He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I have a secret story about the safety of the Hundred Thousand Realms, and I came here to see the Taoist Sanqing!".

Chapter five hundred and eighty third I know

If it was in other sects, a mere nameless person would come to ask the master of a sect to teach a real person.

I'm afraid it's already been blasted out.

What's more, what kind of person is Sanqing Daozun?

Sanqing Daozun is the master of the behemoths such as Taiyi Immortal Palace, a famous generation of quasi-emperors, and a character who can shake the world of 100,000 in one sentence...

How can you see it?

But the two guardian disciples of Taiyi Immortal Palace, although they were very surprised, did not directly regard Lin Yi as a lunatic.

Instead, he took a serious look at Lin Yi again.

The Taiyi Immortal Palace is a top-level Taoist lineage, an existence that is as famous as the Chu God Clan, and everyone is in awe.

No one dared to make such outrageous demands at all.

Lin Yi can be said to be the first...

This person is either crazy, or he really has a big secret!

And although Lin Yi is dressed in plain clothes, he has a temperament that looks down on the world, which is daunting, and he is a hero!

Is this Junjie a lunatic?

The mountain guardian hesitated for a moment, then gave Lin Yi a deep look, and said solemnly, "Just wait for 983."

After all, I told the elders to go...


In fact, Lin Yi had no idea whether Dao Zun Sanqing summoned him.

But what surprised him was that after a few hours, after layers of reporting, Sanqing Dao Zun actually summoned him!

Under the leadership of a Taiyi Immortal Palace elder, Lin Yi walked towards the depths of Taiyi Immortal Palace.

And here, Lin Yi found a different scene.

I saw that there was peace in the Taiyi Immortal Palace, and the turmoil in the outside world did not affect the Taiyi Immortal Palace at all, like a paradise.

And on the top of the Lingshan Mountains, there was also a loud sound of books.

The sound of the book was peaceful, making Lin Yi's heart move slightly.

I heard that before the disciples of Taiyi Immortal Palace practiced Daoism, they should study the Taoist classics and cultivate their self-cultivation. It seems that this is true.

It also made Lin Yi sigh slightly in his heart.

Taiyi Immortal Palace... worthy of being the first human race!

And he also felt the difference in Taiyi Immortal Palace.

Although Guantian Daoyuan and Taiyi Immortal Palace are both top-level Dao Lineages, they are also extremely powerful on the surface.

But the difference is huge...

The Guantian Taoist system seems to be harmonious, but in fact, there are many internal factions, and it is faintly filled with a decadent atmosphere...

Lin Yi originally thought that Taiyi Immortal Palace, a Taoist lineage that was older and more ancient than Guantian Taoist Academy, should be more rotten.

But when he came to Taiyi Immortal Palace today, Lin Yi only felt alive.

Like a morning sun, it is rising!

Although it is dazzling enough at the moment, it has reached its peak of prosperity!

And this also gave Lin Yi a little more confidence.

With the help of Taiyi Immortal Palace, he finally had the chance to take revenge...

I don't know how long it took, and after skipping the spiritual mountains, Lin Yi finally came to the headmaster peak of Taiyi Immortal Palace...

Above the Headmaster Peak, a vast heavenly palace floats in the sky, majestic and magnificent.

The elder of the Taiyi Immortal Palace said indifferently: "The real head teacher is waiting for you in the palace."

After all, he looked at Lin Yi with a little curiosity.

It seems that I can't figure it out, why the real headmaster would summon such a small person...

Lin Yi took a deep breath and walked into the main hall of Tiangong.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe standing with his hands behind his back, looking at him quietly.

This middle-aged man has Dao lines circulating all over his body, mysterious and mysterious, and his breath is terrifying. Obviously, Dao Xing is extremely deep!

It is the real head teacher of Taiyi Immortal Palace, Sanqing Dao Zun!

Lin Yi bowed slightly towards Taoist Sanqing, and said solemnly, "I have seen Taoist Sanqing!"

Dao Zun Sanqing smiled: "You said you have a secret about the safety of the upper realm?"

Lin Yi looked solemn, nodded and said, "Yes, I have already found out the truth about the birth of the ancient gods!"

After that, Lin Yi's brows surged, and the soul jade of Shen Taiqi flew out and sent it to the hands of Sanqing Dao Zun.

He said solemnly: "The birth of the ancient gods is not accidental, but there is actually a mastermind behind the scenes!"

Thinking of Chu Xu, Lin Yi gritted his teeth a little: "This person is the royal family of the ancient god family, named Shen Taiqi, and the youngest son of the king of the star-suppressing god.

In the memory of his soul, the ancient god was born because someone secretly cooperated.

And the ancient god clan is not as the world thinks, they are extremely hostile to the Chu god clan, but they have a tacit understanding!

Dao Zun, these two things alone are enough to prove that the Chu Protoss has colluded with the ancient gods.

It was the Chu God Clan that released the Ancient God Clan! "

Lin Yi looked solemn, but faintly excited.

As long as Taiyi Immortal Palace publishes Soul Jade, the Chu God Clan will surely become the savior of all!

No one would dare to question that Taiyi Immortal Palace is a demon traitor?

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