And Lin Yi's previous warning to Mu Xianrou was rightfully regarded by Mu Xianrou as a tactic of alienation.

I want to understand the relationship between the great traditions of the human race and the biggest foreign aid of the Chu clan!

The world of monsters... its heart can be punished! pill.

Chapter five hundred and eighty what a big black pot

Thinking of this, many geniuses are extremely angry in their hearts.

They yelled angrily: "Demon, don't die soon!"

"When I solve the Lingu God Clan in the 100,000 Realm, I will completely destroy and suppress the Great Demon World!"


Lin Yi heard the words, and his heart sank to the bottom.

The thing he was most worried about finally happened!

Frame the blame!

Although very old-fashioned, it is also very simple and deadly effective!

Because Lin Yi suddenly realized that he had no chance to defend himself!

He could imagine that Song Lao must have been refined into a demon puppet.

But this person's refining methods are extremely clever, and there are no flaws at all!

To be able to make Song Lao, a half-sage, into a demon puppet, the person who shoots must be a powerful emperor.

But what Lin Yi couldn't figure out was that peerless powerhouses like this cherished feathers very much and would not take it lightly.

But why do you do such "dirty work" this time?

Looking at everyone's increasingly unkind expressions, Lin Yi's expression was extremely solemn, and he shouted angrily, "This is framed and blamed!

If I were a demon, with my cultivation base, many elders of Guantian Daoyuan would not be able to find out! ? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions moved slightly.

Yes, that makes some sense.

Although that Song Lao is a semi-sacred powerhouse, his strength is comparable to that of a saint. If he hides his identity, it would be fine if the Guantian Taoist Academy did not find it.

But this Lin Yi is only on the other side, and Guantian Taoist Academy didn't find it, but it's a bit unreasonable...

Hearing the words, Chu Xu smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Lin's body is naturally a human race, but his spirit is still not a human race, but it's not necessarily..."

He stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes dimmed, staring at Lin Yi.

He said softly: "I heard the Taoist friend of Guantian Daoyuan said that you have been missing for hundreds of years, Lin Daoyou, and you came back with this monster. You have been here for hundreds of years. Do you know where Lin Daoyou went?"

Lin Yi's expression became extremely ugly, but he couldn't say a word!

Looking at Lin Yi's ugly expression, Chu Xu groaned slightly in his heart.

Before Chu Miaoyin made Song Lao into a demon puppet, he searched his soul and knew everything about Lin Yi...

Unexpectedly, this Lin Yi was actually the reincarnation of the God of War!

The God of War was in the 100,000 realm back then, and he was also a top-level powerhouse with a splendid reputation.

It's just a pity...the brain is not very good.

I don't know how to compromise and work around, thinking that I can ignore all the rules with my own strength, so when I first set foot in the Great Emperor Realm, I was counted to death by various avenues...

You must know that even if you are stronger than the emperor, you have chosen to compromise with the various avenues.

And the hundreds of years that Lin Yi disappeared should be the process of his awakening memory...

Chu Xu said lightly: "Fellow Daoist Lin, I can give you one last chance, and I don't need any soul-searching methods.

As long as you extract the memory of the soul, if I wait and see what happened during that time...

If you really aren't a demon, then I'll keep you safe! "

Soul memory extraction, although there is a certain damage to the soul, but after all, it is not as cruel and harsh as soul search.

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Xu has given Lin Yi the greatest patience...

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, Chu Xu's condition seemed to be the utmost benevolence and righteousness, but it actually cut off all his retreats!

Although he is not a monster, he is the reincarnation of a god of war!

Once exposed, even if he will not die because of the demon, the major forces will definitely join forces to kill him!

Either way is a dead end...

He can't say...

Looking at Lin Yi's unsightly expression, everyone has no doubts in their hearts!

This Lin Yi must have a ghost!

It must have been captured by the demon!

Mu Xianrou said coldly: "The son of the Chu family doesn't have to do this, just search for the soul!"

When Lin Yi heard Mu Xianrou's heartless words, his heart was even more painful, even you didn't believe me! !

At this moment, Lin Yi was almost depressed and wanted to go crazy!

His eyes were red, and he was about to take out the soul jade of Shen Taiqi, so that everyone could see the true face of the Chu God Clan!

Although this is not direct evidence, these alone are enough to make the world suspicious of the Chu God Clan.

You Chu God Clan, don't think about it in the future!

But at this moment, Chu Xu's expression became cold and severe, and his voice was cold and severe: "It seems that you are really a demon...

Before, in front of Mu Xianrou, you slandered my Chu Clan and alienated my relationship with the Hundred Thousand Realm.

Now, it seems that the world of your monsters is all about putting my Hundred Thousand Realm into chaos. "

Chu Xu suddenly smiled slightly: "I'm afraid you now have evidence of collusion between my Chu God Clan and the Ancient God Clan, right?"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yi's body suddenly trembled slightly...  

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