Now he is about to become the son of the Chu God Clan.

The rest of the Chu Protoss Clan's Heaven's Chosen Powerhouse will definitely not be too convinced.

But it doesn't matter...

Chu Xu is confident 12 that he will completely subdue these so-called geniuses, just like the lower bounds...

But now...

Chu Xu is even more curious about the ancestor mentioned by Chu Daojun...

Chu Daojun himself is an ancestor of the Chu God Clan. He has lived for tens of millions of years and has gone through countless epochs.

In fact, even in front of Chu Shenxiao, the contemporary patriarch of the Chu Protoss, Chu Daojun's seniority was terrifyingly high.

But it is because Chu Shenxiao is now the quasi emperor and the patriarch.

Therefore, Chu Daojun must remain in awe in front of Chu Shenxiao...

Chu Xu was thinking, even Chu Daojun called the figure of the ancestor...

How terrifying should the seniority be?

How powerful should it be?

Could it be that... the Great Emperor?

For a long time, although the world has speculated that there is no living emperor in the Chu God Clan.

But the Chu God Clan never explained anything.

The strongest person on the bright side is Chu Shenxiao, the quasi emperor and the twelve saints.

Of course, these alone are enough to make the Chu God Clan look down on the 100,000 Realm...

Seeing Chu Xu's speculative eyes, Chu Daojun naturally knew what Chu Xu was thinking.

And Chu Xu is about to become the Son of God, that is, the young master of the Chu God Clan.

These secrets and secrets are now master Chu Xu, but they are all right.

Chu Daojun smiled and said, "Are you trying to ask if the ancestor is the Great Emperor?"

Chu Xu nodded slightly.

Chu Daojun chuckled lightly: "Yes, that ancestor is indeed the Great Emperor.

But this ancestor has been sleeping for more than ten epochs.

Xuer, after you went to the realm, this old ancestor woke up and was waiting for you in the ancestral land..."

Chu Xu was not much flattered, but keenly grasped a detail.

This old ancestor... Chu Xu narrowed his eyes slightly.


The deeper the Chu God Clan is, the rarer the Xianshan Lingdao is.

But corresponding to it, the coercion in the void is getting stronger and stronger, and the divine might is so powerful that it is almost condensed into substance!

In the void, countless Dao Zetian Dao converges, winds and clouds roll, forming a huge vortex!

In the depths of the vortex, an underground palace is looming, surrounded by mysterious yellow aura.

The coercion here is too terrifying, even with Chu Xu's physical strength, there is a tingling sensation.

Chu Daojun rolled up Chu Xu and entered the underground palace through thousands of Taoist rules.

Immediately, Chu Daojun stood outside the underground palace and bowed to the inside of the underground palace: "Old Ancestor, Xu'er has arrived."

And Chu Xu only felt that the surrounding scenery in front of him changed, and the world changed.

At the top of the head is the mysterious moon in the sky, the stars in the sky, and at the foot is the ancient sky, the deep space outside the territory.

I know in my heart that I have come to another time and space. WeChat applet

Chu Xu looked in front of him, only to see nothing in front of him.

A piece of black hole, but it makes people feel inexplicable heart palpitations.

And in the void, there are thousands of emperor patterns that evolve, and many visions rise up.

And in the vision, you can faintly see the dark yellow of the sky and the earth, the birth of the universe, and the reincarnation of the sun and the moon!

It's as if the world has been recreated!

And among the various visions, a petite figure walked out.

A young girl walked out of many visions and appeared in front of Chu Xu, looking at Chu Xu with a smile.

This young girl looks only seven or eight years old, looks alluring, petite and lovely.

But Chu Xu will never treat her as a little girl...

Because her breath is ancient and vicissitudes of life, it is filled with the terrifying divine might.

Everything around him became distorted, and the voice of the world resounded faintly.

Just looking at it, Chu Xu only felt a little tingling in his eyes.

This is not because the girl's cultivation is too terrifying, in fact, the girl has suppressed her cultivation.

Otherwise, the void around her will be assimilated by her breath and become part of the Tao!

But because of the boundaries of the rules of heaven and earth, under the saints, no one can look directly at the emperor!

But this also shows that Chu Xu's defying the sky, he is only in the Xuanshen realm, but he can look directly at the emperor, but his eyes are a little stinging...

And the girl in front of him is one of the ancestors of the Chu God Clan, Chu Miaoyin!

If others know the name, I am afraid they will not feel anything.

But if the old immortals of the rest of the Taoist lineage knew about it, they would definitely be horrified!

Because of this name, in the ancient era hundreds of millions of years ago, 150 can be said to be a Megatron Realm of 100,000.

Although Chu Miaoyin is a woman, her heart is cruel and she is by no means weaker than any hero.

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