm!

She was extremely nervous, for fear that something would happen!

Although it is said that the effect of Xuandu Yuzhaodan can have a greater chance of being cultivated into the Heavenly Palace, it is not necessarily able to be cultivated.

There is also a chance of failure!

What's more, the ancestor is really too old, his blood is decayed, his life expectancy is approaching.

Now that I have obtained this Xuandu Yuzhao Dan, I can only fight for it!

Lin Lang, who was beside Xia Houyun, was staring blankly at the girl beside him.

Seeing the nervous and worried expression on the girl's face, his heart almost melted.

At this moment, Lin Lang had an impulse.

He wanted to hold the girl in his arms and comfort him...

But this is just thinking about it, Xia Houyun is the leader of the Xiahou family and has a distinguished status.

And he is just a foreign surname child.

Although Lin Lang's talent is extraordinary, he is quite valued, but after all, he is only a child of a foreign surname.

Can't match Xia Houyun.

Lin Lang had a terrifying thought in his heart.

It would be great if the ancestors hadn't survived!

If the ancestors built the Heavenly Palace, the Xiahou family would rise again!

At that time, Xia Houyun's status will also rise.

Become a noble lady in the imperial capital and even the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

How many chances can he have as a child of a foreign surname?

But if the Xiahou ancestor failed to break through the realm, although the defeat of the Xiahou family was inevitable.

But the more the Xiahou family was defeated, the more important he, Lin Lang, became!

When Lin Lang's talent was revealed, his cultivation became stronger and stronger.

Then the Xiahou family must only rely on him more and more.

Then the distance between him and Xia Houyun will be getting closer and closer...

However, at this thought, even Lin Lang himself said that he was startled.

He hurriedly pressed the terrifying thought.

But in my heart, I can't help but think about it...

Chapter 46 I'm Willing to Pay Any Price...

Xia Houyun looked at the hall with a look of anticipation and fear. WeChat applet

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