Because he knows, even if he takes it out now...

No one will believe it!

But Lin Yi also didn't want to die!

Because if he died here today, the truth about the birth of the ancient gods would always be covered up, and the Chu God Clan would be able to continue scheming against human beings!

And more importantly...

Lin Yi is not willing to die like this!

At this moment, Lin Yi didn't care about revitalizing the Temple of War and what it was for the righteousness of the human race.

He just wants to live and get revenge!

boom! ! !

In Lin Yi's brows, an ethereal aura of fate suddenly emerged, covering the whole world.

This fateful breath surrounded everyone in an instant.

Many Tianjiao's eyes were chaotic, and they fell into the illusion of fate, as if in the illusion, they saw their fate...

And deep in Lin Yi's eyebrows, the fate jade is exuding a turbulent breath of Peng Bai!

The fate jade is the treasure he got in the last life, but unfortunately he has always been able to comprehend it.

When he was dying, the spirit that protected him was reincarnated.

The Fate Jade is extremely mysterious and contains the fate of everyone. It can even be used to change fate against the sky through the Fate Jade!

And once it is activated to detonate the fate jade, it can create a forbidden area in the void of hundreds of thousands of miles around, isolate the heaven, and create a small world of fate!

The small world of fate can also be free from the barriers of various worlds...

It can be said that the small world of fate is Lin Yi's last trump card...

However, once this trump card is used, the Fate Jade will also fall into a deep sleep for countless years, unable to continue to comprehend the Fate Jade.

Therefore, Lin Yi would never use such means unless he had to.

but now...

it's time!

Lin Yi's figure was swallowed into a small world.

And the small world of destiny, is to escape into the void, want to be free from the barriers of the world, and leave the East Hanyu.

No one could have imagined that Lin Yi still had such a trump card!

The Chu Sage snorted coldly, his whole body mana surged, and he slammed into the small world of fate with a mighty palm.

What if it was to escape into a small world?

Just smash the fateful little world to pieces!

With this palm, chaos opens up, Hongmeng separates, heaven and earth are formed, divine power continues to rise and toss, divine light spews, and the rays of light are billions of rays, all rolled towards the small world of fate!

But what the sage of the Chu family didn't expect was...

Although the small world of fate is constantly crumbling, 980 but it does not collapse, and it has never been shattered. Xuanqi's fateful breath repairs everything, as if Lin Yi should not be destroyed!

The small world of fate escaped into the void, at a very fast speed, crossing the boundaries one by one, and disappearing in an instant...

Many Tianjiao were staring at this scene blankly, and their expressions were stunned.

They never imagined that a demon from the other side could actually escape his life in the hands of a saint!

This is simply Arabian Nights!

No matter whether this Lin Yi is a monster or not, after today, he will be famous all over the world!

But seeing Lin Yi escape, Chu Xu was extremely calm, not angry, not even surprised.

He smiled at the many geniuses around him and said: "Although he escaped, this person is already ruined, this monster is a traitor, everyone gets it and kills it!

In a few days, I'm afraid someone will bring back his head..."

Many Tianjiao heard the words and thought it was Chu Xu's words of comfort, and they all agreed.

But in their hearts, most of them disagreed.

Since Lin Yi has escaped, he will definitely not walk in the world again, and he will definitely escape back to the world of demons!

But Mu Xianrou's expression moved slightly, and she couldn't help but glance at Chu Xu.

With a determined smile on Chu Xu's face, it didn't look like a word of relief at all, but rather confident...

Chapter 582 Joining forces with Taiyi Immortal Palace

One hundred thousand realm, Dongqing realm.

Dongqingyu was originally the ruling territory of Guantian Daoyuan, but since the birth of the ancient gods, countless forces have moved away.

In addition, whether there are many ore resources, it is not valued by Guantian Dao Institute.

It can be said that in today's East Green Region, except for some mortals who still don't know what happened, there is no trace of the rest of the creatures...

Rumbling, Lin Yi's figure appeared from the void, and there were bloodstains all over his clothes!

Although he used the fate of the small world to escape from the desperate situation of nine deaths. WeChat applet

But it also paid a huge price!

That sage of the Chu clan is worthy of being one of the most powerful beings in the 100,000 realm.

That palm, although it did not shatter the small world of fate, it almost shook him in the small world to life!

And most importantly...

Lin Yi looked at the bleak fate jade between his eyebrows, his heart twitched slightly.

I don't know how many years before the fate jade will wake up again...

But during this period, he could no longer urge the use of fate jade.

Even the incarnation of the god of war in the jade of fate cannot be used!

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